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Striped Raid of 29 GB using 2 HDD

here disk is c1t0d0 adn second is c1t1d0

first we need to punt them in VERITAs control, so we create a VM disks.

The VM disk are then named disk01, and disk02.

then create subdisk, one for each VM disk.

we'll call disk01's subdisk "disk01-01" disk02's subdisk "disk02-01"

now its a plex time.we are goint to make striped plex susing our two subdisk. which we'll call "myplex".

so now we've got a plex.which contains the subdisk "disk01-01" and disk02-01.

Now we are create a Volume named "myvol" using "myplex". And bingo! we've got a striped 18 GB volume create file system on it.

Think of a subdisk as a veritas partition.

subdisks grouped together into the plex.

Volumes are made up of plexes. Plexes are made up of subdisks. Subdisks are made up of VM Disks. VM Disks are made up of (real) Disks.


Disks can be turned into VM Disks. Vm Disks can be turned into Subdisks. Subdisks can be grouped into Plexes. Plexes can be grouped into a Volume.

Volumes are made up of plexes. Plexes are made up of subdisks. Subdisks are made up of VM Disks. VM Disks are made up of (real) Disks.


Disks can be turned into VM Disks. Vm Disks can be turned into Subdisks.

Subdisks can be grouped into Plexes. Plexes can be grouped into a Volume.

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RAID Concept

RAID Type: Concatenation

Concatenations are also know as "Simple" RAIDs. A Concatenation is a collection of disks that are "welded" together. Data in a concatenation is layed across the disks in a linear fashion from on disk to the next. So if we've got 39G (gb) disks that are made into a Simple RAID, we'll end up with a single 27G virtual disk (volume). When you write data to the disk you'll write to the first disk, and you'll keep writing your data to the first disk until it's full, then you'll start writing to the second disk, and so on. All this is done

by the Volume Manager, which is "keeper of the RAID". Concatenation is the cornerstone of RAID.

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