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Lesson 9: Working with Tables 1. Students will be able to: a.

Create a table and use the Table AutoFormat feature b. Edit entries into a table c. Work with numbers in a table and understand how to align numbers (right align, decimal tab stop) d. Sort the data in a table e. Change the structure of a table i. Merging cells ii. Splitting Cells iii. Inserting/Deleting rows and columns iv. Shading cells v. Changing borders vi. Changing text direction f. Convert text into a table 2. Students will also be able to define and recognize the following terms: a. Change text direction b. End of cell mark c. End of row mark d. Gridlines e. Merge Cells f. Sort g. Table 3. Formative Assessments a. Self Notes b. Notes Quiz Lesson 9 c. SBS d. Mini Lecture e. Review Questions Lesson 9 f. Projects Lesson 9 4. Summative Assessments a. Real World Lesson 9 !

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