Confidential: Schematic Schemalic

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From: Morel,BrlanP Sent: MonJul20 20:37:03 2009 To: Kellingray, DarylS Cc: Hafle.

MarkE CementDesign Subject: Macondo lmportance:Normal py. Atta chments: MG 252_Ma condoBoD-v 1_Custo erCo pdf; Macondo_M 25r,1 S c h e m a t i c m C 071409_Rev8_DEFINE.ZIP; lP Macondo_PP_MW_Fc_WUS.Z pdf; Atla chments : MC 2SLMa condoBoD_v1_Custo rnerGopy. Macondo_M 252_1 Schemalic C 07t 40g_Rev8_DE NE.ZI Macondo_PP_MW_Fc_WUS.ZIP Fl P;

Daryi, are MarkHafle myself working thewellplanforMacondo, the initial and and BODby on issues Halliburton shows (ooking geta shoo, being to cement 1.6" section able our hole 10 lherg . is potential a hydrocarbsn for sandupshallow 10250 10800, don't think can beadng frorn we but get that successfully cernent high). Wewere wonderingyoucogld at it andgiveusanyrecnmmendations. would if Also look like youlo recommendslurry bestpractice cementing production string, I have a and our for long attached schernatlc, PPFG, Halliburton (does include production baslc the and BOD not the interual). The11-3/4" strlng a contingency hopefully bs run. Please meknow ls and won't let if youneed else. anythlng Thank You, BrianMorel

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Reporters, Inc.


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