Harrison Bergeron Thesis

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Lauren Vicat Mr.

Neuburger English Comp 101 8 February, 2012 Summary Essay Harrison Bergeron Throughout Harrison Bergeron, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. uses a lot of situations that help the readers understand how difficult it is to have a handicap. Handicaps do not only affect the person that deals with it every day, but their family as well. Situations like this make life a little tougher for everyone involved, but one needs to adjust. Handicaps affect the way one thinks, just like it affects Hazel and George. It was tragic, all right, but George and Hazel couldnt think about it very hard (293). Thinking about things such as an ill friend or family member is tough, which many of us know. There are different ways of going about the healing process like crying, There were tears on Hazels cheeks, but shed forgotten for the moment what they were about (294). Disease is a terrible thing, just like any other handicap or disability. Families step up to help each other get through the basic day to day tasks. With a helpful family there isnt a disability that can hold you back.

174 Works cited Vonnegut Jr. Kurt. Harrison Bergeron Power of Language; Language of Power: A Collection of Readings. Vol. Second Custom Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College. Boston: Learning Solution 2011. 293-299. Print.

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