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From: To:

)c: Bcc: Subject: Attachments:

Subsea[su bsea@dwh.rig.deepwater,com] Erwin. Carter

9l29l2OO8 2:30 PM

Service hand needed

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.

Carter, Justwantedto give you a heads on needinga handtbr troubleshooting up some I'aults change transmitter. alsohavesomePM's to d<l coil and a We on theramblockswhichcall for dimensional checks.Will whoever comes tbr theelectrical,treableto do thatlbr us.Fle'll probablyneedto out bring oul somernicrometers. ng moveshouldbe with in thenexl tr,r'o Our lveeks. T'hanks, OwenMcWhorter Sr. Subsea Supervis,r TransceanInc. Deepwater Llorizon Phone:(713)232-8262 Fax: (713)232-8268 E-mail: subsea@.dwh, 't'his emailandanyliles transrnitted with it ttom'l'ronsocean Oflishore Drilling [no.areoorfidentialandintended solelytbr theuseof Deepwater theindividualor entitvto whomttreyareaddressed. you havereceived cmail in errorplease [t this notrtythesender.




To: )cc:
Bcc: Subject Attachments:

Subsea [] Erwin. Carter


Rig Move

Carter, planson us asto oer nextrvell. It will be a ver,v BP haschangexl shortmoveandwe will nclthavetime to do anytroubleshooting our pods. on Flopefullyon thenextrig movervewill be ableto do a little rnoremaintenance. we shouldnot needa servicetechto comeout aswe had So planned We will be in touchfbr a laterdate. I'harks, OwenMcWhgrter Sr. Subsea Supervisor fi'ansocean Inc. Deeplvater Horizon Phone:(713) 232-8262 Fax: (713)232-8268 E-mail: subsea(@dwh rig.deepr, 'l'his ernailandanytiles transmitted with it tiom'l'ransocean OtTshore Deepwater Drithng tnc. arpcontidentral inbndedsolelytor theuseof and the individualor antityto whomtheyareaddressed. Ifyou havereceived emailin error pleasenotrfythe sender. this



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