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Mumbai University Bachelor of Information Technology (B.Sc. IT) Third year Semester V Internet Security October 2003 CROU/3550-03. N.B. KK-4742 (3 Hours) [Total Marks: 100 1. Question No.1 is Compulsory. 2. From the remaining (Q Nos. 2 to 7) attempt any four. 3. Draw neat labeled diagram whenever necessary Explain the meaning of the term "Denial of Service". How can this attack be carried out 05 on a Internet enabled networked system? What do you mean by a "Security Policy"? Explain the characteristics of a good 05 security policy. Explain the working of packet filters. What are their advantages and disadvantages? 05 What are "Digital Signatures"? Explain in brief how they are useful in conducting secure Electronic Transactions over the Internet. 05 Differentiate between "active" attacks and "passive" attacks. Explain both these types of 10 attacks giving an example of each. Why is it necessary to install a firewall on every PC connected to the Internet? Explain 10 the application gateway in details. What are the different strategies that can be used for securing the network? 07 How will a user know that his computer system is infected by a Virus? How will he remove the virus and protect the system from further virus attacks? 07 It is observed that the "Default Deny" stance is much safer to implement on a proxy server ratb6r than a "Default Permit" then why do managers and users still prefer to implement the "Default Permit' stance. Explain with reasons. 06 What is the difference between "Packet Sniffmg" and "Packet Spoofing"? 05 What are ciphers? What is the difference between "Substitution ciphers" and 05 "Transposition ciphers"? Explain the concept of filtering by service with respect to "Telnet. 05 What are "Botnets"? Explain their working mechanism. 05 Explain the following giving proper examples. 10 1. Risk assessment 2. Incident Handling What are the different types of viruses? Give the functioning of any two types of 10 viruses. Explain the structure of virus. What do understand by the term "proxying"? What is the difference between application 10 level and circuit level proxies? Explain the working of proxy as Transparent proxy. What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography? Explain the Diffie - Hellman key exchange algorithm with your own example. 10


a) b) c) d) a) b)



a) b)


c) a) b) c) d) a)


b) Q6 a)


Q7 a) b) c) d)

Write short notes on the following. Message Digests, Trojan Horses, Distributed firewalls, Bugs and backdoors.


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