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Kimmie Armstrong Mr.

Neuburger Eng Comp 102-106 15 February 2012 Essay Response A Case of Assisted Suicide Jack Kevorkian Jack Kevorkian writes about a first experience in the essay A Case of Assisted Suicide where he becomes known for something called assisted suicide, or, in other words, when someone helps one end their life. When one has a disease, or is slowly dying from an illness, suicide is the patients choice of action. In his essay he states, she was more determined than ever to end her life. Even though from a physical standpoint Janet was not imminently terminal, there seemed little doubt that mentally she wasand, after all, it is ones mental status that determines the essence of ones existence.(318). Although suicide is commonly known as a cry for attention, its also a common and logical, though frowned upon by many people, solution to stop or prevent any medical problems. Patients whom have fallen ill to this are often thankful, like Jacks first victim ,Janet, who said, Thank you, thank you.(323) to Jack right before she died. Suicide is a concept hard for people to understand, but it can be the perfect, logical, and even beautiful answer to a problem, even if every living person out there, other than the individual, were to disagree with it. W.C-199 Kevorkian, Jack. A Case of Assisted Suicide. Power of Language Language of Power Collection of Readings. Vol. Second Custom Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College. Boston: Pearsons Learning Solutions, 2011. 317-23. Print

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