HR Intervention

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Human Resource Intervention

Presented By Amarjit J.Ambica Mamta V.Naveen kumar Priyanka Purnendu Sekhar Dash

Organization Development Intervention


A sequence of planned activities, actions, and events intended to help an organization improve its performance and effectiveness.

Intervention purposely disrupt the status quo.

Intervention Characteristics Need/Goal specificity

Scope/Level of change target Focus/Purpose Internal support Sponsorship Programmability

HR Process Intervention
These issues deal with social processes occurring among organization members, such as communication, decision-making, leadership, and group dynamics.

Different Types :
y Individual
training, Behavioural modelling, delegating, leading, morale boosting, mentoring, motivation, etc. dialoguing, group facilitation group learning, selfdirected work teams, large scale interventions, team building, and virtual teams. mirroring, third party peace making interventions, partnering

based: coaching, counselling,

y Group

based: conflict management,

y Inter-group

based: Organization

Human Process Intervention


T-Groups Process Consultation Intergroup activities / Relationships Team Building


Third-party Peacemaking Interventions (Conflict Resolution) Organization Confrontation Meeting Large-group Interventions Grid Organization Development

HRM Intervention
y Goal

Setting y Performance Appraisal

y Reward

Systems y Career Planning & Development

y Coaching and

Counseling Activities y Managing Work Force Diversity

y Employee Wellness

Effective interventions can be determined by 3 criteria

The extent to which it fits the needs of the organization a. Valid information b. Free and informed choice c. Internal commitment The degree to which it is based on causal knowledge of intended outcomes. The extent to which it transfers changemanagement competence to organization members.

Designing Effective Interventions is contingent upon


Individual differences among organizational members, organizational factors, and dimensions of the change process itself. Situational factors  Readiness for Change  Capability to Change  Cultural Context  Capabilities of Change Agent


HR Intervention and Consultation

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