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Topics of Analysis Body-in-white Designs Materials Architectures Technologies Part Fabrication Assembly Analysis Tools Manufacturing Cost Models Assembly Cost Model

Body-in-White Assembly Model

Assembly Sequence Realism Specification of Subassembly Composition, Lengths, Methods Joining Methods Modification of Joining Methods Addition of New Methods Methods Specific to Material, Mode of Application

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Previous Assembly Model

Quarter-Pan Parts Quarter-Pan "Group"

Door Parts

Door "Group"

Final Assembly
Roof Parts Roof "Group"

Floor Parts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Floor "Group"

New Assembly Model

Part A Part B

Part H Part I Part F Part G Subassembly Three FINAL ASSEMBLY

Subassembly One

Part C Part D Part E

Subassembly Two

Subassembly Four

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Modeling of Subassemblies
Total BIW Assembly Cost 400


31 Groups


5 Groups

1 Group


100 100,000




180,000 200000 220,000 Annual Production Volume 31 SA 5 SA 1 SA





Joining Technologies
Model Methods
RS W (robot)(S) RS W (robot)(A) RS W (manual)(S ) RS W (manual)(A) Tack-RS W (robot)(S ) Tack-RS W (robot)(A) W eldbond (robot)(S) W eldbond (robot)(A) W eldbond (manual)(S ) W eldbond (manual)(A)

Riveting (robot)(S) Riveting (robot)(A) Riveting (manual)(S) Riveting (manual)(A) Riv-bond(manual)(S) Riv-bond(manual)(A) Riv-bond(robot)(S) Riv-bond(robot)(A)
6kW 6kW 6kW 6kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW 3kW

AB(1comp-robot)(S) AB(1comp-robot)(A) AB(2comp-robot)(S) AB(2comp-robot)(A) AB (1comp-manual)(S) AB (1comp-manual)(A) AB (2comp-manual)(S) AB (2comp-manual)(A)

MIG Weld (robot)(S) MIG Weld (robot)(A) MIG Weld (manual)(S) MIG Weld (manual)(A)

CO2 LBW (r)(S) CO2 LBW (r)(A) CO2 LBW (g)(S ) CO2 LBW (g)(A ) CO2 LBW (r)(S) CO2 LBW (r)(A) CO2 LBW (g)(S ) CO2 LBW (g)(A ) Nd:YAG LBW (r)(S) Nd:YAG LBW (r)(A)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Overall Costs @ 100,000 Vehicles/Year

Ultralight Aluminum Number of Parts Weight 82 120 kg

Aluminum Unibody 167 151 kg


Steel Unibody 167 280 kg

82 208 kg

Material Parts Fabrication Assembly Total

$570 $460 $350 $1380

$770 $700 $380 $1850

$250 $430 $330 $1010

$370 $650 $360 $1380

Unibody Production Volume Sensitivity


Steel Unibody Aluminum Unibody


Tota l BIW Assembly Cost




$150 50,000







Annual Production Volume

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Unibody Assembly Cost Breakdown

Amount of Joining
(31.2% )

Assembly @100,000 Fixed Costs Variable Costs ~69% ~31%

Line-Related Equipment ~50%

(59.8% ) (5.6% ) (3.5% )

Joining Methods


Joining Equipment ~18% (total) Labor ~30% (total) Material ~1-2%(total)

RSW(robot)(S) MIG Weld(robot)(S)

RSW(manual)(S) Tack-RSW(robot)(S)

Unibody Joining Costs


RSW (robotic)
Total Joining Cost (US$)

Steel Unibody Aluminum Unibody



RSW (manual)

MIG Welding (robotic)

Tack RSW (robotic)

Joining Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts


Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

ULSAB & Aluminum Alternative Production Volume Sensitivity


ULSAB Aluminum Alternative


Total BIW Assem bly Cost



$200 50,000






Annual Production Volum e

ULSAB & Al Alternative Assembly Cost Breakdown

Amount of Joining
(21.9% )

Assembly @100,000 Fixed Costs Variable Costs

(45.9% )

~69% ~31%
~50% ~50%

Line-Related Equipment Joining Methods

(7.2% )

(12.1% ) (7.7% ) (5.2% )

Joining Equipment ~18% (total) Labor ~30% (total) Material ~1-2%(total)

R (ro SW bot)(S) W eldBo nding(S)

R (m SW anual)(S) 3kWCO LB 2 W(g)(S)

R ivet-B onding(S) Tack-R (robot)(S) SW

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

ULSAB and Al Alternative Joining Costs


RSW (robotic)




3kW CO2 (g) Laser Welding

Total Joining Cost



RSW (manual)



Tack RSW (robotic)


Joining Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Production Volume Sensitivity


ULSAB ULAAB Steel Unibody


Alum inum Unibody

Total BIW Asse mbly Cost



$200 50,000






Annual Production Volum e

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Analysis of Joining Technologies

Cost Comparison of Various Technologies
Discontinuous processes Continuous processes Hybrid processes

Scenario: Cost per Meter for Fully Utilized Equipment

One part - one large subassembly Long, straight joint Approximately 100m of joining 50mm welding segments

Cost per Meter - Steel Technologies

C ost pe r m e te r o f join ing (U S $)
$ 0 .0 0 RS W - r obot ic RS W - m a nual $ 1 .0 0 $ 2 .0 0 $ 3 .0 0 $ 4 .0 0

Join ing M e th od (S te e l Te ch nolo gie s)

SP Rive ting - r obotic SP Rive ting - m a nua l W e ldbonding - r obotic W e ldbonding - m a nua l Riv-bonding - r obotic Riv-bonding - m a nua l AB 2 c om p. - r obotic AB 2 c om p. - m a nua l M IG w e lding - r obotic M IG w e lding - m a nua l 6 k W CO 2 la se r - r obotic 6 k W CO 2 la se r - ga nt ry 3 k W CO 2 la se r - r obotic 3 k W CO 2 la se r - ga nt ry 3 k W Nd:YAG la se r

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Steel & Aluminum Cost per Meter Comparison

Steel Methods Cost/meter $1.24 RSW - robotic $2.37 RSW - manual $1.12 Riveting - robotic $1.77 Riveting - manual $1.54 MIG welding - robotic $3.04 MIG welding - manual $0.71 AB 1comp. - robotic $1.18 AB 1comp. - manual $0.84 AB 2comp. - robotic $1.31 AB 2comp. - manual $1.71 Weldbonding - robotic $2.98 Weldbonding - manual $1.57 Riv-bonding - robotic $2.52 Riv-bonding - manual 6kW CO2 laser - robotic $3.20 $8.77 6kW CO2 laser - gantry 3kW CO2 laser - robotic $2.60 $8.51 3kW CO2 laser - gantry $2.21 3kW Nd:YAG laser
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

ost per meter of joining (US$)

$2.00 $3.00 $4.00

Aluminum Methods Cost/meter $1.37 RSW - robotic $2.64 RSW - manual $1.23 Riveting - robotic $1.89 Riveting - manual $1.54 MIG welding - robotic $3.06 MIG welding - manual $0.74 AB 1comp. - robotic $1.22 AB 1comp. - manual $0.87 AB 2comp. - robotic $1.34 AB 2comp. - manual $1.86 Weldbonding - robotic $3.20 Weldbonding - manual $1.67 Riv-bonding - robotic $2.64 Riv-bonding - manual 6kW CO2 laser - robotic $3.03 $8.78 6kW CO2 laser - gantry 3kW CO2 laser - robotic $2.43 $8.53 3kW CO2 laser - gantry $2.61 3kW Nd:YAG laser

Difference % Greater $0.13 10.83% $0.27 11.21% $0.11 9.87% $0.11 6.43% $0.01 0.46% $0.02 0.53% $0.03 4.38% $0.03 2.70% $0.03 3.78% $0.03 2.45% $0.15 8.65% $0.22 7.45% $0.10 6.32% $0.12 4.68% ($0.17) -5.38% $0.01 0.10% ($0.17) -6.53% $0.01 0.16% $0.41 18.37%

Steel & Aluminum Cost per Meter Comparison

Steel Methods RSW - robotic Riveting - robotic Weldbonding - robotic Riv-bonding - robotic AB 2comp. - robotic MIG welding - robotic Cost/meter $1.24 $1.12 $1.71 $1.57 $0.84 $1.54 Aluminum Methods RSW - robotic Riveting - robotic Weldbonding - robotic Riv-bonding - robotic AB 2comp. - robotic MIG welding - robotic Cost/meter $1.37 $1.23 $1.86 $1.67 $0.87 $1.54 Difference % Greater $0.13 10.83% $0.11 $0.15 $0.10 $0.03 ~$0 9.87% 8.65% 6.32% 3.78% 0.00%

3kW Nd:YAG laser 3kW CO2 laser - gantry 6kW CO2 laser - gantry 6kW CO2 laser - robotic 3kW CO2 laser - robotic

$2.21 $8.51 $8.77 $3.20 $2.60

3kW Nd:YAG laser 3kW CO2 laser - gantry 6kW CO2 laser - gantry 6kW CO2 laser - robotic 3kW CO2 laser - robotic

$2.61 $8.53 $8.78 $3.03 $2.43

$0.41 ~$0 ~$0 ($0.17) ($0.17)

18.37% 0.00% 0.00% -5.38% -6.53%

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Process Parameter Sensitivity

Resistance Spot Welding
STEEL ALUMINUM Spot Weld Steel Spot Weld Aluminum Spa cing Cost/meter Spa cing Cost/meter 35mm $1.24 31.5mm $1.37 40mm $1.07 36mm $1.21 Spot Welding Rate (robotic) 0.33 welds/se c 0.50 welds/se c Steel Aluminum Cost/meter Cost/meter $1.24 $1.37 $0.92 $1.03

MIG Welding
Welding Spe ed 13mm/s 9mm/s 17mm/s
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Steel Aluminum Cost/meter Cost/meter $1.54 $1.54 $1.90 $1.92 $1.34 $1.34

Process Parameter Sensitivity

Laser Beam Welding
ALU MIN U M P roce ss 6kW CO2 (r) 6kW CO2 (r) 6kW CO2 (r) 3kW N d:Y AG 3kW N d:Y AG 3kW N d:Y AG E quipme nt S te e l Aluminum Cost Cost/me te r Cost/me te r $600,000 $3.20 $3.03 $540,000 $3.05 $2.88 $450,000 $2.82 $2.67 $480,000 $432,000 $360,000 $2.21 $2.11 $1.97 $2.61 $2.50 $2.33



MIG Welding
P roce ss 6kW CO2 (r) 6kW CO2 (r) 6kW CO2 (r) 3kW N d:Y AG 3kW N d:Y AG 3kW N d:Y AG

W e lding S te e l W e lding Aluminum S pe e d Cost/me te r S pe e d Cost/me te r 100mm/ s $3.20 150mm/ s $3.03 90mm/s $3.25 135mm/ s $3.07 75mm/s $3.36 113mm/ s $3.14 70mm/s 63mm/s 53mm/s $2.21 $2.27 $2.42 40mm/s 36mm/s 30mm/s $2.61 $2.73 $2.95

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Process Parameter Sensitivity

Resistance Spot Welding
S p o t W e ld S p a cing 35m m 40m m U LS AB Co st $332 $321 S p o t W e ld S p a cing 31.5mm 36m m U LS AB Co st $332 $303 U LAAB Co st $347 $328 U LAAB Co st $347 $320

S p o t W e ld ing R a te (ro b otic) 0.33 we ld s/ se c 0.50 we ld s/ se c

MIG Welding
W e lding S pe e d 13m m/ s 9mm/ s 17m m/ s S te e l U ni Co st $364 $372 $364 Alum U ni Co st $380 $386 $379

Process Parameter Sensitivity

Laser Beam Welding
3kW CO2 (gantry) Welding Speed 60mm/s 45mm/s 75mm/s ULAAB Cost Laser Process 3kW CO2 (gantry) 3kW CO2 (robotic) 6kW CO2 (robotic) 3kW Nd:YAG (robotic) ULSAB Cost $332 $287 $294 $290 ULAAB Cost $347 $302 $308 $308 ULSAB Cost $332 $332 $332 ULAAB Cost $347 $347 $347

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts

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