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Flom: lllingworth, Martin. Sent:Tue Feb 16 07:36:11 2010 To: Daly,Mike(SJS) Subject: FW: Howare you goingwith Hodoa?

lmportance:Normal Mikc

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court

Hodoa update attached;I will revert rdth Tucker when I hare somenews. Macondo has drilled l0' of new fonnation trying to get a gord LOT lUartin BP Sunbun'

From: Price. Ashley Sent: 16 Febmary 20IOO7:23 To: Illingrvorth. Martin, Subject: RE: How are vou going lvith Hodoa? Martin - A perfecttime to ask. We hare successfrrlly a rvindow in the casingand achiereda very good l3.95ppg ort LOT - this provides plenlv of room to drill to top Serravallian as originally planne.d.We u'ill be continuing to open up the *indow for most of this rveek so rre have plenty of roorn for the ne$ casing to flex around the dog leg rl'e have crealed. arerevicwingourlorwardoptionsal todaylodecideifu,eatternpt We l0arn torun thc l6" lineror l3 5/8" casingtlrouglr tlrc window oncewe luve drilled to thc next sectionTD. Illent is to go thc lowest risk. sirnplestway forn'ard cvcn if this mcans losing a holc sizc. We havc contingcncics so losing a holc sizc now nill not materially incrcasc risk of succcssfidlyrcaching TD. I u'ill bc pulling a notc togctho to includc qith tomorrows updalc on our recommendedtay forward. Ashlev

From: lllingn'ortb Martin. Sent: 16 February' 2010 09:12 To: Price, Ashtey Subject: How arevou going rvith Hodoa?

lllartin Illing*'orth \? Exploration Perfornrarce Erploration +tt (o) 1932763507(office) I 8 +r,r eJ ii66451966 (mobile) Fax +44 (0) 1932763043




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