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Lauren Vicat Mr.

Neuburger English Comp 102-101 1 February, 2012 Essay Summary Lars Eighner Lars Eighner makes numerous good points throughout this piece, but after reading On Dumpster Diving, it is only fair to conclude that when you have nothing it changes our mindset. The less we have, the more we need causing us to do whatever it takes, like scavenging to find the diamonds among the rocks. Everyone looks at objects in a different light, what is good and what is not, what is safe to eat and what could kill you. When a new scavenger comes across the finding that will change everything for them they realize just because it is in the trash, doesnt mean its trash. Eighner states, The scavenger finds a pair of running shoes that fit and look and smell brand-new (259). This does not mean that scavenging is for everyone or that everyone will appreciate it, but it does help the less fortunate survive. The author says, Dumpsters are full of things of some potential value to someone and also of things that never have much intrinsic value but are interesting (259). If we take the time to look for what we need, we will find it in the weirdest of places. 195 Works Cited Eighner, Lars. On Dumpster Diving. Power of Language; Language of Power: A Collection of Readings. Vol. Second Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College. Boston: Learning Solution 2011. 253-265. Print.

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