Trex 07184

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guiltyto its engineers 2000- BPpleads injecting dangerous materials a well into probation, casing dispose the materials.

is put on five(5)years to of BP and entered intoa compliance agreement with EPA's debarment division. zUUg BP's Grangemouth, scoiland Rettnery expenencedpower a tailure leading to pipeanda fire in the emergency shutdown the refinery, rupture a keysteam of the of guilty criminal thecatalytic cracker unit. BPpleads to from charges stemming the incidents. paid and overover million fines. 1 in

2005 BP's Texas refinery City explodes. BP's Board Directors of guilty plea.BP authorizes, BPenters October and on 24,2007, felony a pays S50million a fine,andis put on probation three(3)years. for
2006- BP's Prudhoe pipeline the Alaskan Bay in NorthSlope spills gallons oil. BPpleads guiltyto a criminal TL2,OOO of charge arising from probation. the spill,pays 522 million a fine,and receives three(3)years 2OO7 2OO9 BPrefineries OhioandTexas in accountfor 97 percentof "egregious, the industry's willful"violations handed by OSHA, out with BPhaving 760;Sunoco, Conoco-Phillips, 8; 8; Citgo, Exxon, 2; 1.

2005 2009 Inthe lastfiveyears, paid5373million fines BP in to prosecution various proceedings avoid in criminal arising fromBP's admitting breaking environmental safety to U.S. and laws, fraud. and problems 2009 OSHA finesBP587million failing correct for to safety at itsTexas plant,in violation itsprevious City of settlement agreement with OSHA, thus,itstermsof probation. and
2OLO BP's formerVice-President-lntegrity, & Completions, Drilling Kevin Lacy:"therehasto be a process involving holding [available] people personally liable serious for mistakes. put C.F.O.s jail. I We in thinkwe haveto consider process the consequences to be the and have severe enough get people all levels thinkdeeply to at to aboutwhat happens whenthey do the wrongthing." (A 7/3/
Exhibit No. Worldwide Court lnc.

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