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Marielle Vergara 1Bio3 College of Science

Mr. Laxa

Experience that turned into Greatness

Arnis is a kind of martial arts that is use for self-defense system. Arnis is a kind of art that combines devastating elbows and knees, joints and fast combinations. In Arnis you will think of what moves to ahead to your opponent. You can block or strike your opponent in any defense and strike. Arnis is a fun PE because you will learn how to know all the attacks and the blocks for your self-defense. At first, Arnis is not easy, but once you are used to it, you master every skill that the Prof will demonstrate, I m sure that you will also have fun in exercising the movements in Arnis.

As I watched the different combinations and different strikes and blocks in Youtube, I learned that Arnis consolidates strikes and blocks into one. As I watched the Disarming technique in the youtube, I learned that a block can also be a strike; it is striking the opponents vital points instead of blocking the stick. I also learned that a strike can also be a setup to counter attack your opponent and a block can be a setup for a strike to your opponent. In Arnis you should be wise in what to do, because you wouldn t know the consequence that your opponent will give to you. You should be aware of your opponents strike and you should be fast in blocking when your opponent strikes, because once you give a wrong position of blocking, you will be hurt. In Arnis, it is not about the number of techniques you know. It is on how many techniques you can execute effectively and properly, efficiently and accurately.

I had learned many things in Arnis, and it teached me well to become more aware of myself and to be wise thinker. With Arnis, you will learn how to discipline yourself and to have patience. Patience, for you to execute techniques you have to be patient, because it takes time to master a skill like Mr. Laxa is doing. It takes courage, strength and value to be called a master like Mr. Laxa. I hope that I will execute the right techniques and I will never forget all the lessons and techniques that Mr. Laxa taught us. I am grateful to have a PE class of Arnis, because in Arnis you will learn how to protect yourself from others. For me, Arnis is my guide,

my savior because 1 strike to your opponent, I m sure he will go straight to the hospital. Arnis for me is a fun experience. Arnis is a skill and an art. As I end my reaction paper about the Arnis. One thing is for sure you will learn a lot of skills that any other sports don t have.

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