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Bottom of Form Download this Document for Free 1 INTRODUCTION ABOUT STUDY 1. Definition: Give a man a fish he will eat it. Train a man to fish, he will feed hisfamily. This is a saying which highlights the importance of training. Training is alearning experience in that it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individualthat will improve the activity to perform on the job. It involves the changing of skills, knowledge, attitudes or behaviour. It may mean changing what employeesknow, how they work, their attitudes toward their work, or their interaction withtheir coworkers or supervisor.Training is a learning experience that is planned & carried out by theorganization to enable more skilled task behaviour by the trainee. Trainingprovides the ability to detect & correct error. Training provides skills & abilitiesthat may lie called on the future to satisfy the organizations human resourceneeds. 2 .PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE TRAINING: The facility is organized, staffed and managed to provide training thatsupports the facility mission Training requires a strong commitment from NPPline management to support training programmes that contribute to fulfillingcompany goals and objectives. 2 The training mission must be clear, and individual roles andresponsibilities need to be defined. NPP management must effectively direct andadequately support training activities. A systematic approach to training is used as the primary managementtool for establishing training programmes and conducting trainingactivities. Once established,

training programmes are used to train andqualify personnel. Personnel entering initial training programmes possessexpected entry-level knowledge, skills, and experience. Training activities are funded and staffed adequately to implement andmaintain the training programmes. Training facilities, equipment, andmaterials effectively support training activities. Training records are maintained to support management informationneeds and to provide required historical data. The training staff possesses the technical and instructional knowledge,skills and attitudes to fulfill their assigned duties Training managers, instructors, and programme development personnelpossess and maintain the educational, technical, and experiencequalifications required for their respective positions. The instructional skills training programme develops the necessaryinstructor capabilities to fulfill training programme requirements in allapplicable training settings. 3 To maintain their level of skills, trainers must refresh their plantknowledge by regular periods of work or observation in the plant. The training programme content for competent job performance isidentified and included in the training programmes. New or modified tasks selected for training are analyzed to identify newknowledge and skills to be included in the training programmes. The initial training programme incorporates the necessary knowledge andskills to prepare trainees for task or duty area qualification. Plantpersonnel, training staff, and other subject matter experts, as appropriateand as needed, develop and maintain a valid plant specific task list as thebasis for the training programme. A systematic process is used to determine job performance requirements,specify training programme content, prepare supporting trainingmaterials, and maintain the training programme. Instructors are prepared to deliver effective and consistent training. Trainees are evaluated regularly using written, oral, and/or performanceexaminations and quizzes. Remedial training and reevaluation areprovided when performance standards are not met satisfactorily.

Training programmes are evaluated and modified to ensure they remainconsistent with the necessary job function.

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