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James Fournier

WTI Crude - 27th February. Given the Iran/Middle Eastern concerns, I wanted to nd an opportunity to get into WTI Crude on a pull back. Below is the 5 minute chart - Long Entry indicated by the green arrow.

James Fournier

WTI Crude had an immediate run up (where I took the opportunity to lock in some prot at 109.11).

James Fournier

From that point onwards WTI turned into a messy trade. My 1st stop loss (40% of the remaining position) was triggered as prices fell. I, however, wanted to stay in the trade, so I moved my nal stop loss to break even point as I had to leave my screens. Arriving back I immediately took prots seeing the retest of the highs. I remain with a minimal position left on the table with stop loss in place and I will try to add to the long if the market gives me a good opportunity.

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