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From: Thorseth, Jay C Sent:Tue Nov24 17:35:09 2009 To: lllingworth, Martin.;Liu,Xuemei;Howe,Kemper;Wardlaw,O.

Kirk;Gray, GeorgeE Cc: Little,lan Subject: Macondoupdateand budget lmportance:Normal Ail, The Mariannas is de-mooring rig and will be headedto shore-base be fixed. Most likelyscenariois that to we do not see this rig backon Macondo, becausethe rig conlractexpireson Dec 30. I foreseethe well beingfinishedin 2010with anotherrig. We have spent about $47.5mto date. New projected totalcost for the well is $131m (AFE g96m). I believe the rig is on expenseright now afterthe hunicaneand whileit is beingrepaired(another $26m to $31mthru Dec 28). Furthercomplications co-owner(s).Mitsuihas signed,but Anadarkohas not. So, several are movingparts regarding who is payingwhat and whetherit is capitalor expense. Xuemei,can you coordinate with Kemperand Martinand determine capital/expense the situationand where the costs will be directed? Will needto have an estimateto what is remaining 2010 drillingas well; for GeorgeGray can help on this. Thanks, Jay

Jay C. Thorseth
Exptoration Manager Deepwater GoM BP America,Houston, TX USA Direct: +1 (281) 366-3994 Cell: +1 (832) 367-8464 Fax: +1 (281) 366-3835

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court


BP-HZN-2 79MD100266805 1
B P D l 13 - 2 0 1 15 8

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