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A WebQuest for 8th Grade MMS Students Designed by: Eric Anderson Modified by: Amy Ottman

Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

Flickr: surrealmuse


Based on a template from The WebQuest Page

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Poetry is often seen as confusing and hard to understand but it is a very misunderstood drama. Poetry captures the moment like no other style or form of writing can and it provides you with a sense of the speakers thoughts, feelings and beliefs, using beautiful but sometimes complex language. Through this webquest, you will begin by exploring poetry as a whole, finding an area that interests you, whether a particular poet, type of poem, or even a single poem and then narrowing your exploration so that you can better understand some aspect of poetry that you choose. This webquest will deepen your understanding of poetry and hopefully provide you with a spark of interest as we begin to learn about poetry as a class.

Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion


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[Teacher Page]

The Task
When you are finished with this webquest, you should be ready to present the topic of your interest in poetry to the class. I will be very accepting and open of ideas for your presentation but some possibilities are a report or summary of your research, a powerpoint about a specific poet, a poem written by you in a particular style that you have taken a liking to (with a description of the rules of that style and why it is unique), the analysis of a particular poem, or any other creative things you might come up with as long as you provide everyone with some knowledge. This webquest will help you to be able to read and understand poetry, use media and technology to effectively research a topic of their choice and recognize poetry as a specific type of literature that serves as a record of human experience.

Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion


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The Process
1) Go to and look at the main page. Read the definition of poetry that appears on this page and attempt to write, in your own words, what you think this means. Then look at the history, meaning and types of poetry by clicking on the link on the page. Read through the titles of the sections and briefly skim the contents of each section until you find something that sounds interesting. Carefully read that section and write a summary of what you read. 2) After you feel like you have some general idea of what poetry can be, go to Once you are on this site explore some of the poets and poems under the Poets and Poetry tab. Choose one particular poet that captures your attention as well as your favorite poem. Read about that poet and take notes on your thoughts. Also, print out a copy of your favorite poem. Write a short paragraph about the poet that you chose and tell what drew your attention. Also write a paragraph about why the poem that you chose was your favorite and what it means to you. 3) Now, go create your own magnetic poem. Make up your own poem using this site and write it down. Feel free to embellish when writing it down, perhaps adding words, changing the style, just make it your own. 4) By now you should be getting an idea of what you like about poetry; is it a poem, a poet, the history, the rhyme, or writing it? Choose your topic and narrow your focus. From here you should begin to research your topic further using the sites from above or any other resources you may come across. Feel free to be creative when coming up with ways of presenting to the class, perhaps you want to make up a rap, or share with us some history or a biography of a poet or poem.

Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion


Student Page
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Evaluation Example:
Research Report : Poetry WebQuest

Title Introduction Task Process

Student Name: Teacher Name: Mrs. Ottman ________________________________________ 4 3 Information clearly relates Information clearly relates to the main topic. It to the main topic. It Quality of Info includes several supporting provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples. details and/or examples. Information is very Information is organized in organized in a creative a semi-creative fashion and Organization manner and expresses the shows research of topic. students research effectively. Notes are recorded and Notes are recorded legibly organized in an extremely and are somewhat Notes neat and orderly fashion. organized.

Evaluation Conclusion

2 1 Information clearly relates to Information has little or the main topic. No details nothing to do with the and/or examples are given. main topic. Information is organized, but The information appears is not presented in a creative to be disorganized and is fashion. not in a creative format.

Internet Use


Notes are recorded only with peer/teacher assistance and reminders. Successfully uses suggested Usually able to use Occasionally able to use Needs assistance or internet links to find suggested internet links to suggested internet links to supervision to use information and navigates find information and find information and suggested internet links within these sites easily navigates within these sites navigates within these sites and/or to navigate within without assistance. easily without assistance. easily without assistance. these sites. No grammatical, spelling or Almost no grammatical, A few grammatical spelling, Many grammatical, punctuation errors. spelling or punctuation or punctuation errors. spelling, or punctuation errors errors.

Notes are recorded.


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[Teacher Page]

After finishing this webquest you should be more familiar with whatever aspect of poetry you might have chosen and you should be prepared to present you new found knowledge with the class in some form or fashion. You should also be aware of the ways in which poetry is shaped by human experience and how much of an impact it has had as a form of literature throughout history.

Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

Joel Harrison, grace 2 (2005)

Student Page
[Teacher Page]

Credits & References Joel Harrison, grace 2 (2005); The WebQuest Page ; Laurie Foster The WebQuest Slideshare Group

Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

Flickr: Nina *'s

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