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AMERICAN GOVERNMENT Chapter 5, Section 3 Part I Political Party Eras - Key

1. The standard we are covering is SSCG8. 2. Problems developed in Washingtons cabinet between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. 3. George Washington and John Adams were members of the Federalist Party. 4. Thomas Jeffersons election in 1800 was known as the Revolution of 1800 because it was the first time in modern history that a new political party seized control in a peaceful way. 5. Jeffersons election in 1800 also marked the beginning of Era of Democrats. 6. The period from 1815 to 1824 was called The Era of Good Feelings because the Democratic-Republican Party was virtually unopposed. 7. The Whig Party was the other party during the Era of the Democrats. 8. Slavery was the issue that split the Whig Party and the Democratic Party in the 1850s. 9. The Republican Party was founded in 1854 by anti-slavery activists. 10. In 1856, John C. Fremont was the first Republican candidate for President with the campaign slogan Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men, Fremont.

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