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Travel Cost Reimbursement Claim Form Important notice: Only students and faculty members at Canadian universities are eligible for the SSHRC travel grant. SSHRC travel grants are intended to defray the costs of travel to the conference. Assuming that SSHRC travel support

is obtained by conference organizers, the extent of reimbursement of transportation costs will depend on the number of applications received and the funding available. Priority will be given to students and those who have not received funding from other sources including their host institution.
Procedures: Applicants must send this completed form as well as original receipts, itineraries, and boarding passes (where applicable) to the ASAC treasurer (see below) no later than August 1, 2012. Name: Affiliation (school/university): Address :

Status (check one): Student with no other source of funding for conference travel who (actually) presented or served as session discussant or chair during the conference. Student with no other source of funding for conference travel (but wasnt scheduled to present or serve as session discussant or chair during the conference). Student with other sources of funding for conference travel who (actually) presented or served as session discussant or chair during the conference. Faculty member with no other source of funding for conference travel who (actually) presented or served as session discussant or chair during the conference. Total travel costs for ASAC 2011 conference Travel costs reimbursed from other sources, e.g. your institution: Remaining travel costs for which reimbursement is requested: $ $ $

Send completed forms and original receipts to: Andrew Templer, ASAC VP Awards, Odette School of Business, University of Windsor, Odette Building Room 446, 401 Sunset Avenue Windsor, Ontario Canada N9B 3P4

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