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A Hayrard(Chair) A Inglis I Conn J Mogbrd J Baxter R Feil(Sec) R Commins D Stsa$an DavidMles S Rataj V Gox M Bly



Aoreeqents, DlscussloE 1. Action Update ' No overdue actions. Z. Incident Revierv . R&Mincidents disqrssed: an Point.MaErialleakedandsprayed Vessd sightglass release Cherry at operator separator bottoms liquid{0ZV2I0E). with lfydrocracker pipescafiold whenintemal shiftedQTfr1|0B} at o Workers injured Carson o The investigation the TexasCityfatality(IUllAq is not yet mmplete. lt into was notedthatlhe CSBb conducting investigalisn. an
. E&P incidents disanssed:

Transocean.A joint It waEnotedtherehavebeentwo newincidentsinrrolving plan safetyimprovement has been hitEtBd rrfiich will BPlTransocean indvidual safety culture lookat issuesof standardrsationand encompass rig in NorthAmerican drillingincidents the last Therehavebeenlhreeaddltional three$rks-Dropped obiecb wf,lb the suuect of rig safetystanddowns. gas of Valvefailureled to gasrelease shutdown GUPCO plant ard (03/02/08)-An investigation underuray-ltwas notedthai the captureand is of recordlng thisGUPCO incidenl of refledswellon the quality reporting.


2860 BP-HZN-217 9MDL0221

Confrden0al 2. SEEAC AssurancoRport Theframework the2007assuran@ for in reportto SEEACwas presented a pre-read giventhe datanorrincluded the document. purpose the reportwasdiscussed of The in Orange Book. Dlscussion reportincluded identification of acknor'rrledged assumnce the proposed the riskswhichwerenol cunently that rported tha OrangeBook. J Mogford in report should produced year,butlhat furtherenhancaments theOrange be to this Book should madeduring be this 2008to remove needto produca actdifrcnal the reporlnext wasagreed the 2007reportto SEF-AC that shouldbe produced proposed, h as that be should conprehensive nature(includirp, example, information), should in for security cross-reference Qangre lhe Book,as appropriate, that it should and onlybe 6-8 pagesin length. Action: J Mogford makechanges the Orange to to Bookto coverthe additional areas (suchas riskidentification/assessment) reguired SEEAC by to ensure a separate that SEEAC Assurance Reportis not required nextyear.Onange to Bookchanges be implemented yearend2008. by


BP-HZN-2 17 9MDL02212861

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