Using Conventions From Real Media Texts (1a) / Genre (1b) : Question 1a What Is It Asking You To Do?

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Section A: Theoretical Evaluation of Production

Using conventions from real media texts (1a) / genre (1b)

Question 1a What is it asking you to do?

To examine your products in relation to genre/generic conventions and genre theory To see how comparison and research into similar real media texts influenced your final products (At AS and A2) and creativity

Concept and Theory

Obviously the concept you are dealing with is genre and there are media theories you can use to explore it

Graeme Burtons ideas on genre Nick Laceys ideas ( these 2 essays are in your induction packs)

Music Videos: Andrew Goodwin and Pete Frasers theories on conventions of music videos

Narrative Theories: Classical Narrative System/ Alternative narrative, Propp, Todorov, LeviStrauss, Barthes.

TASK ONE: Focus on your research and planning for your AS and A2 projects and bullet point you answers in the boxes below THE FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO: How did the research into other real product influence your final magazine/opening sequence? What did you learn? Conventions? Did they inspire you in any way?

THE ADVANCED PORTFOLIO: How did the research into other real product influence your final magazine/opening sequence? What did you learn? Conventions? Did they inspire you in any way?

TASK TWO: Examine your product from the AS year how have you combined the same but different (N.Lacey 1999) and the familiar and the unexpected (G.Burton 2000) in your final piece?
Remember there may be different genres at work in your final product Magazine conventions , music magazine conventions, Indie music conventions Conventions of film opening sequences and of the Thriller genre

(you can use your AS evaluations to help you do this)

Foundation Portfolio Project:

How have you followed conventions? How have you challenged them/ done something different?

TASK THREE: Now do the same for your A2 project

Advanced Portfolio Project:

How have you followed conventions? How have you challenged them/ done something different?

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