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There are multiple risk factors: Physical appearance too short, fat, not stylish Behavior way of speaking,

ing, mannerisms Sexual identity (teens) gay/bi/ transgender; rumors of promiscuity/ inexperience


Insults/Rumors Harassment/Death Wish Physical Harm

Common emotional experiences and changes in behavior: Loneliness Self hatred Poor school attendance Panic Fear Self harm Inability to focus Hopelessness Desperation Suicide Sense of being misjudged Worthlessness Rejection Withdrawal from social engagement

Gay teens are FOUR TIMES more likely to be bullied than their heterosexual counterparts, especially those of Caucasian descent. 160,000 KIDS miss school because they are afraid of being bullied, according to the National Crime Prevention Council. According to USA Today: 75 PERCENT of youth think people do or say things online that they would not do or say face to face. 20 PERCENT have seen someone taking their electronic messages and sharing them without permission. 50 PERCENT of young people say they have experienced unkind acts like receiving threatening messages or being taunted online. 16 PERCENT say that someone posted embarrassing pictures or videos of them without their permission.

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