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Figurative Language Diary

Poems By: Melanie Boschen

Dictionary of Figurative Language

Alliteration- using the same sound over and over at the beginning of the word Allusion- a direct or indirect reference Onomatopoeia- using words that represent the sounds that they make Imagery- using descriptive language that appeals to our senses Sonnet- a poem usually consists of 14 lines Personification- referring to or giving objects human qualities Simile- comparing to unalike things using the words "like" or "as" Metaphor- comparing two unalike things not using "like" or "as"

The Perfect Pizza Pie

The crispy, crunchy, crust Lots of hot red sauce Cheese and pepperoni On a warm layer of bread

You can add ham sausage, bacon and pineapple You can also add peppers olives, and mushrooms too Cook it in the oven Don't let it sit to long Otherwise it will start To smoke and burn Ding! I take it out I take a bite and mmmmm

The Perfect Pizza Pie Figurative Language

What kind of Figurative Language did I use? The crispy, crunchy, crust, The Perfect Pizza PieAlliteration The whole poem- Allusion Ding!, mmmm- Onomatopoeia The whole poem- Imagery This poem is a sonnet! I learned about sonnets from Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare

The Spoiled Child

"Gimme candy" shouts that spoiled child "No you are already spoiled like an old apple, child That candy has way to much sugar for you in it You will be as jumpy as a kangaroo if you eat that candy If you want cake tonight anyway you can't have candy now" That child went to her room and keep thinking Spoiled like an old apple, jumpy as a kangaroo If I am that spoiled then why do you keep giving me things? "MOM! Why do you feed me sugar if I am as spoiled as an apple?" "I just want you to learn a valuable lesson. Sweetheart you are still as loving as a chocolate covered strawberry" Mom says "You are still as juicy as an ripe peach and as fun as a puppy."

The Spoiled Child Figurative Language

What figurative language did I use? I used similes: as rotten as an old apple, as jumpy as a kangaroo, as loving as a chocolate covered strawberry, as juicy as a ripe peach and, as playful as a puppy

My Family
You are a sweet rose, Mother You are a brave lion, Father You are a loving doll, Sister Mother, your rose whispers to me "LOVE" Father, your lion is writing the word "LOVE" Sister, your doll is crying out "LOVE" You all love me, I love you all and that is love Can you see the love in me?

My Family Figurative Language

What Figurative Language did I use? Personification- Mother, your rose whispers to me "LOVE" and Father, your lion is writing the word "LOVE" and Sister, your doll is crying out "LOVE" Metophor- you are a sweet rose, Mother, you are a brave lion, Father, and you are a loving doll, Sister

Dictionary of Figurative Language

Alliteration- using the same sound over and over at the beginning of the word Allusion- a direct or indirect reference Onomatopoeia- using words that represent the sounds that they make Imagery- using descriptive language that appeals to our senses Sonnet- a poem usually consists of 14 lines Personification- referring to or giving objects human qualities Simile- comparing to unalike this using the words "like" or "as" Metaphor- comparing two unalike things not using "like" or "as"

You have seen all my poems using figurative language and you may ask me the following questions. 1. What specific words did I select for my writing and why? 2. How did I use what I learned about figurative language in my writing? 3. What is the meaning behind my poems? Please select one poem Thanks for Watching and I hope you learned something!

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