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Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

Chapter 06 The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

True / False Questions 1. (p. 162) Companies that have thoroughly studied political considerations before constructing their business models do not have to concern themselves with the political environment when attempting to do business abroad. FALSE

Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension

2. (p. 162) International law recognizes the sovereign right of a nation to grant or withhold permission to do business within its political boundaries and to control where its citizens conduct business. TRUE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

3. (p. 162) Sovereignty refers to both the powers exercised by a state in relation to other countries and the supreme powers exercised over its own members. TRUE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

4. (p. 162) Adherence to World Trade Organization (WTO) rules means a loss of sovereignty to its member nations. TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

5. (p. 163) At the top of the list of political issues concerning foreign businesses is the issue of taxation and tariffs. FALSE

Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension

6. (p. 163) According to the text if China raised the value of its currency that would make it even easier for Chinese firms and government to purchase American companies. TRUE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

7. (p. 165) Saudi Arabia permits women to vote if they are at least 18 years old and married or 21 years old, if single. FALSE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

8. (p. 165) The three forms of government are dictatorship, aristocracy, and democracy. TRUE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

9. (p. 167) Knowledge of the philosophies of all major political parties within a country is important to international marketers. TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

10. (p. 167) Socialism can best be described as an intense feeling of national pride and unity, an awakening of a nation's people to pride in their country. FALSE

Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge

11. (p. 170) Foreign investors, while sometimes feared as a dominant tyrant threatening economic development, are often sought after as a source of needed capital investment. TRUE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

12. (p. 169-170) Foreign companies are usually not affected by changes in nationalistic feelings in the countries where they operate. FALSE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

13. (p. 169) A good illustration of nationalistic feelings that can cause riffs between allies is the one that occurred between France and the United States over the Iraq/U.S. war. TRUE

Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

14. (p. 169) Three hot issues in 2008 were the undervalued Chinese currency, the ban on beef imports into Japan, and Chinese subsidies in apparent violation of WHO rules. TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

15. (p. 169) Confiscation (as a political risk) is the seizing of a company's assets without payment. TRUE

Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge

16. (p. 169) Expropriation occurs when a host country gradually cause the transfer of foreign investment to national control and ownership through a series of government decrees by mandating local ownership and greater national involvement in a company's management. FALSE

Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge

17. (p. 170) Exchange controls stem from shortages of foreign exchange held by a country. TRUE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

18. (p. 171) As an example of what are called local-content laws NAFTA requires 62 percent local content for all cars coming from member countries. TRUE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

19. (p. 171) Taxes are always considered as a political risk by foreign and domestic investors. FALSE
Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge

20. (p. 172) Political sanctions have proved to be a sure-fire method of controlling outlaw nations. FALSE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

21. (p. 172) Political and social activists (PSAs) and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) almost always interrupt the normal flow of trade. FALSE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

22. (p. 174) Nongovernment organizations (NGOs) sometimes use foreign companies and their personnel as pawns in domestic disputes. FALSE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

23. (p. 173) The newest form of terrorism is called information terrorism because it prevents Third World countries from receiving information. FALSE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

24. (p. 174-175) The authors state that there is reason to believe that international warfare is fast becoming obsolete. TRUE
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

25. (p. 176) A good illustration of a product class that is likely to be politically sensitive is one that has an impact on exchange rates. TRUE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

26. (p. 179) Relationships between governments and multinational corporations (MNCs) are generally positive if the investment contributes to the welfare of political leaders. FALSE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

27. (p. 180) One of the methods for reducing political vulnerability and risk is to license products, services, or technology. TRUE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

28. (p. 180) Planned domestication is a policy that rarely has a positive impact on political vulnerability or risk. FALSE

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

Multiple Choice Questions


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

29. (p. 162) When the United States and the European Union get into trade disputes, where do both sides go to settle the matter? A. The United Nations B. The World Court C. The Organization of American States D. The World Trade Organization E. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

30. (p. 161, Global Perspective) When the World Trade Organization attempted to settle what was called a "banana war," what was the outcome? A. The European Union won and received payments from the United States. B. The matter was declared a draw. C. Both sides in the matter were instructed to cease and desist. D. The WTO ruled in favor of the United States, however, the EU ignored the ruling. E. The WTO ruled in favor of the United States and the matter was ended.

Difficulty: Hard Type: Application

31. (p. 162) In the context of international law, a _____________ state is independent and free from all external control. A. bounded B. sovereign C. legal D. free-born E. neutral

Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

32. (p. 162) A sovereign state, in the context of international law, has all of the following characteristics EXCEPT: A. is obligated to be a member of the United Nations. B. is independent. C. enjoys full legal equality with other states. D. governs its own territory. E. is free from all external control.
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

33. (p. 162) __________ refers to both the powers exercised by a state in relation to other countries and the supreme powers exercised over its own members. A. Sovereignty B. Government C. A cartel D. An international partnership E. A trade pact

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

34. (p. 164) The ideal political climate for a multinational firm is: A. a country where there are no laws. B. a country where favors can be purchased cheaply. C. a stable, friendly government. D. a government where absolute power is a reality. E. an authoritarian government that can be dealt with through non-legal channels.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

35. (p. 164) At the top of the list of political issues concerning foreign businesses is the: A. ruling party of a country. B. the political history of a country. C. the voting process of a country. D. the court system of a country. E. the stability or instability of prevailing government policies.
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

36. (p. 165) The five main causes of instability in international markets include trade disputes and all of the following EXCEPT: A. some forms of government seem to be inherently unstable B. changes in political parties C. nationalism D. U.S. domestic political policies E. animosity targeted toward specific countries

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

37. (p. 163) The proposed purchase of Unocal by the Chinese national oil company was opposed by the U.S. __________. A. because the offer was unrealistically low B. as retaliation for not allowing similar purchases in China by American firms C. because Germany had proposal a high offer D. as a threat to United States' soverignty E. because China could divert oil from Unocal to China

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

38. (p. 165) The only country that precludes women from voting and appears to be still completely in the dark ages with regards to suffrage. A. Croatia B. Iran C. Bolivia D. Saudi Arabia E. Venezuela
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

39. (p. 165-166) Which of the following is NOT one of the common forms of government? A. democracy B. aristocracy C. oligopoly D. monarchy E. dictatorship

Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge

40. (p. 164) The election of Vicente Fox as President of Mexico was an example of: A. overthrowing a corrupt regime. B. peaceful political change. C. U.S. interference in international politics. D. cultural adjustment to global expectations. E. corrupt national election.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

41. (p. 166-167) For most countries around the world it is important for international marketers to know the philosophies of all the major political parties, since one them might become dominant and affect: A. the status of WTO control. B. the overall business climate. C. global warming. D. international support for the United Nations. E. liberal or conservative.
Difficulty: Hard Type: Application

42. (p. 167) An intense feeling of national pride and unity, an awakening of a nation's people to pride in their country is called: A. socialism. B. communism. C. fascism. D. nationalism. E. polarism.

Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge

43. (p. 167) The phrase "Buy American" would most closely be associated with which of the following? A. Socialism B. Jingoism C. Nationalism D. Mercantilism E. Polarism

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

44. (p. 169) No nation-state will tolerate penetration by a foreign company into its market if it perceives a(n) ______________ its well-being. A. sympathy for B. synergistic relationship to C. economic boost D. threat to E. profitable outcome
Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge

45. (p. 169) With respect to political risk that can be faced by a company seeking to invest abroad, which of the following presents the most severe political risk? A. confiscation B. expropriation C. domestication D. exchange controls E. local-content laws

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

46. (p. 169) The seizing of a company's assets without payment is called: A. confiscation. B. expropriation. C. domestication. D. exchange controls. E. local-content laws.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

47. (p. 169) When a government seizes an investment of a foreign investor but some reimbursement for the assets is made, the government is following a process called: A. confiscation. B. expropriation. C. domestication. D. exchange controls. E. local-content laws.
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

48. (p. 169) Often an expropriated investment becomes ____________ (i.e., it becomes a government-run entity). A. democratized B. domesticated C. nationalized D. prioritized E. socialized

Difficulty: Easy Type: Application

49. (p. 169-170) _____________ occurs when host countries gradually cause the transfer of foreign investment to national control and ownership through a series of government decrees by mandating ownership and greater national involvement in a company's management. A. Confiscation B. Expropriation C. Domestication D. Exchange controls E. Local-content laws

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

50. (p. 169-170) The government in Chile recently informed Clint Travis' company that his retail grocery chain in Chile would have to be gradually turned over to the people of Chile by the year 2050. Additionally, starting next year fifty percent of the board of directors of the Chilean operation must be Chileans. Which of the following political risk actions is Mr. Travis facing in Chile? A. Confiscation B. Expropriation C. Domestication D. Nationalism E. Dictatorship
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

51. (p. 170) The national telephone company in Mexico was privatized; this meant that the Mexican government sold its operation to _________________. A. investors B. regional state regulatory groups. C. democrats D. outsourcers. E. foreigners.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

52. (p. 170-171) All of the following are considered to be economic risks that can be faced by international companies EXCEPT: A. exchange controls. B. local-content laws. C. import restrictions. D. tax controls. E. production costs.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

53. (p. 170) If there is a substantial amount of capital leaving the country, the country is likely to implement which of the following to control the situation? A. exchange controls B. local-content laws C. import restrictions D. tax controls E. price controls
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

54. (p. 170) In Thailand, it is required that any milk sold in the country must contain at least 50 percent milk from Thai dairy farmers. This would be an illustration of which of the following economic risks faced by international producers of milk? A. exchange controls B. local-content laws C. import restrictions D. tax controls E. price controls

Difficulty: Easy Type: Application

55. (p. 171) When Toyota Motor Company built automobile manufacturing plants in Tennessee and Ohio, it faced economic risks associated with _____________. This occurred because the United States required that 50 percent of all parts used in an automobile constructed in the United States must contain parts that were manufactured in the United States. The United States wanted to promote it "Buy American" policy. A. exchange controls. B. local-content laws. C. import restrictions. D. tax controls. E. price controls.

Difficulty: Hard Type: Application


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

56. (p. 171) Since the government of Nigeria is strapped for cash, it has decided to tax all foreign investments (such as oil production equipment) by up to forty percent of appraised value. The Nigerian government has found that this is the handiest and quickest means of finding operating funds. This form of economic risk is associated with which of the following? A. exchange controls B. local-content laws C. import restrictions D. tax controls E. price controls
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

57. (p. 171) In North Korea there is little foreign investment. One of the reasons is the severe application of ________________. Any foreign investor or producer is required to sell its products at prices stated by the North Korean government rather than letting market value and demand determine prices. A. exchange controls B. local-content laws C. import restrictions D. tax controls E. price controls

Difficulty: Easy Type: Application

58. (p. 172) Stopping or refusing to trade with another nation for political reasons is called: A. activism. B. boycotting. C. confiscation. D. democratization. E. expropriation.

Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

59. (p. 172) Which of the following statements most accurately describes the impact of boycotts? A. In general, these policies normally control and rectify situations that caused the boycotts. B. Boycotts are generally not very successful. C. Boycotts are illegal. D. The United Nations encourages boycotts as a means of settling a dispute as opposed to armed conflict. E. Boycotts are least effective against consumer goods.
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

60. (p. 173) Crossing Borders 6.2 "Trade Does Not Work as a Stick, Only as a Carrot" suggests: A. Thomas Jefferson understood how to get the French and English to stop fighting. B. The U.S. was able to get the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan by boycotting the Moscow Olympics. C. The U.S. needs to increase its embargo against Myanmar. D. Coercion does not work, exchange does. E. Industrial goods trade is less successful than consumer goods trade.

Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge

61. (p. 174) Which of the following would NOT be the best illustration of a NGO (nongovernmental organization) group? A. Red Crescent B. Red Cross C. Amnesty International D. Oxfam E. FedEx

Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

62. (p. 174) Which of the following is NOT a common goal of terrorists? A. Use victims as pawns in political or social disputes. B. Develop military management capability. C. Inflict fear within a country. D. To generate funds E. To embarrass a government.
Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension

63. (p. 174) Why do terrorism experts predict multinational businesses will be targeted by terrorists more frequently? A. They are rich and they are powerful. B. They are capitalists and what they sell. C. They are less well defended and what they symbolize. D. They are destroy the environment. E. They are subterfuge for espionage agents.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

64. (p. 174) __________ is fast becoming obsolete; the greater threats to peace are civil strife and terrorism. A. International warfare B. Print media C. Patriotism D. International prejudice E. Religion

Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

65. (p. 175) The newest form of terrorism directed toward a peaceful world is: A. germ warfare. B. nuclear warfare. C. cyberterrorism. D. hate crimes. E. extortion.
Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension

66. (p. 176) Slammer, Melissa, and "Goner worm" are all examples of: A. viruses damaging the Internet B. politically sensitive products C. third-world diseases. D. hackers intent on attacking multinational businesses. E. new video games espousing Internet crime.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

67. (p. 177) Although some products are more vulnerable than others with regard to political sensitivity in foreign markets, ______________ have often been the lightning rods for groups opposed to foreign companies. A. grocery chains B. Wal-Mart stores C. fast-food restaurants D. clothing stores E. travel agencies

Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

68. (p. 176) Some products and issues are more politically sensitive in international trade than others. Which of the following would likely be LEAST the politically sensitive? A. the environment. B. exchange rates. C. national and economic security. D. space travel. E. publicly visible assets.
Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension

69. (p. 177) Brian is attempting to forecast political instability and help management identify and evaluate political events and their potential influence on current and future international business decisions. Brian is engaged in: A. political risk assessment. B. political security. C. democratization. D. risk abatement. E. quantification of risk.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

70. (p. 179) Relations between governments and multinational corporations are generally positive if: A. products impact national security. B. products are only directed toward the consumer sector. C. products are only directed toward the business sector. D. products can be purchased via the Internet. E. the investment makes tax contributions.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

71. (p. 179) Relations between governments and multinational corporations are generally positive if investments: A. are tied to national security. B. are only oriented toward the consumer sector. C. are under $1 million. D. create jobs. E. do not involve extensive Internet business.
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

72. (p. 179) Relations between governments and multinational corporations are generally positive if investments do all of the following EXCEPT: A. transfers capital, technology, or skills. B. creates jobs. C. makes tax contributions. D. uses locally produced resources. E. is tied to national security.

Difficulty: Hard Type: Application

73. (p. 179) Juliet is concerned with the potential for political harassment when her company enters a new international market. To reduce the risk of political harassment she will consider using _______________ to enter the market. A. importing B. sole-proprietorships C. multinational corporations D. joint ventures E. all of the above are equal with respect to political harassment

Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

74. (p. 179-181) All of the following would be considered to be strategies that multinational corporations can use to minimize vulnerability and risk EXCEPT: A. joint ventures. B. sole-proprietorship. C. expanding the investment base. D. planned domestication. E. licensing.
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

75. (p. 180) Which of the following strategies minimizes political risks for the multinational corporation that wishes to expand into overseas markets? A. joint ventures B. licensing C. expanding the investment base D. planned domestication E. multi-facilities

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

76. (p. 179-181) All of the following strategies can be effective in forestalling or minimizing the effect of a total takeover of a multinational corporation's holdings by a foreign government EXCEPT: A. joint ventures. B. licensing. C. expanding the investment base. D. advertising. E. planned domestication.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

77. (p. 180) The most effective solution to a situation where a foreign government is demanding local participation in a multinational corporation's business activities in the host country is: A. joint ventures. B. licensing. C. expanding the investment base. D. planned domestication. E. political payoffs.
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

78. (p. 181) Which of the following best describes the U.S. government's policy toward multinational corporations that are confronted with situations where bribery is an issue? A. A bribe may be paid as long as it is not a domestic situation. B. A bribe is justified is if is the documented traditional practice in a country. C. A bribe may be paid in a foreign country if there is a tie to national security. D. It is illegal for a U.S. citizen to pay a bribe--period. E. The issue revolves around the customs of the country and each issue is decided separately.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Application

79. (p. 181) The most important reason to encourage foreign investment is to: A. accelerate world peace. B. accelerate the development of an economy. C. accelerate the development of the Internet. D. stall the effects of communism and socialism. E. make profits.

Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

80. (p. 181) A cynical way to look at the motivation behind corporate social responsibility in general is its use as a __________ with foreign publics and governments. A. deception tool B. public relations image C. marketing ploy D. positioning guise E. bargaining chip
Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge

81. (p. 182) The principle U.S. agency that supports U.S. business abroad is the: A. State Department. B. Better Business Bureau. C. Department of Commerce. D. Department of Foreign Relations. E. Department of Defense.

Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge

Fill in the Blank Questions 82. (p. 162) The term __________ refers to both the powers exercised by a state in relation to other countries and the supreme powers exercised over its own members. sovereignty

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

83. (p. 164) At the top of the list of political issues concerning foreign businesses is the ___________ of prevailing government policies. stability (instability)

Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

84. (p. 163) Foreign investment can be perceived as a threat to __________. sovereignty
Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge

85. (p. 165) __________ is the only country that appears to be still completely in the dark ages with regards to suffrage. Saudi Arabia

Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge

86. (p. 165) Socioeconomic and political change are sometimes caused by a surge in ________________. nationalistic pride

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

87. (p. 167) ___________ can best be described as an intense feeling of national pride and unity, an awakening of a nation's people to pride in their country. Nationalism

Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge

88. (p. 167) Feelings of ___________ are expressed in a variety of ways such as a call to "buy our country's products only" or "Buy American." nationalism

Difficulty: Easy Type: Application


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

89. (p. 169) ___________ is the seizing of a company's assets without payment. Confiscation
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

90. (p. 169) __________ occurs when a government seizes an investment but some reimbursement for the assets is made. Expropriation

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

91. (p. 169) When host countries gradually cause the transfer of foreign investments to national control and ownership through a series of government decrees by mandating local ownership and greater national involvement in a company's management, _____________ has occurred. domestication

Difficulty: Hard Type: Knowledge

92. (p. 170) _________ controls stem from shortages of foreign exchange held by a country. Exchange

Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension

93. (p. 170) __________________ laws require any product sold within a country to contain at least some locally made parts. Local-content

Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

94. (p. 171) _________ may be classified as a political risk when used as a means of controlling foreign investments. In such cases, they are raised without warning and in violation of formal agreements. Taxes
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

95. (p. 172) When country initiates a _________________ it stops all trade between itself and another country. boycott

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge

96. (p. 172) Greenpeace actions to bring attention to environmental issues are an illustration of an organization that would be labeled as a __________ (PSA). political and social activist

Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension

97. (p. 175-176) A virus which overload websites with a flood of electronic messages is considered to be a form of terrorism called _______________. cyberterrorism

Difficulty: Easy Type: Application

98. (p. 175) According to the text, the greater threats to peace and commerce for the 21st Century remain __________ and __________. civil strife; terrorism

Difficulty: Easy Type: Knowledge


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

99. (p. 180) Many companies engage in _______________, lobbying and other efforts to avoid potential political risks in countries where they do business. political bargaining
Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

100. (p. 179) A ____________ with locals helps to minimize anti-MNC feelings and limit financial exposure. joint venture

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

101. (p. 180) A ______________ strategy minimizes or eliminates almost all risks international marketing risks. licensing

Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension

102. (p. 180) _______________ is a gradual process of participating with nationals in all phases of company operations resulting in gradual withdrawal of the company from an ownership and control position. Planned domestication

Difficulty: Easy Type: Comprehension

Essay Questions


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

103. (p. 162) Describe the characteristics of a sovereign state. A sovereign state is independent and free from all external control; enjoys full legal equality with other states; governs it own territory; selects its own political, economic, and social systems; and has the power to enter into agreements with other nations.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

104. (p. 167) Describe the concept of nationalism.

Nationalism can best be described as an intense feeling of national pride and unity, an awakening of a nation's people to pride in their country. This pride can take an anti-foreign business bias, and minor harassment and controls of foreign investment are supported, if not applauded.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Comprehension

105. (p. 169-170) Discuss and compare the terms confiscation, expropriation, and domestication.

Confiscation is the seizing of a company's assets without payment. Expropriation occurs where the government seizes and investment but some reimbursement of assets is made. Domestication occurs when host countries gradually cause the transfer of foreign investments to national control and ownership through a series of government decrees by mandating local ownership and greater national involvement in a company's management. For additional information see page 169-170.

Difficulty: Moderate Type: Knowledge


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

106. (p. 170-171) List and briefly discuss the various economic risks that international companies must face when they seek to market abroad. The text lists six economic risks--exchange controls, local-content laws, import restrictions, tax controls, price controls, and labor problems. See pages 170-171 for analysis and discussion of the various economic risks.

Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension

107. (p. 179) Local governments are usually receptive to MNC's investment when the MNC's actions are perceived as beneficial. What are the five types of benefits most local governments consider beneficial?

The five situations are if the investment: (1) improves the balance of payments by increasing exports or reducing imports through import substitution; (2) uses locally produced resources; (3) transfers capital, technology, or skills; (4) creates jobs; or (5) makes tax contributions.

Difficulty: Hard Type: Comprehension

108. (p. 169-170) Brazil would like to increase its control and ownership of foreign investments in its country. However, Brazil does not want to cut off or discourage foreign investment. Cite and describe a political risk strategy that Brazil could follow that would meet the aforementioned objective.

Brazil could choose domestication (planned domestication). Domestication occurs when host countries gradually cause the transfer of foreign investments to national control and ownership through a series of government decrees by mandating local ownership and greater national involvement in a company's management. For additional information see pages 169170.

Difficulty: Hard Type: Application


Chapter 06 - The Political Environment: A Critical Concern

109. (p. 179) Richard Branch is considering a multi-million dollar investment in Chile. He hopes that the investment will be positively received by the Chilean government. He does not want anti-MNC feelings to block the deal. Relations between MNC and foreign investors can be positive. What actions should Mr. Branch consider to ensure that his investment offer would be positively received by the Chilean government? According to information presented in the text, Mr. Branch should make sure that his investment provides at least one of the following benefits to the Chilean government and/or the people of Chile--benefits should (1) improve the balance of payments by increasing exports or reducing imports through import substitution; (2) use locally produced resources; (3) transfer capital, technology, or skills; (4) create jobs; or (5) make tax contributions.

Difficulty: Hard Type: Application


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