The Blueprint To Hustle

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The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity


The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Upgrade Your Productivity



The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

Introduction ................................................................................. 4 Toilet Paper and Trinkets ............................................................ 5 Bucket Hustling ............................................................................ 7 Be the Iceberg............................................................................ 10 Follow to the T ......................................................................... 12 Take It to the Next Level............................................................ 15 Upcoming Projects .................................................................... 17


The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

What youll find here are 5 rules that I personally follow in all my endeavors. Most come from my life experience and some from game I soaked up from my mentors. In both cases, the information youll find here is actionable, user-friendly and important for your growth as future CEOs. For those that dont know, youll see Hustle with a capital H in reference to a term I use a lot on my blog posts. The meaning is simple; your ambition, your goal, and your means of generating money that coincides with the lifestyle you wish to live. A Hustle isnt tied down to a job title and can be a seed fund for your larger plans or be the larger plan itself. Hustle is a spirit that comes from the entrepreneurial undertaking; in a room full of squares with the employee programming, the circle knows there is more right around the corner. What you do with this information is what you will but I encourage you to apply it to your life today. If it works for you, spread it to someone else who could use it. If not, pass it to someone else still and let them try it out for themselves. The heart of the grind is the exploration of both yourself and the world around you. Go crazy. CZA The CEO


The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

Toilet Paper and Trinkets

The law of supply and demand is a staple that isnt going anywhere anytime soon so the wise thing to do is set up your hustling practices like this: go out into your community and see what people are actively spending money on; not the frivolous keep up-with-the-Jones type of thing but the essentials that are needed in every day life and create an avenue to give it to them easier, faster or less expensively. Thats the kind of mentality you see when you see the mom and pop dollar stores open up all over townthey can undercut the Family Dollar and Dollar 5 @CZATheCEO

The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

General branded stores because they dont have as much overhead and can then pass those savings on to the community. The same goes with the water purifier hubs you see about the neighborhood; everyone will always need clean drinking water and theyre tired of being taxed for using the kiosk outside of the major grocer chains. The truth about this recession is that it is forcing more and more to spend that once called disposable income on sustainability items instead and you can see this in full effect when you visit your local malls. Therell always be those that spend even though they cant afford it but as you walk through youll see thinner crowds around the massage chair set ups and Dippin Dots stands. The cellular phone accessory and low budget jewelers are shutting down by the boatloads because they werent able to compete with the changing mindsets of the people who once blessed them with their patronage. Deal hunting is still (and maybe more so) in effect but the wayward spending just because you have it has gone the way of the dinosaur. #CEOTip: Necessity is ALWAYS a better money maker. Supply someones needs cheaper, faster or better and youll always have customers.


The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

Bucket Hustling

The square mind sees things as black and white, right and wrong and the instance of grey as an uncomfortable anomaly which needs to be crushed whenever it appears. The rents due? My job will pay for it. Hospital visit? My jobs benefits will pay for it. Itd be easy if life were always this simple and to those that follow the hand to mouth mentality, it is


The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

until they become unemployed and then its a frantic race for the comfort and familiarity that their new job brings. The idea of bucket hustling escapes many but if you think about it, really think about it, there are roots in the scientific, historical, religious and corporate worlds that back this ideal up 100%. In the beginning there is a single way to do things and it goes unquestioned. Then someone questions it and attempts to find an easier path to doing it and either succeeds and adds new game to their repertoire or fails and learns how not to go about doing things. In either case growth only comes from striking out in attempts to do the something in a way better for them and this is the same with money. Bucket hustling is a term I coined to encapsulate the idea of using one hustle to pay for another and creating a chain of sustainability you can use to stay off the job and further your main Hustle. Starting small, with whatever means you have at your disposal NOT taking away from your living expenses, fund a simple money making task not requiring a formal business structure (such as selling $1 bottles of water or $5 umbrellas) until youve amassed a predetermined amount that you can then put into another, larger enterprise that yields more profits (like an inter-apartment laundry service) that again gets put into an operation even bigger than the last two. The end goal here is to touch enough paper that everything operates efficiently and profitably enough that those 8 hours you used to spend on the job becomes inconsequential and the net profits go to your bottom line. Use the mental image if you will of a bucket filling up with cash to the point of overflowing and instead of pulling the money out, pour the contents into a second one and so on 8 @CZATheCEO

The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

and so forth. Even being able to subsist on a part-time gig is enough creative incentive to try your hand at bucket hustles. #CEOTip: A bucket hustle is not designed to support you financially on its own; it is to help lessen the need for outsourcing yourself to a wage slave position.


The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

Be the Iceberg

We as humans are social creatures that thrive on involving ourselves in others lives and vice versa. This is fine when in a purely inter-relational manner but when it comes to business, kindly feel free to shut up. That dream thats tucked tightly to your chest? People dont genuinely care to hear about


The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

it and furthermore, the only caring done is if it can somehow benefit their pockets. For this reason, I would liken you to be more like the iceberg in there is only so much that anyone can see of you at any given time and you operate by and for your own devices. That instinctual need to solicit praise from your peers is one of the main reasons why things dont get done; its amazing just how impactful a trusted peers thoughts can weigh you down and stop your forward progress. This goes for co-workers if youre still at a job; stay extremely tight-lipped about your actions, goals and ambitions as those without your Hustle mindset might view you as potential competition or worse an easy opportunity for brownie points with the boss and thus leave you ousted. Family can be the most devastating detractors to your grind and non belief in you and your abilities can eat away at you until you finally give in to their dated mode of thinking. Its not that they maliciously want to squander your spirit; its that they come from a time where stability and single purposefulness was seen as the way to be and to invest in yourself and take risks like you do cant be computed by their one track minds. We love our parents and grandparents just the same but just like the co-workers mentioned above, keep your Hustle quiet, smile, nod and get through the encounter. #CEOTip: Not everyone shares your sense of do-for-self and the best way to not clash with them is to avoid the opportunity to clash with them from the onset.


The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

Follow to the T

As simple as that sounds, youd be surprised at just how many cats dont completely follow through with things and then wonder why it doesnt work. Its the same principle as when you dont want to read the instruction manual for your new iPad and you cant figure out how to do a certain function. In the planning stages of your Hustle, be absolutely sure that your research is thorough enough to account for any foreseeable occurrence and do not deviate from doing it the way you originally planned. If you come across a way that may potentially do it more simply, put it in your back pocket and 12 @CZATheCEO

The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

promise yourself that youll research it later on when you have the time. There are a few different reasons why I say this; one being that there is generally no guarantee that the new way will work for you. Even if its worked for someone you know or respect, without proper examination you could scrap a way that will work for you in favor of something not completely ironed out. The second reason is until youve gone through the processes necessary for your original plan to be exercised, you dont know what you have in front of you. It could be the best way for you to go about handling it or it could not work at all but youll never be able to come to that conclusion if you dont see it through to the end. Lastly, if you look about the game right now, youll see that there are more bandwagon jumpers than there are architects. So many are unwilling to strike out on their own and formulate a system that those that do get copied a million times. Being a bandwagon jumper not only makes you look soft but it undermines your confidence in yourself and what youre doing. The same goes for when youre following instruction from someone else. Ask enough probing questions to arm yourself with the knowledge to fill in the holes of your understanding, map it out and do as they say until you reach the end. You may discover a better way to do it while doing it but until youve proven that their way doesnt work for you, youre looking like you dont care about the game theyve given you. When it comes to chips, information is the highest form of power and a proven system that takes a little longer to complete is always better than the flash in the pan that will 13 @CZATheCEO

The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

leave you shirtless. This is the core basis of all knowledge! Learn until you can repeat the process and if it doesnt work out when youve done everything asked for replication without fail you know that its not your fault and you can extrapolate the parts that are useful, come up with your own hypothesis and try a different way. Making chips is more a science than an art and by understanding the scientific process behind it, it will become less daunting to do. #CEOTip: You wont know a particular process wont work until you try it. Do your homework, execute your plan precisely and exclude emotion from your findings.


The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

Take It to the Next Level

Will Smith once said something to the effect of a person can be better at something than him and he wouldnt mind it but as far as he was concerned, the only way you could stop him from going for his was to pick up his dead body because he would not ever quit. Thats the mentality of someone who cannot tolerate him or herself giving any less than their best and this is something that the modern day person needs to take to heart when chasing that cake. Adequate, acceptable, passable and sufficing simply will not cut it when your goal is to win. Theres another synonym that isnt used as often but sums up this kind of horrible contentment in being average 15 @CZATheCEO

The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

better than any otherunexceptional. At what point did we say it was okay to play just to play? What happened to playing to win? Remember that there is no competition when youre progressing in your lane but the thought of anything less than your all should never cross your mindever. In order to take it to the next level, you have to realize that the basis of doing so involves you becoming better versed in your purpose, meaning youll need to be in a constant state of learning. Bruce Lee coined master student, the one who is the master of their own learning and seeks to always improve it. By continually brushing up, you are forming and re-forming your perception of what it is youre trying to get done until you can no longer bounce a quarter off it and it is as sound as you can make it. Even then you continue to look for ways to advance but you can move into creating your plan of action. You always hear practice makes perfect and indeed it does make you smarter on the subject. Perfect? No. Knowledgeable of the most commonly seen scenarios and instances? Yes. The more experience you have seeing what can happen, the more ready youll be when something does pop up. Dont let your inner fears or outside roadblocks create a myopic view of success; the game is incredibly simplistic in that all you do is plan and execute. Thats it. When you do more than the next man, you get more than the next man. That is true on every single level and nothing will ever change that. #CEOTip: There is a method to the madness of studying more, practicing more and putting yourself out there more; it creates a threshold you can examine to better your chances for success 16 @CZATheCEO

The Blueprint to Hustle: 5 Basic Laws to Improve Your Productivity

next time. Do not ever get content with your learning; doing so means a countdown clock on your profitability and growth.

Upcoming Projects
Thanks to everyone who took the time out to read this; youre helping me be more creative in my attempts to get the word out on different avenues of Hustle and the mindset that comes with it. My book, Be Diagonal: 24 Uncommon Sense Tips to Improve Forward Thinking and Upward Mobility is coming soon, hopefully youll see it grace shelves of your favorite bookstore by August. The EP, The CEO Experience is coming along nicely too, Im looking to drop it simultaneously with the book and begin promo touring at college campuses shortly after. If youd like me to speak at your school, hit up my man Dylan Colbert at Other than that, the blog is still going and the community continues to grow. I might drop another The Blueprint to Hustle in a few months if the demand is strong enough so be sure to drop a line over at and let me know.


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