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2012 Leadership Forum

Evidence-Based Principles to Guide English Language Development in the Era of Common Core State Standards
Advanced, if not native-like proficiency in English, is imperative for language minority youths whose educational and professional aspirations hinge upon communicative competence in the dominant language. Being able to converse in English with relative ease is not a bold enough instructional goal for this generation. New national K-12 standards, rigorous assessments, and an increasingly sophisticated workplace exert tremendous pressures on school-aged English Learners to develop accurate fluency, the ability to effortlessly produce error-free, contextually-appropriate language. As we design instruction to meet the advanced English language demands of the Common Core Standards, we must look to classroom principles and practices that are indeed supported by available research. Dismaying statistics regarding English proficiency in grades six through twelve for U.S. educated bilinguals point to the need for an examination of standard wisdom in the field of English Learner instruction through the lens of current research.

Thursday, March 22nd Forum: 8:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Scholastic Corporate Headquarters 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 Special Guest Speaker
Dr. Kate Kinsella will detail five evidence-based principles to guide English language development.

RSVP by Thursday, March 15th Please register online at

RSVP by Thursday, March 15th

We hope you can join us.

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