Question 3

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

IPC Media may distribute my magazine because they have already published successful music magazines such as NME and Uncut and similarly have a long history within magazine publishing especially in niche http://www.ipcmedia. magazines such as fishing and sport. This can com/ therefore be ideal for my music magazine which is not only niche due to it being a specific hobby however also because country music is a very specific genre. Bauer Media however would distribute my magazine more perhaps since they have published more music magazines compared to IPC Media such as Empire, Mojo, Kerrang and Q therefore they have more experience within the market and therefore could give my magazine the push it needs. Similarly there is a gap in the British market for a country http://www.bauermed music magazine therefore not only would it not clash with their other music magazines but also it would be great for them to embrace a new genre with a new target audience. Therefore I chose them as the company to distribute my magazine. I also looked at American Media Inc as they publish Country Weekly and therefore have an idea about this specific market however decided to go for Bauer as they again publish more music magazines and similarly are within the European market where as American http://www.americanm Media Inc only has magazines within the US which would not work for my British magazine due to difficulty in distribution and consequent cost implications.

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