Stage 1

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Understanding By Design (UBD) Lesson Planning Stage 1 Desired Results Established Goals: Students will be able to indentify the

e message of the author Student will identify Enduring Understandings: Students will understand that The important of the town The value of that place Knowledge: Students will know the importance of the place . Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: What is the behind story of this poem How come the author made this poem? Skills: Students will be able to Realize the importance of the that place. Essential Questions:

1. Students work with partners to write an expression reflection Will gave some materials for their activity

Teacher observation of students working on tasks. Assessment of student work. Student pairs create reflection and swap with other pairs to reflect Assess understanding through class conversation and questioning.

Call on several students to share and assess student reflection.

Orally review vocabulary words. 2. Student pairs write their own word problem and trade with another student pair. The students will write an expression for the traded. Read Essential Question and call on several students to give their interpretations. Ask for any misunderstandings.

3. Students write an expression giving by other pairs so thats way they can make expression Stage 3 Learning Plan Begin with the open forum regarding about the poem and thats the student can start expressing their reflection but before them you should first share your expression or relection about the poem. Allow students to work in pairs. Read a simple story problem to students. Have the students write an expression using reflection

Call on several students to share their expression and explain what the reflection stands for. Ask class for thumbs up if they agree. Check for understanding and clear any misconceptions.

Submitted to: Dr. Danilo Ito Submitted by: Ronnie Paguia

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