Internship-Exim Bank

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Chapter One

Export Import Bank

Of Bangladesh Limited
Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter One

AN INTERNSHIP REPORT ON Organizational structure and customer service Of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd.

Submitted to Mr. Shah Md. Abdul Bari Senior Vice President Human Resource Division EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Printers Building (5th Floor) 5, Rajuk Avenue Dhaka-1000

Submitted by Rokshana Azmery MBA(Day), 27th Batch ID No. 200620554


Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter One

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter One

Export Import Bank Of Bangladesh Limited

Mr. Shah Md. Abdul Bari Senior Vice President Human Resource Division EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Printers Building (5th Floor) 5, Rajuk Avenue Dhaka-1000 Sub: Submission of the Internship Report. Dear Sir. It is my great pleasure to inform you that I have the opportunity to submit an elaborate report on organizational structure and customer service of Exim Bank Ltd. I have completed my practical orientation in banking from 2 July 2008 to 30 September 2008 part of MBA curriculum. I sincerely believed that you would find this study very interesting, informative and enlightening. I will be glad to furnish you with further explanation or clarifications that you may feel necessary in this regard. I shall be obliged if you kindly approve this effort. Thanking you, Sincerely yours. Rokshana Azmery ID No. 200620554 Batch 27th, MBA(DAY)Program.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter One

In the year 2008, EXIM Bank of Gazipur Chowrasta done a great job, they profited target up. So, I specially cognates the manager, officers and all the staffs of this branch. I feel proud to see this success from a very close view, because the last three months of 2008. I was getting my internship training in this branch with a view to gaining and exposure to the real world situation of the corporate world as a requirement of MBA program.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter One

We have so long devoted our attention to acquire theoretical knowledge by standing textbooks. To have a through knowledge practical training in this respect is inevitable. Internship is the only way of getting practical knowledge. In the competitive world there is prevailing cutthroat competition among the industries or institutions. Side by side industries or institutions are growing rapidly to the needs of the needs of the people. For this reason different industries or institutions are facing different problems. As a student of accounting we should be conversant with the problem and look for the actual situation of the problems. With this objective all universities have attracted the internship program in curriculum. The teachers of accounting department have included internship in the syllabus. During my internship I have collected information and other report from EXIM Bank Ltd. as per as possible. I feel that it was not possible to collect all information due to shortage of time of my internship. Still I venture to say that I have my best effort in this connection for the satisfaction of my department head.

Rokshana Azmery ID No. 200620554 Batch 27th, MBA(DAY) Program.

Submitted By-

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter One

Allah is almighty to make internship report part of my last semester of MBA program. It is a practical work, which is necessary for our real life. The topic of the tern paper assigned me is Organizational Structure and customer service of EXIM Bank Ltd. In conducting this study I have recovered with pleasure and sincere assistance from individuals. First of all express my deep gratefulness to Mr. Kazi Masihur Rahman Managing director, for his kind permission to allow me for practical orientation in EXIM Bank. My special gratitude goes to Mr. Shah Md. Abdul Bari, Senior VicePresident, and HRD division for his modern outlook and meticulous supervision to carry out the job perfectly. I would like to express my sincerest thanks to Mr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Shamim , Senior Principal Officer and Manager Operation, Gazipur Chowrasta branch. I am also undoubtedly grateful to Mr. Md. Motalib Hossain, Principal Officer and Mr. Khan Mohammad Anwar Hossain, Principal Officer of Gazipur Chowrasta branch which suggestion is very fruitful for my internship. I am grateful to Mr. Momtaz Ali ,E.O;Md. Mosharraf Hossain ,E.O; Mr. Shahidul Islam E.O, Md. K.M. AL-Mamun,E.O(cash),Md. Khalilur Rahman,M.T.O;Md. Ramzan Ali M.T.O, Md. Golam Kibria(M.T.O), Jasim Uddin,Jr.O(Cash); Md. Samsul Alam,Jr.O(Cash); Md. Abdul Kadar,A.O(Cash); Sumon Sultana,A.O(Cash);Syed Reazul Islam,A.O(I.T) Rassel Mohammed Islam,A.O(I.T); Md. Tazuddin Ahammad,A.O of Gazipur, Chowrasta branch. I also express my gratitude to Md. Mohammad Ibrahim Miah, student of MBA (Final year, University of Asian) who was very much helpful to make my report.

Rokshana Azmery ID No. 200620554 Batch 27th, MBA(DAY) Program.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Submitted By-

Chapter One

Executive summary
The report is prepared on the basis of practical experiences at EXIM Bank Ltd. The internship programs help me a lot to learn about the practical situation of a financial. This program helps me to implement my theoretical knowledge into practical realistic environment. In the age of modern civilization Bank is playing its spending role to keep to the economic activity. In fact there is hardly any aspect of development activity whether state inspired or otherwise where Bank do not have a major role to play. Bank provides means and mechanism of transferring command over resources from those who have an excess of income over expenditure to those can make use of the same for adding to the volume of productive capital. There are large numbers of small saver with small amount of saving who are generally reluctant to invest their surplus income because of their lack of adequate knowledge about complicated investment affaires. The Bank provide them with the safety, liquidity and profitability by means of different saving media offering varying degrees of mix liquidity, return and safety of saving. Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited is schedule commercial Bank is registered by the Bangladesh Bank. EXIM Bank follow the rules and regulations prescribed by the Bangladesh Bank for scheduled commercial Banks. The functions of the Bank cover a wide range of banking and functional activities to individuals, firms, corporate bodies and other multinational agencies.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter One

Table of contents

1. Introduction 2. A brief idea about the EXIM Bank Ltd. 3. General Banking 4. Loans and Advances Department 5. Finding and Recommendations 6. Conclusion Bibliography

1 2 3 4 5 6

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter One

1.1 Introduction 1.2 Origin of the report 1.3 Objectives of the report 1.4 Methodology 1.5 Scope 1.6 Limitations

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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It is possible to gather theoretical knowledge passing through books but it is insufficient to acquire practical experience. We collect data to know about unknown factors, we can have accurate knowledge about the factors by analyzing data. As a student of accounting and finance department in Asian University, I have earned theoretical knowledge, which is not exactly same with the practical business environment. The compulsory internship program applied by the faculty of Business study helps us to have practical experience and it's reporting also. Through this internship program, I come to know about the organizational structure, problems, prospects and operational procedures of EXIM Bank Ltd. So, it is impossible to deny the importance of internship program.


The report entitled organizational structure and customer service of Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. has been prepared as a partial fulfillment of MBA program authorized by my department head.


The objective of practical orientation is to familiarize with the practical market and to familiarize with the practical market and to compare it with the Business theories that we have learnt. The main objectives of the practical orientation are as follow: To familiarize with practical job environment. To have and exposure on the financial institutions such as Banking environment of Bangladesh.
Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter Two

To gain experience on different functions of the different department of the Bank. To observe Banker customer relationship. To relate the theories of Banking with the practical Banking. To examine the profitability and productivity of the Bank.

Using both of the two sources - primary and secondary has collected data.

The secondary sources of data:

Annual Report of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd., 2000. Deferment paper of EXIM Bank. Unpublished data received from the head office and branch. Different text books.

The primary sources of data:

Face to face conversation with the Bank officers and staffs. Direct conversation with the clients. File study of different sections. Deskwork: during my practical orientation I worked in head office and Gazipur Chowrasta Branch. In head office I worked in foreign and credit division. In Gazipur Chowrasta Branch I worked in the Sections. I tried my best to discuss my subject in analytical way. I also have represented some graphs and tables, which show performance of EXIM Bank Ltd. based on financial data.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter Two

To collect necessary information I used questionnaire method, which is shown in the chapter six. I have given some recommendations to solve the problems of EXIM Bank Ltd. as per my own thought.

The reports cover the Banking service to the customers especially the customer service of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. This report has been prepared though extensive discussion with Bank employees and also with the customers. The study was kept Ltd. to the head office and Gazipur Chowrasta Branch of EXIM Bank. This Bank Deal with all type of general Banking operations foreign exchange and credit operations according to the rules and regulations provided by the Bangladesh Bank.

The main constraint of the study was shortage of time. The another constraint of the study was insufficiency of information, which is highly required for the study. EXIM Bank is a new unable to provide some formatted documents and publications for the study. Since the Bank personnel were very busy, they failed to given me enough time to complete the report.

The clients were very busy, so they were unable to give me much time for interview.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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I carried out such a study for the first time. So, inexperience is one of the main factors that constituted the limitation of the study.
It is also a limitation that only 100 clients opinion takes as a sample of whole Bank, which may not represent the overall or real condition of the Bank.

A BRIEF AIDEA ABOUT THE EXIM BANK LTD. (Including organizational structure)
2.1 Historical background of the EXIM Bank. 2.2 Slogan of the EXIM Bank. 2.3 Key function of the EXIM Bank. 2.4 Organizational structure of EXIM Bank Ltd. 2.5 Board of Directors. 2.6 Corporate culture. 2.7 Customers service and automation. 2.8 Other operations. 2.9 Strategies and policies of EXIM Bank Ltd. 2.10 Identity of EXIM Bank Ltd. in a short. 2.11 Performance of the Bank at a glance 2.12 Some important descriptions and a graphical representations. 2.13 Maintaining procedure of Accounting Statement at branch level. 2.14 What statement branch sent to the Head office? 2.15 Salary and benefits are provided to the Executives and employees.
Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter Two

2.16 Accounting system of the Bank. 2.17 Organizational development of EXIM Bank Ltd.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter Two

EXIM Bank Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. was named at first as BEXIM Bank. BEXIM stands for Bengal Export Import Bank of Bangladesh. This new commercial Bank was opened in August 03, 1999 with some new innovative visions in customer services. The Bank received the certificate of incorporate no. C 37864 (2164)/99 under the commencement of the business on the same day by the section 150(2) under companies Act. Apart from the head office in Dilkusha C/A, it stared its first local branch in Motijheel C/A simultaneously in order to provide all kinds of Banking support to the clients. On December 02, 1999 the second branches both in Dhaka City and other cities. Now it has twenty five branches in the country.

2.2 SLOGAN OF THE EXIM BANK Local Bank global network

The world EXIM implies the meaning of its operation. Through it is a new type of Bank in Bangladesh, it is familiar with so many countries in the world such as Export Import Bank of the United states, Export Import Bank of Japan. Despite it is a local Bank, It has spread of its operation in the whole world through foreign Banking. To achieve the desired goal, It has intention to pursuit of excellence at stages with a climate of continuous improvement. Because it believes, the line of excellence is never ending. It also believes that its strategic plans and business networking will strength its competitive edge over in rapidly changing competitive environment. It motto I to provide quality service to the customers all over the

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter Two

world. So, the slogan of the Bank- Local Bank global network is completely adjustable with its operation. 2.3 Key function of the EXIM Bank. Like other commercial Banks EXIM Banks performs all traditional Banking business including introduction of a wide range of caving and credit products, retail Banking and professional management. But the EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. emphasizes its functions in export and import trade handling and financing of export oriented industries will enhance wealth, quotes more employments opportunities, helps formation of capital and reduces in the balance in the balance of payment of the country.

The another functions are as follows:

Receiving deposit. Granting loan. Creation of deposit by loan. Transfer of money. Discounting of Bill of Exchange. Investment in profitable sectors. Export and Import. Bill collection (Electric bill, telephone bill, gas bill etc.)

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter Two

2.4 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF EXIM BANK LTD. The development of an organization depends on the management style of their organization. As the same the developments of this Bank is being occurred only for the management team. Management team management of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. controlling of all the resources of the organization. When the Bank Was opened in 1999 the chairmen of board of director was late. Mr. Shahjahan Kabir. He had 35 years of banking experience in senior position. When he died Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Mazumder had been selected the chairmen of the board of directors. He is a skilled person in business world. Alamgir Kabir, the advisor of the Bank is a reputed senior chartered accountant heaving 30 years vast experience in accounts. Audit, and Finance in banking at home and abroad. The bank will be immensely benefited from the above leadership of the chairmen and the valuable advise and guidance of the advisor.

Mr.Kazi Masihur Rahman, the Managing Director of the Bank is widely trained at home and abroad, heaving three decades of long experience in Banking profession in as well as outside the country. He is energetic and dynamic person. His leadership style and innovative ideas, coupled with his knowledge and experiences, are to inspire and motive his team of highly qualified and professionals to resister better result in every aspect of banks operational activity. To achieve the ultimate objectives of making EXIM Bank the finest Banking of the country, the workforce will be futuristic in outlook, professional in attitude and honest in reputation.
Asian University of Bangladesh.

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The Board of director wants to repose in the management all executive powers to run this service industrys administration and credit portfolio independently without any undue influence from outside. The board formulates policy and gives the policy directives to the management. Transparency and accountability are strictly ensured at all levels of the Bank. Bank operators with integrity, competence and farsightedness abiding by all the principles and provisions laid down in the Banks companies Act 1991, the companys Act 1994 and the guidelines of Bangladesh Bank. The Bank is committed to pursue a straight forward, upright, legitimate Banking business, never be tempted by the abnormal prosecute of large returns to do anything. It will only do what may done under the national policy.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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Chairman Advisor Board of Director Managing Director Deputy Managing Director Executive Vice- President Senior Vice- President Vice- President Senior Assistant Vice- President Assistant Vice- President Senior Principal Officer Principal Officer Executive Officer Officer Junior Officer Assistant Officer Trainee Assistant Officer

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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Alhaj Md. Nazrul Islam Mazumder


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EXIM Bank a most disciplined Bank with distinctive culture. In EXIM Bank limited they believe in shared meaning, shared understanding and shared sense making. Employees of EXIM Bank see and understand events, activities, objectives and situations in a distinctive way. They are capable enough mould there manners and etiquette, character and individuality to suit the purpose of the Bank and the needs of the customers who are of paramount importance to us. The people in the Bank see themselves as a tight knit team/ family that believes in working together for growth. The corporate culture they long for will not be imposed, it is achieved through their corporate conduct.


To err is human and forgiveness divine is a proverb, the Bank believes, the customers will not accept. Because, for a service they pay for, they want it 100% defect free. So, improvement of the customer service should always be their motto. Altered expectoration of the customers has shifted the focus from resource base productivity to value base productivity. To operate in the globalize environment, the Banks future plan is to equity all the units of the Bank with modern technology, they already started Telex, Fax, E-mail and soon they will started online computer network. For the service of its

Asian University of Bangladesh.

Chapter Two

customers round the clock, it has a plan to install ATM at suitable place in Dhaka and other cities of the country.


The Bank does all traditional commercial Banking business including Islamic Banking service in selective branches. Deposits, which are the lifeblood of the Bank, are amount other modes, be mobilized through a Varity of saving schemes. The Bank also handle traveler cheques, customer credit facility, Inland and foreign remittance of found and operates in the money market. They are playing to open credit card within a short period of time. In capital market operations, it is engaged in share and securities business, Mutual fund management and brokerage house activities. EXIM Bank treats as its heard beat. Initially, it caters to the credit needs in trade and commerce with added emphasis on foreign trade and foreign exchange. Also it adopts micro- credit and agri credit schemes. The Bank drew a clear out borderline between retail banking and corporate banking. Its corporate Banking maintains channels and organizes banking business with both national and multinational companies. There are well designed program conducted by the Bank for customer segmentation, deployment of lovable fund and monitoring. In corporate Banking, Bank also goes for Syndicated loan and financing. Bank stresses upon non-fund business and fee-based income. Bid bond, letter of guarantee might be issued at the request of the customer.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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Bank is poised to extend LC facilities to its import export customers through establishment of correspondent relation and nostril accounts with leading Banks all over the world.


2.9.1 Building strategy and policy
When any business is started, At first it is necessary to set up its vision and mission. In order to reach the goal it is important to build strategy and follow the policies. If it can select the appropriate strategy and choose the right policy, it will be very easy to touch its desired position. The distinguishing attribute of policy is to set up the over all boundaries for activities. According to this system, when the bank was started it has to decide what kind of business it is going to be in. The Bank also has to decide on its growth goal and its desired profit. The purpose of strategies then is to determine and communicate through a system of major objective of the business is to reach the goal, to reach the desired position from the current status. There might be a number of ways to reach there and its has to be decided which path would be easier to reach the objective. So the authority has to decide which path they select to proceed. The following figure can be explain clearly.

Current Position
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Desired Position

Chapter Two

2.9.2 CORPORATE MISSION AND VISION In strategic management system each organization has some missions and also some visions. Effective strategic beings with a concept of what the organization should and should not do and a vision of where the organization needs to be headed. Arriving at a good business definition usually requires taking three factors into account. i) Customer needs, or what is being satisfied. ii) Customer groups or who is being satisfied. iii) The technologies used and function performed how customer needs and satisfy. Demonstration of commitment is the corporate vision of EXIM Bank. The commitments to the country and its economy from EXIM Bank regarding the following corporate vision. Provide high quality financial in export and import trade. Provide defect free quality customer service. Maintenance of corporate and business ethics. Become trusted repository of customers money and their financial advisor. Make our stock superior and rewarding to the customers. Display team sprit and professionalism. Sound capital base.
Asian University of Bangladesh.

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Enhance shareholders wealth.


Registered Name Registered Head office Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. (EXIM) Printers building (5th floor) 5. Rajuk Avenue Motijheel Dhaka- 1000 Phone: 9566764, 955382, 9561604 Telex: 642527 EXIMHO BJ Fax: 880-2-9556988 E-mail: Date of incorporation Inauguration of first branch Chairman Managing Director Chairman Audit Authorized capital Paid up capital No.of branches June 02, 1999 August 03, 1999 Md. Nazrul Islam Mazumder Kazi Masihur Rahman A.K.M. Nurul Fazal Bulbul 100.00 crore 22.5 crore 38

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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2.11 PERFORMANCE OF THE BANK AT A GLANCE (Taka in million) Particulars Authorized Capital Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund Deposits Advances Profit Total Assets Dividend Loan as a % of total Deposits Capital Adequacy Ratio Number of Branches No. of foreign Correspondents Number of Employees Export Import Remittance Total 31.12.2002 1000 253.31 614.4 9945.23 7954.56 386.79 11374.7 32% 79.98% 8% 16 180 500 10088.3 12900.9 22982.2 % of 31.12.2003 % of 31.12.2004 % of Growth Growth (unaudited Growth 0.00% 1000 0.00% 1000 0.0% 12.50% 51.43% 37.08% 55.01% 41.24% 41.56% 14.67% 98.87% -3.03% 16.00% 2.86% 40.06% 35.55% 51.42% 44% 313.88 871.77 15242.97 12289.12 562.66 17888.65 40% 80.62% 24.00% 41.89% 53.27% 54.49% 45.47% 57.27 25.00% 0.80% 627.75 100.0% 1565.82 79.6% 19095.72 25.3% 17682.49 43.9% 885.62 57.4% 26023.59 45.5% N/A 92.60% 9.22% 24 200 774 22418.43 26781.82 113.8 49314.05 14.9% 27.2% 26.3% 7.0% 23.4% 48.2% 39.1% 43%

7.25% -9.38% 19 18.75% 187 3.89%

627 25.40% 15124.62 49.92% 19260.06 49.29% 34384.68 50%

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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2.12.1 Operating profit:

In 2000 EXIM Bank Ltd. made commendable progress in all business area, Like Deposit, Credit, find Management, Investment and foreign exchange related business. The Bank achieved satisfactory progress in all areas of its operation and earned operating profit of Tk. 562.66 million in 2003 and 885.62 million in 2004. 2.12.2 Capital: The authorized capital of EXIM Bank Ltd. is Tk. 1000.00 million and the initial paid up capital of the Bank is Tk. 313.88 million in 2003. It may be mentioned here that the reserve fund of total Tk. 557.89 million in 2003 and 938.07 million up to 2004.

2.12.3 Deposit:
The total deposit of the Bank, which includes bill payable of Tk. 30.24 million rose to Tk. 19095.72 million as on 2004. In the following chart, CD account show higher deposit than deposit accounts. The total deposit of the Bank, which includes Bills Payable of Tk. 13.56 Iac rose to Tk. 3972.44 lac as on June 30, 2004. Name Deposit Bills Payable Total Deposit Deposit Mix in EXIM Bank Ltd. Name AWCD
Asian University of Bangladesh.

Amount (Fig in lac) 3958.88 13.56 3972.44 Amount (In lac) 141.85

Chapter Two


775.32 111.02 2257.49 162.43 524.31 3972.44


Figure: Deposit Mix (According to the year June 30,2004.)

2.12.4 Loans and Advance:

The total loans and advance of the Bank stood at Tk. 17682.49 million as on 2004. against Tk. 12289.12 million of last year. Due to liberal credit to export sector, the Bank was able to handle larger volume of foreign exchange business. The Bank also extended a number of project finance and industrial loans singularly or in syndication with other Banks. The following graph show that the advance of the Bank increasing gradually.
Asian University of Bangladesh.

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20000 15000 10000 5000 0 2002 2003 2004

Advances ( In million)


2.12.5 Investment:
The size of investment of the Bank as on 2003 stood at Tk. 2377.073 million against Tk. 1419 million in the previous year recording growth of Tk. 958.073 million. The comprises of treasury bill and shares. According to the following graphs, we can say that the investment of the Bank show increasing trend.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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Investment ( In million)

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0




2.12.6 Import business:

The total business handle during the year 2004 was Tk. 26781.82 million as handle compared against to Tk. 19260.06 Million in the previous year, showing and increase of Tk. 7521.76 million.The Significant items of import were industrial raw materials, customers goods, machine, Fabrics and Accessories etc. From the above graph we found that the import business of the Bank doing well day by day. Import

Import ( In million)

20000 15000 10000 5000 0 CASH BTB (F) BTB (L) EDF TOTAL 2003 2004

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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2.12.7 Export business:

The total volume of export business during the year 2004 handle by the Bank was Tk. 22418.43million compared to Tk. 10088.30 Million in the previous year, registering an increase of Tk.12330.13 million. The export trade continues to be a major growth area for the Bank and the Bank intends to concentrate in this area of the business in coming years. The following graph show increasing trend of export business of the Bank. Export

Export ( In million)

25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 2003 2004 Months Total

2.13 Maintaining procedure of Accounting Statement at branch level. The branches of the Bank maintain their Accounting Statement According to Monthly, quarterly, Half yearly and yearly. Some samples of accounting statement are represent bel

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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Monthly Statement of loans and advances as on Figure in crore

Name of the
Sl. No

Name of the proprietor / partner / director, fathers name & address Name of the advance & objective

Sanction amount & date

account & address

Date & expired

Repaid amount data

Rescheduled amount

Present outstand ing

overd ue

Security with value

Security with value

Causes of non recovery

Step taken for recovery Remarks

1. 2. 3.

2.14 What statement branch sent to the Head office?

Monthly Statements:
Monthly Statement of Borrowers having outstanding liabilities of Tk. 1.00 crore (CBI-01 From). Monthly Statement of Loans & Advances of Tk. 1.00 crore and above but less than 10.00 crore. Monthly Statement of Loans & Advances Sanction of Tk. 1.00 crore and above. Monthly Statement of credit Reschedule / Increased / Newly Sanctioned Tk. 1.00 crore and above. Monthly Statement of Advances classified by securities (Inland bill Purchased / discounted)
Asian University of Bangladesh.

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Statement of loan Sanctioned to the Govt. / Automated Organization. Advancement Statement of recovery default and classified loan.

Quarterly Statements:
Quarterly Statement of CIB (Tk. 50000 above but below Tk. 01 crore). Submission of CL Statement. Quarterly Statement of loan and advances in the name of Directors. Quarterly Statement of sector wise outstanding loan. Quarterly Statement of lending and borrowing of other Banks Directors and their concerned. Submission of Statement of industrial credit of our Bank. Submission of Quarterly return B. B. SBS - 3. Provision and Interest suspense statement. Quarterly Statement of overdue loan and advances. Statement of large loans of credit of Tk. 01 crore and above sanctioned. Statement of irregular Loan sanctioned and disbursement. Statement of sector wise outstanding loan.

Half Yearly Statement

Statement of consumer credit loan program. Statement of House Building loan sanctioned and amount of date expired loan in this sector.

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Statement of Bank improvement program and loan development program. Statement of the case of default loan.

Yearly Statements:
Statement of sanction towards the foreign industry or organization. Statement of sector wise outstanding and overdue loans and advances (Inland bill purchased and discount) Statement of Bank wise largest amount of sanctioned.

2.15 SALARY AND ALLOWANCES ARE PROVIDED TO THE EXECUTIVE, OFFICERS AND NON-OFFICERS. Basic salary House rent. Medical allowance. Conveyance allowance. Entertainment allowance. Utility allowance. House maintenance allowance. Leave fair assistance. Special allowance. Car allowance. Washing allowance.
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Technical allowance. Evening Banking allowance. Risk allowance. Overtime allowance. Charge allowance. Discomfort allowance. Gratuity. leave encashment. Welfare and recreation. Bonus. Festival benefit. Incentive bonus. Other allowance.


EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. maintained computerized Accounting system. 2.17 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF EXIM BANK LTD. In 1450s and 1960s a new integrated type of training originated known was organizational development (OD). Organizational development is an intervention strategy that uses group processes to focus on the whole culture an organization in order to bring about planed changed. It seeks to change believe attitudes, values, structure and practices so that organization can better adapt to technology and live with the fast pace of change.
Asian University of Bangladesh.

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Organizational development arose for needs. Conventional training methods often had limited success for building better organizational behavior, so a new approach was needed. The general objective of organizational development is to change all parts of the organization in order to make it more humanly responsive, more effective and more capable of self- renewal.

The organizational development process does not preclude the use of conventional training methods, which are useful for some purposes. Coaching, lecture and discussion, films and the case method are appropriate tools for providing and understanding of behavior or developing analytical skills. Many employees need this type training. The management of EXIM Bank is also concern about the training for its development. They believe if the employees will be trained enough they would contribute more for the development of the Banking business. For this reason they send some employee for the training in every semester / base. Till now a number of employees took training from different training institution and they are working very smoothly. Usually they send the employees in the following training institutes: i) National Bank Training Institute (NBTI) ii) Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM)

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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3.1 Introduction 3.2 Accounts opening Section 3.3 Cash Section 3.4 Deposit Section 3.5 Remittance Section 3.6 Accounts Section

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The general Banking Department does the most important and basic works of the Banks. All other departments are liked with this department. It also plays a vital role in deposit mobilization of the branch. EXIM Bank provides different types of accounts, locker facilities and special types of saving scheme under General Banking. For proper functioning and excellent customer services this department is divided into various sections namely as follow:

Accounts opening sections. Cash sections. Deposit sections. Bills and clearing sections. FRD sections. Accounting sections.

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This section deals with opening of different types of accounts. Its is also deals with issuing of books and different deposit books to the different accounts openers. A customer can open different types of accounts through this department such as:

Current Account. Saving Account. Monthly saving Scheme (MSS). Monthly income scheme (STEADY MONEY). Smart saver. Multi plus saving. Super saving scheme. Education saving scheme Fixed deposit account.

Requirements of opening an account.

There are some requirements that have to be completed for opening an Account.

3.2.1 Current Account:

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Current Account is an account where the account holders can make numerous transactions with in a working day. There is no restriction on the number and the amount of with drawls from the current account within availability of funds. As the Banker is under the obligation to repay this deposit on demand on interest is paid in this account. Generally, current Account is opened for Businessmen and trades for easy transaction. But a person can open CD Account for special purpose. Requirements for the different types of Accounts holders are discussed.

Proprietorship firm:
There is a different account opening from for the proprietorship firm by the EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. for this account, a customer must need to submit the papers with the from: Photograph. Signature and Rubber-stamp seal of the client. And introducer of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Introducer must be account holder. Chairman certificate of the proprietor. Trade license. Current deposit account is opened with neither a sum of nor less than 1000. The introducer must attest photographs.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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Partnership firm:
There is a different account opening from for the proprietorship firm. Interaction for running an account is given in this. The following documents are required to open this type of accounts. Photograph. Signature and Rubber-stamp seal of the service receiver. Chairman certificate of the partners. And introducer of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Introducer must be CD Account holder. Trade license. Partnership deed registered by Notary public. Partnership letter along with address and signature. Current deposit Account is opened with a sum of nor less than Tk. 5000. The photographs must attested by the introducer.

Limited company: A separate account from is used for limited company. There are two kinds of limited company public limited company and private limited company. The Bank always takes precautions for opening this type of accounts. Several documents are submitted by the clients, which should be checked carefully by the Bank to be legally in a safe position. Requirements to open an account are as follows:

Private limited company:

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Photograph. Signature and Rubber-stamp seal of the client. Chairman certificate of the owner. An introducer of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Introducer must be CD Account holder. Trade license. Certified copy of memorandum and articles of association. Certificate of Incorporation.

Public limited company:

Photograph. Signature and Rubber-stamp seal of the client. Chairman certificate of the directors. An introducer of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Introducer must be CD Account holder. Trade license. Certified copy of memorandum and articles of association. Certificate of Incorporation. List of directors as per return of joint stock Company with signature. Certificate of commencement of business.

Club society:

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The following documents duly completed shall be obtained from the customer at the time of current deposit account of Association/Club/Charity/Trust/Society etc. Photograph. Signature and Rubber-stamp seal of the client. An introducer of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Introducer must be CD Account holder. Chairman certificate of the client. Certified true copy of constitution / By-laws/Trust deed/ Memorandum and articles of association. Certificate of Registration of the association / Club/ Charity/ Trust/ Society (For inspection and returned only certified.) List of members of the Governing body / Executive committee of the Association / Club/ Charity/ Trust/ Society with their address. Exact of resolution of the Association / Club/ Charity/ Trust/ Society for opening the Account and Authorization for its operation duly certified by the chairman Sectary of the Association / Club/ Charity/ Trust/ Society etc.

3.2.2 Saving Account (individual/joint) Saving Account (SB) is meant for the people of the lower and middle classes who wish to save part of their income to meet future needs and intended to earn an income from their saving. For opening of this type of Accounts the following requirements are necessary: Photographs attested by the introducer.
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Chairman certificate of the Account holder. An introducer of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Introducer must be CD Account holder. For joint accounts, signatures of all the account holders are necessary. Interest rate of savings deposit and short-term deposit (STD) are as follows. SL. No. 1 1 Name of Accounts Saving Deposit Short term Deposit (STD) Interest rate 6.00 % 5.50 %

3.2.3 Monthly Saving Scheme (MSS):

It is project of EXIM Bank, which is a scheme like DPS. The slogan of this scheme is secure your future with case. A small savings to day will provide you comfort tomorrow.

Saving period and monthly installment rate:

The saving period is for 5, 8, 10, or 12 years. Monthly installment rate is Tk. 500, TK. 1000, Tk. 2000, or Tk. 5000.

Monthly installment deposit:

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The saving amount is to be deposited with in the 10th of every month. In case of holidays the deposit amount is to be made on the following date. The deposits may also be made in advance. The depositor can have a separate account in the Bank from which a standing instruction can be given to transfer the monthly deposit in the schemes account. In case the depositor falls to make the monthly installment in time, the 5% on overdue installment amount will be charged. The charge will be added with the following months installment and the lowest charge will be Tk. 10.

Generally, withdrawal is not advised before a five year term, but if it is withdrawn before the above term, then interest will be paid savings rate. However, no interest will be paid if the deposit is withdrawn within one year of opening the account. In case the depositor to withdraw between the 5,8,10 or 12 year period then full interest will be paid for a completed term and saving rate will applicable for the fractional period.

Loan advantage:

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After 3 years of saving in this scheme the depositor (in an adult) is eligible for a loan up to 80% of his deposited amount. In that case, interest rates on the loan will be applicable as pre prevailing rate at that time.

Reasons for disqualification from this scheme:

If the depositor fails to pay three installments in a raw, then he will be disqualified from this scheme and interest will be applicable as mentioned in withdrawal clause. If the depositor fails to five installments in a raw after completion of 5 years term then the Bank reserve the right to close the account and interest will be paid as mentioned in withdrawal clause. In case of death of the depositor the scheme will case to function. The amount will be handed over to the nominee of the deceased depositor. In case of absence of the nominee the bank will hand over the accumulated amount to the successor of the deceased.

A from has to be filled at the time of opening the account. No introduction is needed but attested photographs are advised. The depositor can select any of the installment accounts. Which can not be subsequently changed. In case of minors the guardians may open and supervise the account in his favors.

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A single person can open more than one account for saving under several installment rates. The accumulated deposit with interest will be returned within one month of completion of a term. The depositor should notify the Bank immediately on any change of address. The government tax will be deducted from the interest accumulated in this scheme. If necessary, at the request of the depositor, the scheme can be transferred to a different branch of the same bank. The bank reserve the right to change the rules and regulations of the schemes as and when deemed necessary.

Year wise monthly installment statement charge:

SL. Monthly No. installment (TK.) 500 5 8 10 12 39041 74202 105095 144461 Monthly installment (TK.) 1000 78082 148404 210190 288923 Monthly installment (TK.) 2000 156164 296809 420380 577847 Monthly installment (TK.) 5000 390411 742024 1050952 1444618

3.2.4 Monthly income scheme (STEADY MONEY):

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Bangladesh are a developing country. But in our country opportunity of investment is very low. People of our country always try to save their excess money and theyre looking for where they can deposit the money. According to their demand EXIM Bank started this money income scheme. A monthly income scheme that really makes good sense. A sure investments for a steady return.


Minimum deposit Tk. 25000. Higher Monthly Income for higher deposits. The scheme is for five year period. Monthly income will be credited to the depositors account on the fifth of each month. OBJECTIVES OF THE SCHEME. An account is to be opened by filling up a form. The Bank provide to the customer a deposit receipt after opening the account. This receipt is non- transferable. If the deposit is withdrawn before a five years term, then saving interest rate will be applicable and paid to the depositor. However, no interest will be paid if the deposit is withdrawn within one year of opening the account and monthly income paid to the customer will be adjusted from the principal amount. A depositor can avail loan up to 80% of the deposit amount under this scheme. In this case, interest will be charged against the

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monthly income will be credited to the loan account until liquidation of loan amount inclusive of interest.


What is Smart Saver? Smart saver is a high return investment plan, which helps a customer build up sizeable amount in a period of five years. These scheme offers a customer buy Smart saver term deposit five times the invested amount. Smart saver is a five-term deposit scheme. But there is no smart sever A/C in Gazipur Chowrasta, Branch.

How does it work?

Smart saver is available unite wise. One unite of unit saver is TK. 25000. For purchasing one unit Smart saver a customer has to invest TK. 5000 as down payment and the bank will provide loan for TK. 2000. The loan is repayable monthly in equal of TK. 490 for a period of five years. At the end of the five years period, the Smart saver term deposit will be enchased and the customer will be paid Tk. 45000.

Flexible repayment schedule:

Customer also has the option repay in 12,24,36,48 and 60 monthly installments.

Maximum investment:
400 units i. e TK. 10000000 (crore) in single / joint names.
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Terms and conditions:

One unit of smart saver term deposit is TK. 25000. During the tenure of the loan the term deposit will be kept in the Bank as security. The customer will have to open an account and monthly installment of loan will be debited from the account commencing from 30 days after opening loan account. Within the first year if the customer fails to repay three consecutive installments then only the principal amount of Smart saver term deposit will be enchased the loan will be liquidated inclusive of accrual interest and balance paid to the customer. After completion of one year, saving rate will be added to the principal amount of Smart saver deposit. In both cases closing charge will be TK. 500. For missed installments on due date customer will be charged TK. 25 per unit per month. In the events of death of the customer the Bank shall be entitled to encash the term deposit and adjust the dues fast before any refund is made to the nominees/successors. The Bank reserves the right to amend the rules as and when deemed necessary.

Multi plus savings:

Saving help to build up capital is the prime source of business investment in a country. Investment takes the country towards

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industrialization. Which eventually creates wealth. That is why savings are treated as the very foundation of development. To create more awareness and motivation people to save, EXIM Bank offers Multi plus Savings scheme.

Terms and condition of the scheme:

Any individual, company, educational institution, Government organization, NGO, Trust, Society etc. may investment their saving under this scheme. The period of deposit is 10 years. But the deposit can be withdrawn at any year with interest. Any customer can open more than one account in a branch in his name or in joint names. A deposit receipt will be issued at the time of opening the account. The depositor can avail loan up to 80% of the deposit under this scheme. In case of issuing duplicates receipts the rules of issuing a duplicate receipt of term deposit will be applicable. In case of death of depositor before the term, the deposit (with interest and saving rate) will be given to the nominee. In the excess of nominee, the heirs/ successors will be paid on production of succession certificate. The nominee may, at this option continue the scheme for the full term.

3.2.7 Super Saving Scheme:

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Saving help to build up capital and capital is the prime source of business investment in a country. Investment takes the country towards industrialization, which eventually creates wealth. That is way saving is treated as the very foundation of development. To create awareness and motivate people to save, EXIM Bank offers super savings scheme.

Terms and conditions of the scheme:

Any individual, Company, Educational institution, Government organization, NGO, Trust, Society etc. may invest their saving under this scheme. The deposit can be made in multiples of TK. 10000. The period of deposit is for 6 years. Any customer can open more than one account in a branch in his name or in joint names. A deposit receipt will be issued at the time of opening the account. If the deposit is withdrawn before 6 years term, then servings interest rate plus 1% will be applied before is made. I louver, no interest will be paid if the deposit is withdrawn within 1st year. A depositor can avail loan up to 80% of the deposited amount under this scheme.

In case of death of depositor, before the term, the deposit (with interest at saving plus 1%) will be given to the nominee. In the

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excess of absence of nominee the legal heirs/ successors will be paid on production of succession certificate. In case of issuing a duplicate receipt the rules of issuing the duplicate receipt of term deposit will be applicable.

Some Example are given in the table below:

Any amount can be deposited in multiples of TK. 10000. Deposit
10000 20000 50000 100000 200000 500000

6 years 6 years 6 years 6 years 6 years 6 years

Payable at maturity
Double Double Double Double Double Double

Payable amount
20000 40000 100000 200000 400000 1000000

3.2.8Fixed deposit account:

There are deposits, which are made with the Bank for a fixed period specified in advance. The Bank do not maintained the cash reserves against these deposits and therefore. The Bank offers higher rates of interest on such deposits and therefore. The Bank offers higher rates of interest on such deposits. These deposits generally constitute 50% of more of the total deposits. Usually customers are allowed to open this accounts for a certain period and the rate of interest varies in accordance with the terms of deposit. The terms and their rate of interest of EXIM Bank Ltd. are as follows.
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Fixed deposit: 1 (One) month

SL. No.
1 2

Range of Account
TK. 10000 to TK. 5000000 Above TK. 5000000

Rate of interest
9.75% 10.00%

Fixed deposit: 3 (Three) month

SL. No.
1 2

Range of Account
TK. 10000 to below Tk. 5000000 Above TK. 5000000

Rate of interest
13.25% 13.50%

Fixed deposit: 6 (Six) month

SL. No.
1 2

Range of Account
TK. 10000 to TK. 5000000 Above TK. 50000

Rate of interest
13.25% 13.50%

Fixed deposit: 12 (Twelve) Month

SL. No.
1 2

Range of Account
TK. 10000 to TK. 5000000 Above TK. 5000000

Rate of interest
13.00% 13.00%

Fixed deposit: 2 (Two) years

SL. No.
1 2

Range of Account
TK. 10000 to TK. 5000000 Above TK. 5000000

Rate of interest
13.00% 13.00%

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Fixed deposit: 3 (Three) years

SL. No.
1 2 3

Range of Account
TK. 10000 to TK. 20000 TK. 20000 to TK. 50000 Above TK. 50000

Rate of interest
12.00% 12.00% 12.00%

3.2.10 Issuing cheque book

The procedures are maintained for issuing chequebook:
At first the customer will fill the cheque requisition from. The leaves the cheqebook under issued small be counted to ensure that all the Bank requisition slip are intact and the named and account number small be returned on the cover page of chequebook. The account number of the customer shall be entered on all the leaves of the chequebook and its requisition slip. The name and account number of the customer shall be entered in the chequebook register against the particular chequebook series. Then the register chequebook and the requisition slip are signed by the officer in charge of the deposit department. Then the chequebook is handed over to the customer after taking acknowledgement on the requisition slip and the register book. A cover the containing the requisition slip shall be effectively reserved as vouchers. If the ledger keeper notices any defect, he will make remark to that effect on the requisition slip and forward it to the

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cancellation officer to decide whether a new checkbook should be issued or not.

3.2.11 Procedure of closing account A customer may close his/ her account any time by submitting to the branch. The customer should be asked to draw the final cheque for the amount standing to the credit of his / her account less the amount less the amount of closing an other incidental charge and surrender the unused cheque leaves. The account should be debited for the account closing charge etc. and the authorized officer of the Bank should destroy unused cheque leaves. In case of joint account the application for closing the account should be singed by the joint account holder. The fee for closing an account is TK. 50 for SB account and TK. 100 for CD and STD account.

3.3 Cash Section

Cash section of any Bank plays a vital role in general Banking procedure. Because it deals with the most liquid assets. There are several counter works simultaneously in cash section of EXIM Bank Gazipur Chowrasta branch. There are also some electronic

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counting machines by which a huge amount of case money can be counted within a few minutes.
3.3.1 Cash receiving procedure:

The work of case receiving counter is examining deposit slips. Depositor uses the prescribed deposit slip supplied by the Bank for deposit cash, draft, cheque, pay order etc. In all types of deposits teller must cheek the following things:
The slip has been properly filled up. The title of the account and its umber. The amount in figure and in words is same. Instrument signed by the depositor. After checking all these things the teller will accept the cash, cheque, draft, pay order etc. against deposit slip. The teller will please the cash in the drawer accounting to denominations. The teller will place signature affix 'cash receipt, rubber stamp seal' and record in the cash received register book against the account number, At the end of this procedure, the cash officer passes the deposits slip to the computer section for posting purpose and returns the customer's copy. Accounting treatment:
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Particulars Cash A/c Dr. To Customer's A/c

Debit (Tk.) xxxx

Credit (Tk.) xxxx

3.3.2 Cash payment procedures

Precaution: In order to safeguard the position the paying Banker has to observe the following precaution before honoring the cheque: A cheque must looked whether it is an opened or closed cheque. The paying officer should see whether the cheque is drawn on his/ her branch. He must see if the Cheque is postdated of predated. A letter must not pay post-dated cheque. The officer must carefully see the apparent tenor of the cheque. If it is mutilated or materially altered then the officer must not honor it. The officer must compare the signature of the cheque with the signature on the specimen signature card. The officer must verify the regularity of the endorsement. The officer may allow overdue against a cheque if prior arrangement is done with the Bank. Passing the cheque:

After verifying the above mentioned things the officer to make payment By putting 'pay cash' seal the cash officer make it clear to pay. The cash officer gives

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the cash amount to the holder and record in the cash paid register.
Accounting treatment: Date
To Cash

Particulars Customer's A/C



Debit (Tk.) xxxx

Credit (Tk.) xxxxx

Dishonor of cheque:
A Banker can dishonor a cheque in the following situation: Insufficient fund. Payment stopped by drawer. Alteration required drawer signature. Effect not clear in the cheque. Exceed arrangement in cheque. Full cover not received. Payee's endorsement irregular/ illegible/ required. Drawer signature different and required. Cheque is post dated/mutilated/ out of date. Crossed cheque must be presented through a bank. Clearing stamp required cancellation. Cheque crossed 'Accounts payee only' Collecting bank discharge irregular/ required.

3.4 Deposit Section:

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The function of the deposit is very important. It is fully computerized. The officer of the deposit section maintains account number of all the customers of the Bank. They are used different code numbers for different account. By this section a depositor/ drawer can know what is the present position of his/ her account. The officer makes posting three types of transactions such as cash, clearing and transfer. This section performs the following tasks.

Post all kinds of transactions. Provide on demand report. Cheque maintenance. Preparation of day transaction position. Preparation of closing monthly transaction position.

3.5 Remittance Section

Banks have a wide network of branches over the country and offer various kinds of remittance facilities of the public. The main instrument used by the EXIM Bank of remittance of funds is: Payment Order (PO) Demand Draft (DD) Telegraphic Transfer (TT)
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3.5.1 It is a process of money from payer to payee within a certain clearing area through Banking channel. A person can purchased payment order in different modes such as pay order by Cheque and for these different modes accounting treatments is also different.

Accounting treatment: Date

(PO by cash)

Particulars Cash A/c Dr To Bills payable A/c To PO Commission A/c

Debit (Tk.) xxxx

Credit (Tk.) xxxx xxxx

Accounting treatment: Date

(PO by Cheque)

Particulars Cash A/c Dr To Bills payable A/c To PO Commission A/c

Debit (Tk.) xxxx

Credit (Tk.) xxxx xxxx

EXIM Bank charged different amount of commission on the basis of Payment Order amount. The Bank charges for Payment Order are given in the following chart: Total amount of PO
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Tk. 10000
Tk. 10000 from Tk. 100000

Tk. 25.00% Tk. 60.00%

Tk. 120.00%

Above Tk. 100000

3.5.2 Demand Draft (DD)

It is an instrument containing an unconditional order of one Bank to another to pay a certain amount of money to the named person or order the amount therein on demand. DD is very much popular instrument for remitting money from one corner of a country to another. Commission for DD is 0.15% of the principal amount.
Accounting treatment: Date

(DD by Cheque/ cash)

Particulars Cheque/ Cash A/c Dr. To Demand Draft A/c To DD Commission A/c

Debit (Tk.) xxxx

Credit (Tk.) xxxx xxxx

Difference between pay order and demand draft: There are some difference between pay order and demand draft, which are:

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In case of demand draft both the payer and payee need to have account. But there is no certain rule for pay order. PO is used in the same clearing area. DD is used for all kinds. DD can not be done in the same clearing area. DD is drawn on a certain Bank officer. But there is no certain rule for PO.

3.5.3 Telegraphic Transfer (TT)

Telegraphic transfer is the quickest method of transferring funds from one place of another. Sometimes the remitter wants that the money to be available to the payee immediately. In that case bankers are requested to remit the fund telegraphically. Here the remitter bears the additional charge of telex/ telephone. Charge for TT is 0.15% of the principal amount and the addition charge telex/ telephone is Tk. 40.00 In case of TT both the parts must have accounts. Accounting treatment: Date

(PO by Cheque)

Particulars Cash A/c Dr To TT Commission A/c To TT charge A/c

Debit (Tk.) xxxx

Credit (Tk.) xxxx xxxx xxxx

Bills and clearing Section: For safety and security in financial transaction people use financial instruments like DD, PO. Cheque etc. commercial bank's duty is to collect

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the financial instruments on behalf of their customer. The process that the banks use known as clearing and collection. The main function of this section is to collect instruments on behalf of the customers through Bangladesh Bank clearinghouse. Outside bank clearing (OBC), Inter Brach Clearing (IBC). Upon the receipt of the instruments this section examines the following things: Whether the paying bank within the Dhaka city. Whether the paying bank outside the Dhaka city. Whether the paying bank is their own branch.

3.5.4 Outward Clearing

Outward clearing held if the instruments collected by specific branch within the Dhaka city and not of their own branch. Here the following procedures are followed: The clients receive the duty-signed instruments. Cheeked for any apparent discrepancy. Clearing stamps are affixed on the instrument and on the deposit slip. Branch code numbers also affixed on the instruments. The authorized signature endorses instruments. Particulars of the with schedules send to the main branch of EXIM Bank Bangladesh Ltd. with issuing an lnter Branch Debit Advice (IBDA).

3.5.5 Essential things for clearing the instruments:

There are three essential things required for clearing the instruments: Crossing seal
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Endorsement seal Clearing seal.

3.6 Accounts Section:

This is a very much crucial department for each branch of a commercial Bank. Recedes of all the trisection of every department are dept here as will as with other respective branches. Accounting department verifies all financial amounts and contents of transaction. If any discrepancy arises regarding any transaction this department report to the concerned department.
3.6.1 Tasks of accounts department:

Accounts department plays vital role in commercial baking. In privet banking sector accounts department of EXIM Bank Bangladesh Ltd. performs its tasks properly. The activities of account section are as follows:
Record all transaction in the cashbook.

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Record all transaction in the general and subsidiary ledger. Prepare daily fund function, weekly position, period statement of affairs etc. Prepare necessary statement for reporting purpose. Make salary statement and pay salary. Branch to branch fund remittance and support for accounting treatment. Budgeting for branch. Make charges for different types of duties.

Loans And Advances Department.

4.0 Introduction
4.1 Types of loans and advances. 4.2 Brief idea about the different types of loans and advances. 4.3 Formalities for extending project loans. 4.4 Documentation. 4.5 Disbursement. 4.6 Follow-up. 4.7 Recovery.

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4.8 Sector wise loan disbursement and recovery chart. 4.9 Types of classification of the loans. 4.10 Basis of classification of the loans. 4.11 Provision. 4.12 Bank guarantee.

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Loans and advances department.

4.0 introductions
Banking is essentially a business dealing organization with money and credit like all other business activates. Banks are profit-oriented organization. A bank invites its fund many ways to earn more and more profit and most of its income is derived from loans and advances. Bank makes loans and advances to traders, Businesspersons, industrialists and many other persons against security of some cautions policy and sound lending principle in the matter of lending. EXIM Bank is a lending bank in loans and advances and it grant loans in various sectors especially in industry, trade and commerce.

4.1 Types of loans and advances:

There may be different types of loans and advances given from the commercial banks such as EXIM Bank Ltd. of our country. Loans and advances may be in the following types: cash credit. Overdraft. House Building loan (general and staff) Transportation (car) loan (only for senior staff) Consumer credit scheme. Loan against Imported Merchandise (LIM). Loan Bills Purchases Documentary (LBPD). Loan Against Other Securities (LAOS). Term loan.

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4.2 Brief idea about the different types of loans and advances: 4.2.1 Cash Credit (CC):

A cash credit is an arrangement by which the customer is allowed to borrow many up to a certain limit. This a permanent arrangement and the customers need not to draw the sanctioned amount of money at a time. The borrower can draw the money when required. The borrower can put back any surplus amount, which he/she may be affected frequently. Intersect is charged only to the amount withdrawn and not the whole amount sanctioned cash credit arrangement is usually divide into two ways such as:
Cash credit pledge. Cash credit hypothecation Cash credit pledge:

In case of cash credit pledge possession of the goods dealings to bank and ownership of the goods belongs to borrower and bank the possessions of the goods as primary security. The goods stored in go down under lock and key by direct supervision of the bank. If the borrower wants to sell any portion of the pledged goods he/she permission of bank with returning the value of the loan amount. It is therefore regarded as the most secured type of advance
Cash credit hypothecation:
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In case of cash credit hypothecation possession of the goods not transferred to the bank and therefore such and advance is no better then a clean loan, such an advance can thus only be granted to a person in whose integrity the banked has full confidence cash credit in the form of 'Hypothecation' is normally accompanied with mortgage of immovable properties. The pray/borrower possesses the lock and key of the down.

The Formalities of opening cash credit:

The intending cash credit holder should submit the following documents and being fill-up properly: Stock report, rend receipt. Trade license. Up to date income tax clearing certificate. Charge documents. Letter of continuity. Letter of arrangement. DP (Demand Promissory) note. Letter of guarantee. Letter lien. Limit sanction advice. Non-Encumbrance certificate. Observing the documents the bank authority prepare a CC proposal form that contains the following information: Nature of business. Banking with EXIM.

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Transition with CD account by the client. Allied deposit with SB/STD account. Number of adjustment(s) [How many times the CC holder made his/her account nil that means debit balance equal to credit balance] Recycling it is the ration of total credit summation to the limit. If the ratio is higher it is better from banker's point of view. Turn over in the account. By the encasement authority the bank holds the power to encase the FDR the encasement authority at any time in case of borrower's failure to repay the loan amount with interest in due time. Based on the above-mentioned information the dealing officer of the loans and advances department prepares recommendation about the prospect of granting the CC loan to the client.

4.2.2 Overdraft:

Overdraft is an arrangement between the banker and the customer by which the letter is allowed to withdraw over his/her credit balance in the current account up to an agreed limit. The borrower is permitted for draw and repay any number of times, provided the total amount overdrawn dose not exceed the agreed limit. Here the interest is charged only for the amount withdrawn over the limit, not for the whole amount. Overdraft is divided into two categories:
Secured overdraft (SOD) Temporary overdraft (TOD)

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Secured overdraft: It is allowed against the full security (i.e. FDR, ICB unit certificates).

Temporary Overdraft: It is allowed to the customer for a very short period of time. But EXIM bank deals only secured overdraft.
4.2.3 Car loans:

This is a special type of loan, which is only provided for the staff of EXIM Bank. Usually AVP and above level officers get this kind facility. This loan is reimbursed on instrument basis and repayable after each month.
4.24 House Building loan (general and Staff):
Generally house building loan is provide into two sectors: Generally Staff Naturally house-building loan is paid for the construction of commercial buildings, land owners etc. procedures for sanctioning house-building loan as follows:Application for sectioning loan. Application properly filled-up for credit facilities supplied by the bank. Personal net worth statement each director. Inquiry form.

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Required papers for sanctioning HB loan:

Copy of general power of attorney. Copy of material certificate. Copy of engineer's estimate. Copy of projected cash flow.

4.2.5 Loan (General):

In case of loan the banks sanction some of money for a certain period of time. The enter amount is one time disbursement and paid in cash or credit loan A/C. the interest is charged on full sanctioned amount @ 16%. The bank generally sanctions loan to establish industry. These types of loans are granted for capital expenditure such as purchase of land, constriction of factory building, purchase of now machinery and modernization of plant. The borrower cannot withdraw this type of loan once repaid in full or in part again.
4.3 Formalities for extending project loan: Loan application form:
After receiving the loan application from the borrower the branch scrutinize the application whether it is viable or not. Loan application form contains the following particulars amongst other detail below. Particular description of the project.
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Nature of the project. Detail information about the borrower. Statements of assets and liabilities of the borrower with declaration. Detail information about proposed products, machineries and manpower etc. Project cost and source of fund. Market for the proposed project.

Feasibility report:
This report is provided by the borrower, which includes the following aspects of the project: Marketing aspect Technical aspect financial aspect. Managerial aspect Socio-economic aspect

CIB report:

Before making credit repot to the head office the lending branch takes the credit information to the borrower from the CIB (Credit Information Bureau) of Bangladesh Bank and other financial institutions. For obtaining this report the branch sends 'Inquiry form' to CIB duly filled in particulars of the borrower. The report is divided into 5 segments.
Project appraisal:
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It is the reinvestment analysis done by Banker before a project is approved. Project appraisal in the Banking sector is needed for following reasons:
To ensure repayment of the Bank finance. To achieve the organizational goals. To establish industrialists in a country The main tasks of the project appraisal is to justify the soundness of an investment by the Banker by means of a capital and systematic of the different elements of the project. For this purpose Banks use two types of analysis: Lending Risk Analysis (LRA). Spread Sheet Analysis (SSA)

Lending risk analysis:

Lending risk analysis is modern methodologies, which describes how to access the risks that are inherent any credit extension and how to access the likelihood that the customer will repay a loan. The LRA form contains 16 pages to analysis different categories of Risks. The Financial Sector Reform project introduced the lending Risk analysis format in 1993. LRA is a standardize format for analyzing the credit worthiness of a borrower and the likelihood that the borrower will repay. Bangladesh bank issued a letter number BCD (p) 611/13/1290 dated 17-07-1994, which now makes it mandatory for the commercial Banks to implement the

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LRA approach to credit analysis prior to extending credit facilities to a Borrower. The modern concept of lending is 'purpose and production' oriented and not 'security' oriented. The emphasis should be given not no securi9ty rather on he likelihood of repayment, the credit worthiness of the customer soundness and viability of the business etc.
4.4 Documentation

Documentation is a retained statement of facts of proof or evidence arising out of particular transaction, which on placement may bind the parties there to answerable and liable to the court of law for sanction of the charge in question. In this connection Bank for the purpose of security take some charge document from the borrower.
4.4.1 Common compulsory documents:
A letter of acceptance about the terms and conditions laid down in sanction advice. DP note (Depending one the type of borrowers). Letter of arrangement.

4.4.2 documents depending on the type of advance. In case of loan:

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Letter of disbursement. Letter of authority. Letter of hypothecation. Insurance policy Any other document as stated in sanction advice.

In case of cash credit:

Letter of disbursement in case of renewed go down. Letter of authority. Letter hypothecation/ Pledge. Insurance Policy. Letter of continuity. Personal guarantee. Any other document as stated in sanction advice.

In case of mortgage:
Mortgage deed (Certified copy). Registration receipt in original CS/ SA/ RS porch. Up to date rent receipt. Non-encumbrance certificate. Power of authority. Legal opinion from the legal advisor. Valuation certificate from the concerned certificate. Location map or site plan.

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Note: In case of simple mortgage registration of the deed is essential, but in case of equitable registration is not required.

4.5 Disbursement:

Loan disbursement has to be made after completion of documentation and observation of the sanctioning terms against rising of equity by sponsors as laid down. Each of loan disbursement to be supervised by Bank official that the project and the phase of implementation of the project to be affectivity supervised and borrowers persuaded for completion of project in time. There are main there important factors in the loan disbursement such as:
Completion of documentation. Verification of stocks. All-important documentation.

4.6 follow up:

After the disbursement of the loan bank follows the borrower in the following manner: Constant supervision. Working capital assessment. Stock report. Break even analysis. Rescheduling of repayment.

4.7 Recovery:
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Loans and advance in whether from granted by the bank to its clients are repayable either on demand or at the expiry of the fixed period or as per repayment schedule agreed upon while granting the facilities. If any loan is not repaid then notices served to the customer. Sometimes legal actions also taken for recover the loan. The overdraft and cash credit is legally in installment and deferral cases in the payment of any installment entire loan usually become immediately recoverable of at the position of the Bank. Banks generally realize their advance under following cases:
If death occur dither of the borrower or the guarantor. Dissolution of partnership. Liquidation of the borrowing company. Failure to renew documents sufficiently before the expire of the limitation. Deterioration in the financial position of the party. If the borrower fails to maintain the stipulated Merlin. Change in the Bank's policy of lending. The policy of selective credit control by Bangladesh Bank. Detection of any other undesirable feature of accounts. 4.8 Types of classification of loans: In banking practice there are three types of classified loans. This classification is prepared based on the non-repayment with in particular time fame of the loan; this classification type has been developed by the Bangladesh Bank's rules and regulations.
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In the borrower is reported to have committed as Act of insolvency.

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4.8.1 Sub-standard loan: In the borrower does not make any transaction with in 6 or 12 months (neither crediting nor withdrawing money) in his/her loan accent then it would be known as sub-standard loan. 4.8.2 Doubtful loan: If the borrower does not make any transaction before 18 months and above (neither crediting nor withdrawing money) in his/ her loan account then it would be known as doubtful loan. 4.8.3 Bad or loss (BL) loan: If the borrower does not make any transaction before 18 months and above (neither crediting nor withdrawing money) in his/ her loan account then it would be known as doubtful loan.

4.9 Basis of classification of loans: The Classification is done as per central Bank's instruction in BCD circular no. 34/1989, BCD circular no. 20/1994. According to these rules and regulation EXIM Banks classifies loan on the basis of the following criteria: Overdue: If the borrower does not repay the loan instruction within stipulated time frame then the loan would be known as overdue loan.

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Limit overdrawn: If the borrower crosses the granted limit of loan then it would be known as limit overdrawn. Required payment: If the required payment is not made within the particular time then it would be classified required payment. Legal action: If the Bank takes any legal action at any time against borrower for defaulting the loan repayments then in it would be known a the loan classified based on legal action. Qualitative Judgments: This is the basis of loan classification upon the borrower performance. If the Bank authority observes that the borrower has the chance not to repay the loan amount within the required time frame than they consider it as qualitative judgment classified loan.

4.10 Provision: If any borrower fails to pay his /her borrower amount the account is classified as sub-standard, doubtful and bad depending on the period of nonpayment. When the amount of classified loan is big the Bank can not operate Banking functions very smoothly. At that time Bank required provision and then a proportion of net profit transfer to the provision. The main function of provision is to overcome bad and loss on one side, a big amount of provision is good, because the Bank can operate Banking functions and disburse to the new probable sector in the economy to develop
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the country and on the other hand a big amount of provision is bad, because the amount of reserve is small. As per latest BRPD circular no. 16/1998 Bangladesh bank the length of overdue and reserve for provision for classified loans are given below: 31st December 2003 Base for Provision A. B. C. D. Substandard 164946 Doubtful Bad & Loss 12051 Total Rate

(Amount in '000) 31st December 2002 Base for Provision 5350 Rate 1% 20% 50% 100% 80177 164331 Amount 79107 1070

Unclassified 11929131 1% 20% 50%

119291 7910720 32989

100% 12051

Base of provision= Total outstanding amount- Interest suspense- 50% of the collateral security.

4.11 Bank guarantee: According to the section 126 of contract Act 1872 guarantee can be defined as a contract to perform the premise of discharge of liability of a third person in case of his default. The person who gives the guarantee is called the 'Surety' the person in respect of whose default the guarantee is given the called 'the principal debtor' and the person to whom the guarantee is given is called the creditor. It is an irrecoverable under taking to pay in case of a certain eventually. Banks generally provide three types of guarantee.
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Bid Bond. Performance Guarantee. Advance Payment Guarantee. 4.11.1 Bid Band (BB): Bid band is one type of guarantee given by the Bank. It is no fully secured guarantee. Bank takes full margin this type of guarantee. 4.11.2 Performance Guarantee (PG): Performance guarantee is fully secured guarantee. Bank gives guarantee to the beneficiary that if the party fails to perform his/ her work then Bank will take the liability. 4.11.3 Advance Payment Guarantee (APG): If the party takes from the beneficially advance payment to perform them Bank provides guarantee to the beneficially on behalf of the party. It is fully secured guarantee.

Accounting treatment: Date Particulars Customers liability L/G A/C Dr. To Banker's liability L/G A/C (Being the Bank guarantee issued) Debit (Tk.) Debit (Tk.) xxxx xxxxx Credit (Tk.)



Credit (Tk.)

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Cash A/C


xxxx xxxxx

To S/D A/c Margin L/G (Being the cash received for L/C margin) Debit (Tk.) xxxx

Date Cash A/C

Particulars Dr.

Credit (Tk.)

To Income A/C commission on L/G (Being received from commission on LG) Debit (Tk.) xxxx


Date Party A/C To Cash

Particulars Dr. A/c

Credit (Tk.)


(Being margin realized)

Foreign Exchange Department.

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5.0 Introduction 5.1 Import Section. 5.2 Export Section. 5.3 Foreign Remittance Section.

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Foreign Exchange Department 5.0 Introduction

One of the largest businesses carried out by the commercial bank is foreign trading. The trade among various countries fills for close link between the parties dealing in trade. The situation calls for expertise in the field of foreign exchange operations. The bank, which provides such operation, is refereed to as rending international Banking operation. Mainly transactions with overseas countries are respects of import, export and foreign remittance come under the preview of foreign exchange transactions. international trade demands a flow of goods from seller to buyer and of payment fro buyer to seller. In this case the Bank plays a vital role to bridge between the buyer and seller.
Foreign Exchange department of EXIM Bank is one of the most important department of all departments. This department handles various types of activities by three separate sections: 1. Import section. 2. Export section. 3. Foreign Remittance.

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5.1 Import section

The functions are of this section is mainly to deal with various components such as: Letter of Credit (L/C). Payment Against Document (PAD). Payment against Trust Receipt (PTR). Loan against Imported Merchandise (LIM).

5.1.1 Letter of Credit (L/C):

Definition: A letter of credit can be defined as 'an arrangement where in a Bank Guarantees on behalf of his customers to make payments to the beneficiary upon presentation of documents specified in the credit. Parties involved in L/C: Opener/Buyer/Importer: The person who opens the L/C is known as opener/buyer/importer of the L/C. The buyer and the seller conclude a sales contract providing for payment by documentary credit.

Opening Bank:

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The Bank issuing the L/C in favor of exporter is known as opening Bank. The opening bank opens L/C on request of importer according to application of the importer. Advising Bank: The Bank through L/C is advised. L/C will be sent to the beneficiary through their agent (correspondent Bank) abroad. The duty of the advising Bank is to authenticate the message so that the seller can act on it without any fear of forgery etc. Beneficiary: Seller and exporter in whose favor the L/C are opened. The beneficiary is normally the seller of goods who receive payment under documentary credit. If he has compiled with terms and conditions thereof. Negotiating Bank: The Bank that is authorized to handle (purchase) the documents under the L/C in the exporting country is known as negotiating Bank. L/C will stipulate either a notified Bank to negotiate (restricted L/C) or any bank can negotiate in the seller's country (unrestricted L/C). Reimbursing Bank: The Bank that is (by the L/C issuing Bank) to effect reimbursement is known as reimbursing Bank. Reimbursing Bank is authorized to honor the reimbursement claims in settlement of negotiation/ acceptance/ payments lodged with it by the paying/ negotiating/ accepting Bank.

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Confirming bank: A confirming bank is one which adds the guarantee to the credit opened by another Bank. Therese undertaking the responsibility of payment/ negotiating/ acceptance under the credit in addition to that of the issuing Bank. A confirming Bank normally does so it requested by the issuing Bank. Types of L/C: Revocable/ irrevocable L/C. Confirmed/ unconfirmed L/C. Transferable L/C. Back to back L/C. Acceptance L/C. Revolving L/C. Red clause L/C. Green close L/C. The EXIM Bank basically deals with irrevocable L/C. which can not be amended or cancelled by the issuing Bank at any moment and without prior to the beneficiary. It also deals back to back L/C, which is the letter of credit provided by the exporter to the import the raw materials from abroad in order to produce the exportable commodity for the importer. Procedures for opening L/C: Application for opening L/C:
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An importer who is desirous to import goods from foreign country will apply issuing Bank for opening a L/C. The importer will provide an application mentioning the following aspects: Full particulars of applicants Bank account. Types of business. Historical background. Amount of required L/C limit. Amount of L/C margin. Terms of payments. Name of imported goods. Repayment schedule and source of fund. Documents required for opening L/C: An importer or L/C opener has to submit the following documents: Application form (provided by the Bank). Import registration certificate. Pro-forma invoice. Four sets of IMP form. Insurance cover not. VAT registration number. Tex registration number. Letter of credit authorization form. Examination for opening L/C: Application must be carefully checked by the concerned officer considering the facts mentioning below:
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The terms and conditions of L/C applications are consistent with exchange control and import trade resolution UCPDC 500. Illegibility of imported goods. The L/C must be opened in favor of importer. That is signed by the importer and agreed with the terms and conditions. Indenting registration number. Goods are not of Israel and vassals to be used are not of Israel. Insurance cover note with date of shipment. whether RC is up to date or not. Whether IMP form is duly filled up and signed. The imported goods are marketable. After scrutinizing all these legal aspects necessary entry is given to the margin register and charge, commission and margin is realized. Transmitting the L/C: The L/C is transmitted to the advising Bank for advising the L/C to the beneficiary. L/C is generally transmitted through tested Telex of Fax. Before transmission of final examination of the L/C contents is necessary for the issuing Bank. It is customary to advice a credit to the beneficiary through advising Bank. Advising Bank after receiving L/C documents informs to the beneficiary for receiving L/C. Add confirmation: Very often advising Banks received request from the issuing Bank to add their confirmation while advising credit to the beneficiary. The advising can do it if there is prior arrangement between advising and issuing bank or
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if it feels that the issuing Bank is repute reliable and institution and good enough to discharge this obligation. Amendment of L/C: In case of revocable L/C amendment be brought without prior notice of the benefici8ary or issuing Bank. But in cage of irrevocable L/C prior notice of the beneficiary is essential. Issuing Bank will accept amendment of the L/C after getting consent of both importer and exporter. 5.1.2 Payment against Document (PAD). The issuing Bank starts PAD procedure after getting all necessary documents from the exporter as evidence of export in goods. Documents required for PAD is mentioned below: Original (non-negotiable) bill of landing. Commercial invoice. Certificate of insurance. Certificate of origin. Bill of exchange. Pre-shipment inspection certificate. Packing list. Clean report of Finding (CRF). Examination of PAD documents: Scrutinizing documents is very important for the issuing Bank. As after examining all the documents the issuing Bank will make payment to
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the negotiation Bank. So, any mistake in the examination process may cost issuing Bank. Examining the Bill of Exchange: It is drawn a duly signed by the maker indicating as the beneficiary. It is drawn on the importer indicating him drawee. L/C number quoted on it. Tenors of the draft are strictly in conformity with the terms stipulated in the L/C. Amount is identical. Amount in words and in figures is same. Examining the commercial invoice. It is addressed to the importer. It is dated, signed and submitted in required number. It must bear detailed description of goods that must tally with L/C and bill of landing. Price, quality, quantity etc. is corresponded to L/C. It must be prepared in the language of L/C. Invoice must bear L/C authorization and other relevant number. Charge relevant to merchandise is included in the invoice and is permitted by the L/C.

Examination of transport document: It is presented in full set of negotiable and non-negotiable copies. Date of shipment on the bill of landing.

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Bill of landing must be made out in the mane of Bank notify the importer. Description of goods in the bill of landing must agree with invoice and L/C. Port of shipment and destination is as per L/C. Bill of landing is signed by the shipping company or their agent.

Examination of other documents: Weight list, inspection certificate, quality certificate, certificate of origin, packing list etc. should agree with L/C terms and conditions and also signed by the appropriate authority. These certificates are usually dated before the date of shipment. Common discrepancies of the import document: Following are the common discrepancies found in the documents operation: Inadequate number of invoice. Late shipment. Late shipment of transshipment beyond L/C terms. 'One broad' endorsement unsigned or not dated on the bill of lading. Specifications of goods are not as per terms of L/C. Tenor of draft wrong. Inconsistent documents presented. Absence of some documents.

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If any major discrepancies found in the documents it is informed to the buyer for his/her opinion. If discrepancies are minor then these are overlooked. Lodgment and retirement of import document: Date of payments: Usually payment is given within 7 days of documents received. Otherwise incase of documents purchased by negotiating Bank it may claim for interest. Intimation letter: Before payment an intimation letter is given to the international department for arranging necessary fund before final payment. Retirement procedures: Receive all kinds of documents. Checking of documents as per L/C terms. Entry of PAD registers. Vouching of PAD register. Posting of voucher. Sending credit advice to the head officer. Informing importer about receiving documents.

Accounting treatment: When documents are received:

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Particulars PAD cash A/c Dr. To ETCA head office ID To Income A/c Telex To Income A/c interest on PAD To Income A/c cxchange on earnings

Dr. (Tk.) xxx

Cr. (Tk.)

xxx xxx xxx xxx

When margin amount is transferred to PAD: Date Particulars A/c Dr. xxx Dr. (Tk.) Cr. (Tk.) Sunday deposit L/C margin xxx To PAD A/c

When margin amount is made: Date Particulars Party A/c Dr. To PAD cash A/c xxx Dr. (Tk.) xxx Cr. (Tk.)

When reversal entry: Date Particulars Dr. (Tk.) Cr. (Tk.)

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Bankers liability A/c Dr. To Customer liability A/c

xxx xxx

5.1.5 Loan against Trust Receipt (LTR):

There may be situation where storage of collateral in an independently controlled filled where house is impractical and improper may require the goods for further processing of for display the merchandise in order to make the final sale. In such cases a financing institution that has a great degree of trust in the importer may be willing to release the negotiable bill of landing and thereby also the good to the importer against the signing of trust receipt. After the importer has made his/her final sale and received the proceeds, he/her can pay the financing institution that he/ she received as advance.

5.1.4 Loan against Imported Merchandise (LIM):

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If the importer does not come to negotiate the shipping documents from the issuing Bank then it creates LIM though the Bank clears the goods from the port and holds the goods in its go down. Beside the above as soon as the imported goods come to the port the party may fall into financial crisis and requests the Bank to clear the goods from the port making payment to the exporter. In this case the party later may take the goods partly or fully from the Bank by making require payment (if he/ she takes the goods time to time payment will be adjusted simultaneously).

5.2 Export section: This section negotiates the export documents and collects and purchases the export in relation to export credit. Pre-shipment finance. Post-shipment finance.

Export finance arises from trade between two traders trading in two different countries. A brief idea of the both categories is given below. 5.2.1 Pre-shipment finance: When an exporter intend to ship the goods to an overseas buyer he/ she needs fund for purchasing goods to be exported. He /she may also depend upon the bank for arranging credit for the supply of goods. 5.2.2 Post- shipment finance:

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Post-shipment finance is more concerned with Banks than preshipment finance. This type of finance starts after the goods have already been shipped. 5.2.3 Function of export section: Export section performs different types of tasks such as: Back to Back L/C open. Foreign Documentary Bill for Collection (FDBC). Foreign Documentary Bill for Purchase (FDBP). Local Documentary Bill for Purchase (LDBP). Secured Overdraft (SOD) export. Export Cash credit (ECC). Pacing Credit (PC). Accepted Bills Payable (ABP). Back to Back L/C open: It is secondary letter of credit opened by the advising bank in favor of a domestic / foreign supplier on behalf of the beneficiary originals foreign L/C. As the original letter of credit of Bank by import letter, it is called Back to Back L/C. The second L/C is opened on the strength of the original for a smaller amount i.e. maximum 75% is shipped under lien and 10% under packing credit. There are three of Back L/C opened by EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Back to Back L/C (Foreign): When the BTB L/C is opened in a foreign country supplier it is called BTB L/C (Foreign). It is generally payable within 120 days at sight.
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Back to Back L/C (EDF): EDF stands for Export Development Fund that is provided by the ADB to Bangladesh Bank for Export promotion of 3rd World country like Bangladesh. When the Bank is not in a position to support the amount of Back L/C then they apply for loans to the Bangladesh Bank for Back L/C(EDF). Back to Back L/C (local) When the Back to Back L/C is opened for local purchase of materials is called Back to Back L/C (local). It is generally payable within 90 days at sight. Procedures for Back to Back L/C: Exporter should apply for Back to Back L/C. Exporter L/C or master V under is lien. Opening of Back to Back L/C. Terms and conditions for Back to Back L/C. That the customer has credit lien facility. That L/C is issued as per UCPAD 500. That on the export L/C a negotiation clause is present. That there is no provision for Blank endorsement of B/l. That payment clause is thereon the L/C issuing Bank ensuring payment. Consideration for to back L/C: Whether client can manufacture within the time period.
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The unit of the finished pro-forma invoice should be considering while allowing margin. Consider the expiry date and shipment date. On-side inspection whether manufacturing is carried out. Payment under Back to Back L/C: Deferred payment is made in case of Back to Back L/C as 6.,90,120,180 date of maturity period. Payment will be given after realizing export proceed from the L/C issuing Bank from the abroad. Reporting of Bangladesh Bank: At the end of every month reporting of Bangladesh Bank is mandatory regarding the whole month's export operation. The procedures in this respect are as follows: To fill up the E-2 schedule of s-1 category. The whole month import amount, quantity, goods category, country, currency etc. all are mentioned. Respective IMP forms are also attached with the scheduled to fill up the E-3/P-3 for all invisible payment. Original IMP is forwarded to Bangladesh Bank with mentioning novice value. Duplicate IMP is skipped with the Bank along with the Bill of entry. Export procedures: A person desirous to exports should apply to obtain ERC from CCLNE. Then the person should take step for export purpose in the Bank for obtaining EXP form. He/she must submit the following documents: Trade license.
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ERC. Certificate from concerned government organization. After satisfaction on the documents the Banker will issue EXP form to the exporter. Now the exporter will be getting shipping and other documents from the shipment procedure. Exporter should submit all these documents along with letter of indemnity to the Bank for negotiation.

Documents of export
Commercial invoice. Bill of lading. EXP form. Bill of exchange. L/C copy. Packing list. Certificate of origin.

Following major documents are required for export purpose:

Quality control certificate. Weight list. Inspection certificate.

Procedures for collection of export Bill

Foreign Documentary Bill for Purchase (EDBP). Foreign Documentary Bill for Collection (FDBC)
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There are two types of procedures regarding collection of export Bill: Foreign Documentary Bill for Collection (EDBC).

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Exporter can collect the Bill through negotiating bank on the basis of collection. Exporter in this case will submit all the documents to the negotiating Bank for collection of Bill from inspector. the exporter will get money only when the issuing Bank gives payment. In this connection Bank will scrutinize all the documents as per terms and conditions mentioned in L/C. Accounting treatment
Date Particulars Head office account Dr. To party A/c To Govt. tax A/c (@ 0.25% of invoice value) To postage A/c To Income A/c profit on exchange xxx xxx xxx xxx

Dr. (Tk.) xxx

Cr. (Tk.)

FDBC Register

Entry given twice in this register When document is forwarded to the issuing Bank. When proceeds realized.

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Foreign Documentary Bill for purchase (FDBP) when exporter sale all the export documents to the negotiating Bank it is known as FDBP. In this case the exporter will submit all the documents to the Bank. The Bank give 60%-80% amounts to the exporter against total L/C value.

Accounting treatment
Before realization of proceeds: Date Particulars FDBP A/c Dr. To customer A/c xxx Dr. (Tk.) xxx Cr. (Tk.)

Adjustment after realization of proceeds: Date Particulars Head A/c Dr. To FDBP A/c xxx Dr. (Tk.) xxx Cr. (Tk.)

Local Documentary Bill for purchase (LDBP): Incoming of L/C customer with the L/C to negotiate.
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Documents given with L/C. Scrutinizing documents as per L/C terms and conditions. Forward the documents to L/C opening Bank. L/C issuing Bank gives acceptance and forward acceptance letter. Payment given to the party by collection basis or by purchasing documents. Accounting treatment: Date Particulars LDBP A/c To Party A/c To commission A/c To Interest A/c xxx xxx xxx Packing Credit (PC) It is one kind of credit sanctioned by export department to meet the exported goods shipment timely. The Bank will give the facility after deduction of Back to Back L/C from total L/C value. Secured Overdraft (SOD) Secured Overdraft is one kind of facility enjoying by the exporter from the export section. It is generally given to meet the Back to Back L/C claim. Sometimes it is given to the exporter by force for meeting the Back to Back L/C claim due to delay of Master L/C payment. 5.3 Foreign remittance section
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Dr. (Tk.) Dr. xxx

Cr. (Tk.)

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Different funds are mobilized from foreign country to our through the foreign remittance section. Purchase of foreign currencies institutes inward foreign remittance and sale of foreign currencies constitutes outward foreign remittance. EXIM Bank has a rich environment where funds flow from different countries. The transaction of the authorized dealer in foreign exchange involves either inward or outward remittances of foreign exchange between the two countries. EXIM Bank has authorized dealership. Different branches of EXIM Bank such as Motijheel branch, panthapat branch etc. are providing the foreign remittance services to its customers. But EXIM Bank Gazipur Chowrasta branch has no authorized dealership. For this reason this branch can not provide the foreign remittance services to its customer. EXIM Banks foreign remittance facilities include FBC, LFBC purchase and sale of FCY, FTT, and traveler's cheque, FBP. 5.3.1 way of transferring the funds NOSTRO Account. VOSTRO Account. LORO Account.

Nostro Account

An Account of the branch named which in a multinational Bank for

the transferring of the fund called NOSTRO Account. VOSTRO Account.

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VOSTRO Account is the opposite of NOSTRO Account where a multinational Bank maintains account in the local Bank to meet the requirements of sending fund. 5.3.2 Remittance Procedure of Foreign Currency There are two types of remittance: Inward remittance. Outward remittance.

Inward remittance

Inward remittance can be divided into different types. These

remittance procedures are describe in the following: Foreign Demand Draft (FDD): If any draft is sent to the name of any organization from abroad than the draft holder is to fill up from- C Where the draft holder is to fill up who has send this draft, from where this draft has been sent etc. whether family purpose then no VAT is required against the draft. For payment of draft of concerned officer maintains a register which is called register for foreign currency paid. Telegraphic Transfer (TT) TT is one of the important tools of transferring foreign currency from one country to another. The person who wants to send TT to the abroad at first he/ she has to submit an application from duly mentioned in TT amount and he /she has to deposit amount mentioned in voucher to the cash department. It is generally performed by the Bank branch through their
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respective NOSTRO account who is maintaining any foreign Bank account outside the country. The originating Bank send a message to the paying foreign Bank for making payment against the mentioned TT accounts number. The foreign make payments to the party and also make debit account against respective Bank. At the same time foreign Bank send advice to head office ID division for acknowledging the debited amount. Head officer ID division sends debit advice to the respective branch for acknowledging the payment.

Outward remittance
Sales of TC and FC notes:

Outward remittance includes sales of TC and FC notes etc. To get TC and FC notes at least the customer has to submit an application form. Filling up the required column, which is formatted by the Bank, is called T/M form. After checking up the from the desk officer passes voucher and issues a TC and gives cash dollar to the customer. In both the cases the Bank endorse total amount in customer's passport. The Bankers requires photocopy of customer's passport (page: 1-7) and endorsement paper. The charge of endorsement taken by the branch is Tk. 200 only. Sale of TC and FC notes amount varies from different countries: Boundary Within SAARC countries Within Asia World Wide US $ 1000 US $ 3000 US $ 5000 TC/FC amount

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Findings and Recommendations.

6.1 My Findings. 6.2 Recommendations.

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Findings and Recommendations 6.1 My Findings.

6.1.1 Date analysis and interpretation based on questionnaire and interviews on the customers/ clients.
1. What is your opinion about the Banking environment of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd.? Table: 1 (About Environment of EXIM Bank) SL No.

Comments Very good Good Fair Poor Total

Interviewees No. of persons 35 60 5 0 100 Parentage (%) 35 60 5 0 100

2 3 4

Interpretation: From the above date analysis we can see, most of the clients agreed that the Banking environment of EXIM Bank is good. Some people commented it is very good and a few said it fair.
2. Employees are always ready to help/ Co-operate the customers. Do you agree? SL No. Comments Interviewees

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No. of persons 1 2

Parentage (%) 95 0 5 100

Yes No Sometimes Total

95 0 5 100

Interpretation: Analysis shows that most of the customer agreed that the employees are always ready to help them. They are very co-operative.
3. Do you think customers are getting more facilities here in comparison with other Bank? Table: 3 (About comparative facilities)
SL No.

Comments Yes No Not all cases Total

Interviewees No. of persons Percentage(%) 60 0 40 100 60 0 40 100

1 2 3

Interpretation: From the analysis it is found that customers are getting more facilities comparing to other Banks. At the same time a large number of clients expressed that in some specific cases such as interest

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rate etc. They are getting more facilities, but not all sectors of Banking service.
4. How do the employees behave with the customers? Table: 4 (About Employees behavior) SL No. 1 2 3 Comments Very cordial Satisfactory Rude Total Interviewees No. of persons

Percentage(%) 70 30 0 100

30 0 100

Interpretation: From the analysis it is found that most of the clients agreed that employees are well behaved with the clients. 5. Do you think EXIM Bank is using Modern technical equipment?
SL No.

Comments Yes No Not modification Total

Interviewees No. of persons Percentage(%) 20 10 70 100 20 10 70 100

1 2 3

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Interpretation: Our date analysis shows that majority of the person support that they should modernize their equipment for Banking service. Very few customers are satisfied with their technical support. 6. Do you thing they providing prompt service in cash section? Table: 6 (About prompt service in cash section) SL No. 1 2 3 Comments Yes No Should be more fast Total 100 100 Interviewees No. of persons 10 40 50 Percentage(%) 10 40 50

Interpretation: From the above analysis we can understand that customers are not satisfied with the cash service. Most of the interviewees said that their cash service is traditional; they take more then 15 minutes to make an operation. The customer's opinion is that they should be faster by using modern technology.
7. ' Local Bank Global network' the slogan of EXIM Bank Bangladesh Ltd. Do you think they are maintaining their service quality according to their slogan?

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Table: 7 (About maintaining slogan) SL No. 1 2 3 4 Comments Certainly Most of the time Should extend their service No Total 0 100 0 100 Interviewees No. of persons 30 45 25 Percentage(%) 30 45 25

Interpretation: From the above analysis we can understand that most of the time they are maintaining the quality and they are trying to expand their service in the whole country as well as over the world.

8. Modern technological changes should be added to improve the service like ATM machines, Credit Card, Visa Card, and Master Card etc. Do you agree?
Table: 8 (About technical change) SL No. 1 2 Comments Definitely Not essential Total Interviewees No. of persons 100

Percentage (%) 100 0 100


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Interpretation: all the people want that the Bank should take imitative to start many other facilities with its present operation. 9. They should open more branches in Dhaka City as well as the other cities of the country, Do you agree? Table: 9 (About expansion) SL No. 1 2 Comments Obviously Not needed Total Interviewees
No. of persons

Percentage(%) 100 0 100

100 0 100

Interpretation: Data revealed that all the clients want that they should open branches in Dhaka city as well as the whole country.

10. What is your suggestion to improve the service quality of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd.
In order to improve the service quality customers expressed different opinion in their point of view. I can summarize their opinion, which is the gist of their suggestions. They have of take some more steps to improve the service quality. Each department of the
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Banks should computerized the cash transaction process would be easier and very prompt that it would take a very short time. More branches should be opened in Dhaka City and other cities of he country. They will have to customer credit scheme and other scheme that will help the customer. It is badly needed to provide modern Banking services such as Credit Card, ATM card, Visa Card etc. EXIM Bank is providing better service comparing to other private Banks. But there are almost 52 Bank in our country. In the near future some new Banks are going to be opened. So, in order to compete in the market EXIM Bank should be berry careful about their service. They should increase their manpower and will have to improve their service quality and provide more facilities.
6.1.2 Findings in different sections of the Bank:

I found that all the sections of the Bank are facing lack of manpower as a general problem.

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General Banking department:

In general Banking department they follow the traditional banking

system. The entire general Banking procedure is not fully computerized. As a result some processing for example collecting money from the deposit take a long time to perform. The cash counter I thing is congested and the procedure is also traditional. There is no computer in Accounts Opening Section and Remittance section. That's why the service is not prompt as the customer's demand. Lack of variety of services is also a drawback of the general Banking area of the EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. The Bank provides only some traditional limited services to its client. As result Bank is falling behind in competition. They are not using database net working in Information Technology (IT) department. So, they have to transfer date from branch to branch to head officer by using floppy disk and sure it is not good system. In case of opening an account some big parties come to open accounts in reference with the high officials of the Bank. They do not submit all papers that required opening an account. I think in this case the authority is violating the rules. According to some clients opinion introducer is one of the problems to open an account. If a person who is new in the city wants to open an account, it is a problem for him/ her to arrange an introducer of SB or CD accounts holder.

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Loan and advances department:

Political influence is one of the major problems in Bangladesh. Due to political intervention the Bank becomes obliged to provide loans in most of the cases, which are rarely recovered. Bank has to face this inconvenience situation almost every year. The loans and advances department takers a long time to process a loan because the process of sanctioning loan is done manually. Sometimes the securities taken against the loan are deliberately overvalues by the employee to unlawfully help the client. As a result, if the client fails to repay the Bank authority can't collect even the principal money invested by the selling those assts. It is also a very important factor that leads to loan default. CIB report is not readily available from Bangladesh bank.

Foreign exchange department:

In Foreign Exchange department it is required to communicate with

foreign Banks frequently and quickly. To make the process easily modern communication media for example E-mail, Fax and win Fax, Internet etc. should be used. But the Bank has not so much practices using these media. Modern technical equi9pment such as computer is not sufficient in foreign exchange department. As a result the exchange process make delay and it is also complicated.

6.2 Recommendations:
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Banking is a service-oriented marketing. Its business profit depends on its service quality. That's why the authority always should be aware about their service quality. To provide service to the customer it is necessary to have a trained team of an organization of an institution. For this reason the Bank should recruit more fresh, bright and energetic persons. In this case the Bank can consider MB, BBA, MBM and etc. The Bank has a provision for internship program, but it is not well organized. Although the officials are very careful and co-operative with the interns, the authority should be more structured. If they can properly make them trained it will be very fruitful to recruit them. Because they learn overall Banking in the internship period, so in the beginning of the job they can work as experienced persons. It is also very important that they should give an honorarium to the intern. Bank should offer Bank is launching 'Customer Credit scheme' EXIM Bank is failing to launch this kind of scheme. The management can undertake such sort of schemes and earn more profit. As soon as possible the Bank should start more benches in Dhaka City as well as the other cities of the country. Now a days world is going very fast. Now most of the Bank opens online customer service system. So, in order to compete in the world market they should adopt online Banking system. The Bank should attempt to enter into the share market by issuing share to capitalize more money and invest thereafter by expanding the number of barnacles around the city. One of the business strategies is promotion. Successful business depends how they can promote their products of services to the
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customer. In this connection to improve the business bank should introduce more promotional programs. The recruitment process of the Bank is very lengthy an expensive. The bank should select the employee by reducing the lengthy process. In general Banking department it is necessary to implement modern Banking process instead of traditional system. The department should be more computerized. In addition with the present services they should include more services. It is badly needed to provide more services to the customer in order to compete in the market. Data base net working is the most modern technology to transfer data from branch to branch or branch to head office and vice versa. So, they must use this technology in Information Technology (IT) department of the Bank. All the clients are not in favor of introducing system, if possible the rule of introducing to pen an account should be changed. Because many people face in problem to arrange an introducer in the time of opening accounts. The loan sanction process should be easier that the clients can feel convenient to take loan from the Bank. To make exchange process more prompt the authority should use modern communication system such as E-mail, Fax, win Fax, Internet etc. The branches of the Bank facing the problem of shortage of manpower. So, the authority should take immediate action to solve the problem.

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Conclusion: Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited is a thirdgeneration private commercial bank in the country with commendable operating performance Directed by the mission to provide prompt and efficient services to clients, EXIM Bank has successfully celebrated its Ten years of operation. It provides a wide rage of commercial banking services EXIM Bank has a achieved success among its peer group within a short span of time with its professional and dedicated team of management having long experience, commendable knowledge and expertise in conversion with modern banking. With all its resources, the management of the Bank firmly believes that the bank would be able to encounter problem that may arise both at micro and macro economic levels. The Management of the Bank is maintaining an efficient portfolio in order to have a healthy growth and retain customer satisfaction. EXIM Bank is engaged in modern banking. It is expected that EXIM Bank by its efficient Asset and liability management will be able to maintain its trend of growth and thus overcome the threat. Neither EXIM Bank nor any other commercial bank can effectively combat risk. However, EXIM Bank having small and targeting niche markets, is likely to be less affected by restrictive monetary and/ or fiscal policy. The Management of the Bank is planning to meet the required capital adequacy withering the stipulated time frame, and a loan and advance policy that expected the loan loss provisioning in future will be within tolerable limit having little material impact on future profitability as well as net worth. A although EXIM Bank is yet to be fully automated the bank has a adequate modern technology to meet its present requirement and it proceeding aggressively to enhance its technology level. As EXIM Bank is performing good in traditional general banking and there is a good demand for Islamic Banking and the opinion of then (The management) that the performance of the Bank is getting much better than past. I wish and hope that in future EXIM Bank will be Number one commercial Bank in Bangladesh.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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1. Different types of brochures of EXIM Bank. 2. Articles of EXIM Bank. 3. Business Communication. John V. Lesiker. 4. Strategic Management- concept and Cases (Ninth Edition). Arther a. Thompson, Jr A. J. Strickland. 5. Principles of Management (Eighth Edition). Terry and franklin. 6. Principle of Marketing (Millennium Edition). Philip Kotler. 7. Design and operation of Customer service System. Paul S. Bender. 8. Foreign Exchange and Financing of Foreign Trade. Syed Asraf Ali. 9. Business Accounting- 1 (Sixth Edition). Frand Wood's. 10. Banking Theory and practice. K. C. Shekhar. 11. Md. Ibrahim Miah. (Student of Rajshahi, University). To, The Executive Vice President Human Resources Division Southeast Bank Limited Head office, 1st Dilkusha C/A (3rd Floor) Dhaka-1000.

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Sub: Application for Management Trainee. Sir, In response to your advertisement in "Prothom Alo" on 27th January 2006. I wish to present myself as a candidate for the post of Management Trainee. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name Father's Name Mother's Name Date of Birth Age (Up to 31-01-06) Mailing Address : : : : : : : ,

7. Permanent Address

8. Home District : Gazipur 9. Contact Telephone Number: 10. Marital Status : Unmerited 11. Religion : Islam 12. Nationality : Bangladeshi (by birth) 13. Education Qualification : Name of Name of Institution Year Result Degree S. S. C H. S. C B. Com (pass) M. B. A 14. Other Qualification : 3 Months Internship Experiences in EXIM 15. Computer Literacy Office, 16. Reference (a)

: :

Familiar with Windows 98,Xp, MS Visual Basic.

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I would assure you that if I am selected, I shall serve your organization with utmost devotion, sincerely and honesty, I look forward to the opportunity of meeting you to discuss further that how my qualities and skills could be of use to your distinguished organization.
Sincerely yours

Enclosed: 1. Photostat copies off all certificate duly attested. 2. 3 recent passport size photograph duly attested. 3. Payment order for Tk. 200/- DD No. 5330646/379/06. Date- 12/02/06.

Asian University of Bangladesh.

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