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Feb. 24, 12

As Seen in thhe last 2 Weeks , This bullish outcome was not surprising This market still very much belongs to Retro Grade Stturn and the Asoect of Jupiter on in . Positive numbers continue to offer upside surprises in everything from manufacturing to housing, But as per My Hubmle Knowledge of Business Astrology So as long as Jupiter remains strong, there is less likelihood that some of these negative consequences will manifest. But Eventually thins will Break down . As per the Transits there is a Strong Jupiter and Pluto aspect Close to the Date March 13. This Aspect of Jupiter Pluto may bring the Markets Lower Thus All Investors Should be Carefull as we approach these date as a Strong corrective move will take place near of after this date . As mentioned in my Article in the Last few Weeks , I feel that The whole Positive Upsurge in the Markets on a one way Track can be wholely attributed to the Exaltation of VENUS in Pisces Rashi as Venus Being a Great Benefit Planet and represents Agreements and Finances Brings in Good amout of Liquidity in the World markets and Thus the stock markets are thriving and moving one way Due to Good Inflow of Cash generated with the Exaltation of VENUS . Venus will Now Move into the ARIES Rashi and It Enjoys a SAM or a Mixed Relation Ship with Firey Aries , Thus the Strength of VENUS will be lessened . Thus I can Forecast that Liquidity Positions in the market will Dry up starting first week of March 2012 . And with the Aspect of Jupiter and Pluto in the Middle of the Month, the Stock markets may Turn and reverse . Thus Post Feb 2012 for the Next 2 Weeks, I would Advice my Readers to Only Trade on a Strict Stop Loss and only INTRADAY Till the Planetary Situations Improve .

AMIT LAMBA Astrology, Numerology, Vastu Shastra & Gemstone Expert. 9819015736 / 9324012326

Disclaimer These are not trading or investment calls in the stock/commodity markets. Anybody using these astrological predictions for trading and investment purpose would be doing so solely at his/her own risk and we would not be held responsible for any financial consequences of such actions.

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