Eseu - Locul Preferat

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My grandparents house

When I was a child, i like to go on my grandparents house. Since then, this place has been my favorite. Every summer my parents and I went on that place. We enjoyed our time there. I feel very happy when I go, because it is my preferred place. When I went to the house the first time, I was four years old. My first perception was the aroma of the natural flowers.It provoked an exiting emotion that I can feel still. There is a big house. It was built in the middle of last century. It was built with stone, bricks, and wood. The foundation has stone, the walls have bricks, and the roof was built with wood. It has six rooms and a big kitchen. In the living room there is a beautiful fireplace. I enjoy this in the winter time. It is big and built of stone. The furniture is made of oak. All the pieces of furniture have a good finish. Also, the house has many windows that illuminate inside. I like its style. Around the house there are trees. They are big and very old. They look very green in the summertime. They give beautiful shade. When I walk under the trees, I feel a great sensation of freedom. My favorite time on the house is the night. When there is a moon, I enjoy looking at the stars. I spent a lot of time after dinner talking with my parents. We would sit outside of the house, in the court, under the beautiful sky and tell old stories. I like evenings on the house. All these sensations that I feel give me an impression of happiness. For this reason my grandfather's house is my favorite place. Therefore, when I'm far from this place, I'm sad, because I miss it. Someday I'll be there again, and I'll be able to feel the same things I felt when I was a child.

Cand eram copil ,imi placea sa merg la bunicii atunci, acest loc a devenit locul meu fiecare vara eu si parintii mei mergem in acel loc. Ne bucuram de timpul petrecut acolo. Ma simt foarte fericit cand merg,pentru ca e locul meu preferat. Acolo e o casa mare. A fost construita in mijlocul secolului trecut. A fost contruita cu pietre,caramizi si lemn. Fundatia este construita din pietre,peretii din carmizi,si acoperisul a fost construit din lemn. Are 6 camere si o bucatarie mare. In sufragerie se afla un frumos semineu. Ma bucur de el in perioada iernii. A fost contruit din pietre. Mobilierul este
confectionat din lemn de stejar. De asemenea,casa are multe ferestre care lumineaza interiorul. Imi place stilul ei. In jurul casei sunt copaci. Sunt mari si foarte batrani. Arata foarte verde in perioada verii.Ei produc umbre frumoase. Cand ma plimb pe sub copaci,simt o senzatie de libetate. Perioada favorita la acea casa e noaptea. Cand e luna ,imi place sa privesc stelele. Imi petrec mult timp dupa cina povestind cu parintii mei. Stam in afara casei in curte, sub cerul liber si povestind .imi plac serile acolo.

Toate aceste sentimente pe care le simt imi dau o senzatie de fericire. Din acest motiv,casa bunicului meu e locul meu favorit. Prin urmare,cand sunt departe de acel loc ,sunt trist, pentru ca imi lipseste. Intr-o zi voi fi din nou acolo, si voi simti aceleasi lucruri pe care le-am simtit cand eram copil.

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