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Malaysian Institute of Information Technology

IBB22203 MICROCONTROLLER Chapter 1 Review Questions and Problems



Review Questions 1. True or false. Microcontrollers are normally less expensive than microprocessors. True

2. When comparing a system board based on a microcontroller and a general a purpose microprocessor, which one is cheaper? A microcontroller-based system

3. A microcontroller normally has which of the following devices on-chip? a) RAM b) ROM c) I/O d) All of the above

4. A general purpose microprocessor normally needs which of the following devices to be attached to it? a) RAM b) ROM c) I/O d) All of the above

5. An embedded system is also called a dedicate system. Why? It is dedicated because it is dedicated to doing one type of job.

6. What does the term embedded system mean? Embedded system means that the application and processor are combined into a single system.

7. Why does having multiple sources of a given product matter?

Having multiple sources for a given part which means you are not hostage to one supplier. More importantly, competition among suppliers brings about lower cost for that product.

PROBLEMS SECTION 1.1: MICROCONTROLLERS AND EMBEDDED PROCESSORS 1. True or False. A general-purpose microprocessor has on-chip ROM. FALSE 2. True or False. Generally, a microcontroller has on-chip ROM. TRUE 3. True or False. A microcontroller has on-chip I/O ports. TRUE 4. True or False. A microcontroller has a fixed amount of RAM on the chip. TRUE 5. What components are usually put together with the microcontroller onto a single chip? CPU, RAM, ROM, EEPROM, I/O, Timer, Serial COM port, ADC 6. Intel's Pentium chips used in Windows PCs need external RAM and ROM chips to store data and code.

7. List three embedded products attached to a PC. Keyboard, mouse, printer 8. Why would someone want to use an X86 as an embedded processor? Computing power and compatibility with millions and millions of PCs 9. Give the name and the manufacturer of some of the most widely used 8bits microcontrollers. PIC 16x Microchip Technology, 8051 - Intel, AVR Atmel, Z8 Zilog, 68HC11 Freescale Semiconductor (Motorola) 10.In Question 9, which one has the most manufactures sources? 8051 11.In a battery-based embedded product, what is the most important factor in choosing a microcontroller? Power consumption 12.In an embedded controller with on-chip ROM, why does the size of the ROM matter? The ROM area is where the executable code is stored. 13.In choosing a microcontroller, how important is it to have a multiple source for that chip? Very, in case there is a shortage by one supplier.

14.What does the term "third-party support" mean? Suppliers other than the manufacturer of the chip 15.Suppose that microcontroller architecture has both 8-bit and 16-bit versions, which of the following statements is true. (a) The 8-bit software will run on the 16-bit system. (b) The 16-bit software will run on the system. B is absolutely wrong; 16 bit software cannot run on an 8 bit system due to special instructions and registers. But A can be true (in the case of software compatibility) SECTION 1.2: OVERVIEW OF THE 8051 FAMILY 16.The PIC18F458 has 32 Kbytes of on-chip program ROM. 17.The PIC18F2420 has 1536 bytes of on-chip data RAM. 18.The PIC18F452 has 4 timers on-chip timer(s). 19.The PIC18F458 has 1536 bytes of on-chip data RAM. 20.Check the Microchip web site to see if we have a ROMless version of the PIC18. Give the part number if there is one. PIC18C601, PIC18C801 21.The PIC18F458 has 36 pins for I/O. 22.The PIC18Fxxx has circuitry to support 1 serial port. 23.The PIC18F458 on-chip program ROM is of type Flash. (see the letter 'F') 24.The PIC16C432 on-chip program ROM is of type OTP. (see the letter 'C') 25.The PIC16F452 on-chip program ROM is of type Flash. (see the letter 'F') 26.The PIC18F8772 on-chip program ROM is of type Flash. (see the letter 'F') 27.Give the amount of program ROM and data RAM for the following chips: a) PIC18F2420 b) PIC18F458 c) PIC18F8772 16K ROM, 768 Bytes RAM 32K ROM, 1536 Bytes RAM 128K ROM, 3936 Bytes RAM

28.Of the PIC18 family, which memory type is the most cost effective if you are using a million of them in an embedded product? The OTP version of the PIC 29.What are the main differences between the PIC18F2420 and PIC18F2220?

The PIC18F2420 has 16Kbytes of Flash, no EEPROM, and 768 bytes of data RAM. The PIC18F2220 has 4Kbytes of Flash, 256 bytes of EEPROM, and 512 bytes of data RAM. 30.The PIC18F458/4580 has 256 bytes of data EEPROM.

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