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From: Kellingray,Daryl S Sent: Wed Oct 21 06:38:352009 Tom; Fithian,Tom L To: Christopher, Cc: Cunningham,Erick Subject FW: CementingSOP

lmportance: Normal Attachments: 2200-T2-DO-DC-0001 RecommendedPracticefor pement Design and Operationsin DW GoM Rev B.doc Tom/Tom lve to Not surehow you I'eelwe shouldrespond this, I belierethis is because havene\r put.the ellbrt inlo rolling of out the nervcontractafter arvardin North America, the lack of awareness the tearnsof what's in the contracthas to resultedin GOM going offand doing their own thing. I've responded Michael sayinglve haveBP SRP'sin the (which I believeis based the guidelines RobertBeiruteprepared) doesnot line up pipelineand that the document on Scrvice. rvith thc Scopcof I know we did discussthis a few r.l'eeks and I thought GOM were going to go with the SRP'sbut not surehow ago their documentsystemr,vorks and if tliis hasprecedence over and SRP.

AUgards cDarj[Kpffin|ra] IEtrIQ A6er[een 'l,l/eft Cementing .9pecia fis t Qto 6af ?rtone-1224-833.rTl tuIo|ife 07771967414 Docurnentalion BP in Cernenting !>
'l 'l I\liddx. W 16 ?tsP, UK. tsP Exploration OperatingCompany Ltd, Registered oflice ChertseyRd. Sunburyon harnes, Waltri. No 00305943 Regislercdin Englnnd rLnd

From: Sent: l'o:

Ddvrards, Michael L l8 October 2009 22i36 Dary4 S Kellingra"v, FW: CementingSOP


Daryl, you revierved RoPdocument GoMbelorv? for and/or this Have seen
Regards. Michael
From: Chester, Doug K

Sent: Tuesday, October13,2009 3:42 PlvI To: Skelton,Jake;Edr.vards, Michael L FW: CementingSOI


Here is the draft. Feel free to forward any comfients to Br,van. Thx

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court

Reporteii, r;;.

-217eMDL00736e 1 5 BP-HZN


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