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Rick Santorum for President. A champion of traditional American values.

In four years in the U.S. House of Representatives and 12 as U. S. Senator, Rick Santorum earned a reputation as a passionate fighter for conservative values and a loud voice for smaller government, less wasteful spending, a strong national defense, and a return to our countrys founding principles. Eager to stop taxpayer abuse wherever he found it, Rick led the fight to expose the abuses of the Congressional Bank and Congressional Post Office after it was uncovered that Members of Congress were misusing funds. And he was an important author and the Senate floor manager of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, one of the most successful pieces of reform legislation in U.S. history. No wonder the Washington Post says that Rick was a tea party kind of guy before there was a tea party. Ricks eight years on the Senate Armed Services Committee gave him a critical understanding of national defense and foreign policy challenges. He used this experience to author such important legislation as the Syria Accountability Act and the Iran Freedom and Support Act, designed to fight terrorism and terrorist states. And Rick has fought to protect families and the unborn. Hes been a consistent proponent of preserving traditional marriage. He authored and passed critical anti-abortion legislation ending partial birth abortion. And wrote legislation to protect children from internet predators.

Paid for by Rick Santorum for President

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