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Name of the Drug Generic Name: paracetamol

Dosage, Route and Frequency Dosage: 250 mg/5 mL

Mechanism of Action



Adverse Reaction/ Side Effects

Nursing Responsibilities

Inhibits the synthesis It is indicated to of prostaglandins my patient because that may serve as he has a fever. mediators for pain and fever.

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Route: Brand name: oral

Frequency: PRN for fever Classification: Analgesic, antipyretic Timing:

Hypersensitivi GI: hepatic necrosis (overdose) ty to drugs. Products Derm: rashes, uticaria containing alcohol should be avoided in patients who have hypersensitivi ty and intolerance to these compounds.

Observe 10 rights of drug administration. Asses fever, note presence of associated signs (diaphoreses, tachycardia and malaise). Instruct t the patient to take the medication with full glasses. Advise the folks of the patient to take medication exactly as directed and not to take more than the recommended amount.

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