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American India Foundation Trust Annual Performance Review: April 2011 March 2012 Name: Somnna.K.

.G Designation: Cluster Co-ordinator Joining Date: 06/08/2007 Reporting to: Ananta kulkarni . Zonal Co-ordinator Mysore Date of Review: 18/02/2012

Major activities/ achievements during the year a. Initiatives and Implementation: 1. Conducted Teachers Work Shop Maths. Science. English & Hindi . 2. Nanjangud & H.D Kote Taluk Level Hindi workshop 3. Non DE School GHS Hadinaru Ubuntu Software Installation 4. Micro Teaching 2 School GHS Kukkarahalli & GHS Mallupura. 5. Result Collection 5 years 8th.9th. & 10th 6. DE Program Awareness in Non DE School H.D. Kote Taluk 7. Leadership Visiting BALMELA Program Kukkarahalli School 8. R.M.S.A State level STF Training Resource person b. Training / Workshops : 1 I have Taken Ubuntu Traning. For IT for Change 2. I have taken Online IT Test 3. STF Training Resource Person at Mysore DIET Subject Maths. Science & Social 4. I taken 3 days V.B Training 1. ILTM Class 2. DE Contest 3. Teachers Content Sharing 6 Subject 4. Student DE Project 5. Teachers PPT & Lesson Plan 1

c. Academic:

6. MLP Class 2 School 7. BALMELA Program 8. DE Period d. Partnerships: e. Team Work: Mysore Zone Team Work is Out Standing Conducted BALMELA Program .

Major Challenges faced

Capacity building needs / organizational support

Any additional information / comments / suggestions

Performance Attributes: Outstanding, Very Good, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement S No Performance Attributes Technical skills Focus/Task Orientation Adherence to timelines Reporting Initiative Team work Responsiveness Communication Oral Communication Written Line Managers Overall Comments Self Assessed Outstanding, Outstanding, Outstanding, Very Good Outstanding, Outstanding, Outstanding, Outstanding, Very Good Assessed by Line Manager

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