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<html> <title><center>This is my Web Page</title></center> <body bgcolor="#66FF33"(1)> <h1><center>My name is John Smallegan</h1></center> <br/> (4) (5)<h1><center> All about

me</h1></center> <br/> <ul><h2>Things that I enjoy doing:</h2> <lI><p><h4>playing sports like football and swimming</h4></p></lI> <ul> <lI><p><h4>hanging out with friends</h4></p></lI> <ul> <lI><p><h4>playing video games</h4></p></lI> </ul> <br/> <ol><h2>When I grow up I want to be one of the following:</h2> <li><p><h4>A video game designer</h4></p></li> <li><p><h4>Air Force engineer</h4></p></li> <li><p><h4>Computer Programmer</h4></p></li></ol> <br/> <h3>My favorite color is blue</h3> <br/> <h3>My favorite type of food is Italian and American</h3> <br> <ul><h2>Favorite web sites</h2> (3) <li><p><h4><A href="">(2)</A></h4></p></li> <li><p><h4><A href=""></A></h4></p></li> <a href="top of the page"></a>

(1)change the web page background with attributes (2)hyperlinks (3)implement attributes and values regarding tags (4)organize page information with single and double spacing tags (5)organize page information with lines

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