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Isolationism v. Internationalism
Isolationism = stay out of foreign affairs. Worry about problems at home and defend borders.
Economic Isolationists

Internationalism = be a playa in world issues. As a large power, we have an obligation to participate as part of the solution.

believe in protectionism using tariffs to protect domestic businesses from global competition.

Internationalists believe in globalization/free trade

Diplomatic v. Interventionist
Diplomatic = Negotiate to solve problems/protect interests; use means other than war to solve problems (ex. Economic pressure) Interventionist = use military force to solve problems/protect our interests.

Internationalist approaches to foreign policy

Unilateral = Go it alone. U.S. does not need global permission or approval to act in its own best interest Multilateral = Seek support from allies (NATO) or international organizations (UN).

Liberal v. Conservative
CONSERVATIVES Traditional Isolationists -seek isolation Neoconservatives (Neocons) seek unilateral intervention Moderates are Internationalists and seek multilateralism Defense Hawks LIBERALS Are internationalists Seek multilateral action Seek diplomacy over intervention Defense Doves

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