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From: Leach,Howard Sent: MonApr 11 15:58:54201'l To: Thorseth,Jay C Subject Athens Subsurface ConferenceJune 14-16 lmportance: Normal Hi Jay

Hopeall well. Mike asked to pull together ExplorationDivision input for the AthensConference. me Therea 3 Break-out the plannedfor Explorationthis lear - we'dlike to askif 1'ou rviiling to leadonesession Deepwater Sessions be on Exploration? I know you wereup for onelastyear- clearlypostMacondo flavourwouldbe a lot different;therearea number the post of lo of themesthat spring to mind...importance deepwater BP and industry as a sotuceof hydrocarbons, (inc. 20K stack),examples GoM portfolioetc. Maconoresponse gettimgbackto drilling, technology and of Do you havetime to discusson phoneone morning this weekyour time? Regards Howard Howard Leach
OSshore Libya Erploralion BP Exploration Operaling N{amger Company Limited, Regislered oflice: Chertsey Road, Sunbury on Thames. Ivliddl*x, TWl6 7BP.

Registaed in Englmd and Wala, number 305943.

(Office: +14 (0)1932nu37 (Mob: +44 (0)'7917 ssozrz l e-rrrail leachh nr2@bp.conr :

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court



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