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From:Frazelle, AndrewE Sent:MonFeb02 18:33:20 2009 To: Litte, lan Cc: l-acy,Kevin Subject RE:Marianas Priodties afterDorado lmportance:

Normal Weprobably should harrc asa fall backin theevent this something happens H-2thatis a big surprise, at
Fnon: Liulc,Ian

Scnt: Mmday, Fehuary02,2009 12:28PM To: Cc: Frazcllc,An&cwE Iacy, Kevin Mrir'n Prioritic aftcr tlmdo


Andy, thanksfor the update.Do 1'oustill think we shouldhavethe Macondowell readyto go for a 2Q start datein casethe farm out falls through? Thanks lan.
Fm: Fraz*lle,AndrewE

Sant Moday, Fcbsurr]' 2009 ll:56.4M 02, To: Cc: kdsq Gen G (Clover); Grag Gecge S, l,ovelaxt Richrd K; Emrersor, Tony C fuclL David A; Utle Iaq Sprague, Jonalhan D Mariaaasltiorities affcr Dorado Uigh

S\bloct: Imporlence:

Kevin Iacy hascon-firmed with Neil Shawtlut llre priority for tlrc ]r,[arianas the Nakika H-2 well and all elforts is shouldbe placedon delivering thc plans for this well upon completionof the DoradoSS#4. I believethe assetis looking at a start dateof April l, howwer we shoulddo werything possible targeta March 15 start-update. to The SPUpriorities arc Nakika H-2, Possible farm out beforeand during hurricaneseason, possiblestackdudng hurricane season thenLhe and Macondo well aflerhurricane season unlil lhe endolthe conlracl. Ifyou haveany questions, pleaselet me know, An&

L BP-HZN-21 79MD100386127



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