Rajat Negi BC Report Roll No 45

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December 15, 2011 Dr. Sheetal Khanka Assistant Professor, UPES, Dehradun

This report has been under taken for assessment in Business Communication during pursuing the MBA degree at UPES, Dehradun. The main purpose of this report is to find out the career opportunities for me after MBA in POWER MANAGEMENT. Further, I Rajat Negi, Student of MBA P.M. 1 st Semester hereby declare that this report is my original work and the analysis and findings are for Academic purpose only. This report has not been presented in any Seminar or submitted elsewhere for the assessment or for the award of any diploma or degree.


I would like to thank Dr. Sheetal Khanka, My Business Communication faculty, for giving me this opportunity to prepare the report on Career Options for me after pursuing MBA in POWER MANAGEMENT. Due to this assignment I was able to clear my mind of any earlier inhibitions about my aim i.e. to enter the IT field of Power Sector. I would also like to thank Mr. Shashank Singh, Senior Executive, National Energy Trading and Services Ltd. and Dharmendra Gupta Senior Executive, A2Z Power Company for their valuable time for the interview and for sharing their expertise in the field of Power Sector.


Before venturing out in any field it becomes imperative to first discover ourselves and then to know that field in depth as to the kind of career opportunities it provides and its future potential and how we can be better off in that respective field. When I wanted to aim for a particular field in the Power Sector I chose IT applications field in it. To be confident of the chosen field I decided to write a report on it. I started off by thinking the basic question first, what is the real purpose of the report. When I had a clear idea about it, I then first undertook my SWOT analysis to find out my strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then I took an overview of the power sector. Then i zeroed down on the scope of IT applications in the Indian power sector. From there I found out that IT Application is a huge field and the Government of India has taken a lot of steps to improve and invest in this field. Then I tried to find the various job requirements and opportunities in the IT applications field. I also searched for the various companies that offer job to MBA in Power Sector and in the Field of IT. While doing this I Found a lot of companies who have recently entered the power sector and according to the need of the industry are recruiting professionals. Finally I took interviews of two experts in the Power Sector and the finally concreted my inference that IT applications field of the Power Sector is a very good option for me and I should work in this direction. Hence at the end of this report I have a firm belief that if I work strategically and with a lot of hard work in this direction then I will be able to get a very good job in the IT Application field of Power Sector.

Chapter No. Particulars Introduction
1 2 3 4 5 6

Page no.

My Area of Interest SWOT Analysis About Indian Power Sector Scope of MBA-Power Management Job opportunities in Indian Power Sector Inferences from the expert interviews Conclusion

2 3 4 6 12 14 15 16 19 22 23

Annexture 1 Annexutre 2 References Bibliography

Table of Illustrations
Illustration No. Particulars 3.1 Contribution towards Generation Capacity 3.2 Predicted Per Capita power consumption Page No. 4 5

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6

Generation capacity to be increased in 12th Plan Infrastructure requirement Graph Infrastructure requirement data States under R-APDRP (SCADA Application) Diagram of a SMART Grid Diagram of an Advanced Electric Meter

6 7 7 9 10 11


I am preparing this report to analyse my aim and objectives in the Power Sector after doing MBA in Power Management from University of Petroleum and Energy Studies. I have a keen interest in the IT application field of the Power Sector and hence carried out research and collected data from various sources to get a concrete and conclusive vision about how to proceed further toward my aim. This report will help me gain confidence and will give me a realistic scenario of the present status and future prospects of the IT applications in Power Sector. I have a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Computer Science and according to the various presentations and lectures conducted in the college I find IT Applications area of Power Sector most suitable for me. Since I do not have an Electrical background hence I have very less or little knowledge of targeting this specialization. Therefore, I am preparing this report to help me work in that direction strategically and to also find out the problems that I might face in doing so, so that I can tackle them efficiently. For research purpose I have searched many websites and blogs over internet and collected the data to forecast the upcoming job opportunities and the future thrust areas in IT applications field of power sector. I have looked for data on the official websites of Central Electricity Authority, Central Electric Regulatory Committee, National Thermal Power Corporation, Accelerated Power Development Reform Program. I have also prepared a questionnaire to take interviews of people who are working in the Power sector or are closely related to the Power Sector. These interviews will help me get a clear idea about the current working scenarios of the IT field of Power sector. I will be able to prioritize my future course of action for succeeding in this field. The only constraints of this report is that, the Power Sector is expanding at a very fast pace and hence there can be a lot of changes in this field in the near future, so this report can only give an inference of about 4-5 years in the future only. I have taken only two expert interviews in this report hence the comments given by them may not be easily generalized.

At the end of this report I will be able to find out my personal and academic weaknesses so that I can concentrate on them and improve them so as to increase my opportunities in this particular field. I will also be able to conclude if I have chosen the right area of interest, will I be able to succeed my goal and most importantly my future course of action of turning this dream of mine into reality.


After my graduation I worked for 1 year in HCL Technologies and developed a keen interest in the Management field as I was always interested in the business functions of the company. But I wanted to join a field which was related strictly to the core Indian business functioning. Hence I decided to join MBA in power sector as it was and is still developing at a very fast pace. I decided to focus my interest in the IT field of Power Sector because I have an Engineering Degree in computers and I can utilize this specialization to my advantage and can succeed in it easily. Moreover after attending the lectures in the class I got to know that this particular field in Power Sector is gaining a lot of momentum in the market, which further compelled me to join this particular area.


Before starting the research for the report I decided to undertake a self SWOT analysis. By doing this I will be able to find out my Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. I will be able to research for data keeping in mind my strengths and opportunities. I will try to capitalize on my strengths and will also try to find methods to overcome my weaknesses. The SWOT analysis is shown as below: STRENGTHS: Can learn new things easily. Analytical nature. Good communication skills. Good team worker and coordinating skills. Work experience in IT sector. Diversified background.

WEAKNESSES: Non Electric Background. Need Constant Motivation.

No prior experience in power sector as compared to my classmates. I become overconfident sometimes.


All major IT companies such as Wipro, Infosys, HCL etc.


IT Consultancies. Management trainee. NTPC (R-APDRP). THREATS Competition from better performing students. Opening of new colleges.

Slump in investments in power sector.


India has the fifth largest electricity generation capacity in the world. India has the 3rd largest T & D network in the world. India is the 6th largest energy consumer in the world Electricity is the most important infrastructural input in the development and growth of economy. India is the third largest producer of electricity in Asia. India is the worlds sixth largest energy consumer. Not only do we require increased capacity for generation of electric power, but thermal and hydro capacities also need modernisation and augmentation. Indias investment requirements for power generation and transmission will be tune of $200 billion, to be able to fulfill projected demand by 2012. At present, India, which posted a 9.4% GDP growth last fiscal, has an installed capacity of 132,110 mw which was 1362MW in 1947. As shown in the illustration 1 this sector is dominated primarily by Public Sector Undertakings. The state and Central Government account for 48% and 31% of the generation capacity respectively while the private sector accounts for a mere 21%. A major part of the transmission and distribution factors are handled by the state utilities. As against the targeted 41,000 MW in the tenth five year plan , only 22,000 MW was added during the five years till 2007.The country failed to add

fresh capacity at regular intervals through policy liberalisation. This led to huge demand-supply gap, which cannot be bridged in the near future.

Illustration 3.1: Contribution towards Generation Capacity [1] This huge deficit between the demand and supply shows that there is a lot of scope for improvement in the Power Sector and the efficiency improvement is the need of the hour. This is a good sign for me as this opens up new opportunities for me in the IT field of Power Sector. This need is further going to increase because the per capita consumption is going to rise continuously in the future. This trend can be depicted by the graph in illustration 2 shown below:-

Illustration 3.2: Predicted Per Capita power consumption [2]



Due to the ramping operations taken by state government power organizations, the power industry is facing a hiring spike. Normally, most of the government power sector organizations offer training for candidates selected for the position of trainees and this will help the candidates to learn more and they will be posted to further positions once they gain experience. Not only will the position of the candidates, but also their pay scale will increase thereby offering a challenging career. India intends to provide electricity to every household by 2012, which will require over $100 billion investment in new generation, transmission, distribution and other related infrastructure representing huge opportunity for MBA graduates.

Illustration 4.1: Generation capacity to be increased in 12th Plan[3] Also there are very less number of colleges in India which offer MBA program in Power Sector. Due to this reason there are very less number of MBA Power Graduates passing out every year. Some of the colleges providing MBA in Power Management are:-

1. NPTI, Faridabad. 2. Power Management Institute. 3. IEMR, Gurgaon. 4. Indian Institute of Technology. 5. IIM. 6. SIBM. According to a study there is a huge requirement of skilled manpower in the Power Industry as this field requires handling specialized equipment. Due to this there is a huge load on the companies to provide training to the unskilled staff to make them efficient. This further paves the way for me to enter this field as I will be a trained professional of the field. Illustration 1 and Illustration 2 show the infrastructure developed by the companies for training and the deficit in it.

Illustration 4.2: Training infrastructure requirement Graph[4]

Illustration 4.3: Training infrastructure requirement data[5] Various Departments of Indian Power Sector:Following are the various Departments of the Power Sector which work at various levels to ensure the smooth functioning and development of the power sector. [6] At the national level there is a Ministry of Power (www.powermin.nic.in) Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (www.mnre.gov.in). Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE, www.beeindia.in) Central Electricity Authority (CEA, www.cea.nic.in). Central Power Research Institute (CPR I, www.cpri.in) Power Finance Corporation (PFC, www.pfcindia.in) Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA , www.ireda.in) Rural Electrification Corporation (REC, www.recindia.nic.in)

Scope of MBA-Power Management in IT Field Most significant issue that has plagued Indias power sector is the high level of losses, due largely to inadequate investment in the transmission and distribution infrastructure in the latter part of the last century. By 2000-01 the T&D losses had reached a level of 32.9% nationally and it was clear that the reduction of these losses was essential to bring economic viability to the state utilities. To this end the Accelerated Power Development and Reform Program (APDRP ) was introduced in 2001 with the goal of reducing the Aggregated Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses, i.e. the losses due to both system inefficiencies as well as theft, metering, billing and collection inefficiencies, to below 15% in urban and high density areas within five years. With only limited improvement over that period, with a reduction of the AT &C losses from average 38.9% in 2001-02 to 34.5% in 2005-06, the plan was then restructured as the Restructured APDRP(R-APDRP). This now forms a key focus of current government energy policy. The introduction of these policies to counter the problem of Transmission and Distribution losses has led to the formation of new specialized field in Power Sector with IT as its base. Now, these are the field where I will have to concentrate for success of my career:-

The R-APDRP The Restructures Accelerated Power Developments and Reforms Program(R-APDRP) was launched with an allocation of Rs 50,000 crore (US$10.8 billion) in July 2008[7], and has the goal of the establishment of automated systems and adoption of IT in the sector for the collection of accurate baseline data leading to sustained loss reduction. Specifically the main goals with loans convertible to grants based on performance from the PFC area. 1. Installation of IT enabled systems, including automated metering of distribution transformers and feeders, in towns with population greater than 30,000, or 10,000 for towns in the states with special category status (principally in the north eastern region in total approximately 1,400 towns).

2. Installation of SCADA /DMS for towns with population greater than 400,000 and annual input energy greater than 350 MU (approximately 70 towns). 3. Strengthening and upgrading of the sub-transmission and distribution system (approximately 1,240 towns).

Illustration 4.4: States under R-APDRP (SCADA Application) [8] SMART GRID According to a recent news report, the 18th Electric Power Survey committee chaired by the CEA is likely to recommend new target dates of the end of the 12th Plan (2017) for states with comparatively lower losses and the end of the 13th Plan (2022) for those with the highest losses to get below the 15% target[9]. It is against this background insufficient generation capacity, the need for electrification in the most remote areas, and high AT &C losses as well as the move to a low carbon future, that India has started to look at the smart grid. The Indian government has introduced two major initiatives for smart grids with the establishment, in May 2010, the India Smart Grid Task Force (ISGT F) and the India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF). The ISGT F, which is

developing a roadmap for smart grid in India, has constituted five working groups: 1. Pilot projects. 2. Loss reduction and theft control. 3. Power access in rural areas. 4. Distributed generation and renewables. 5. Security, standards and spectrum.

Illustration 4.5: Diagram of a SMART Grid[9]

Advanced metering Apart from the automated transformer and feeder metering being installed under the R-APDRP, AMR has been installed in India principally for commercial and industrial customers. The aim of MBA power management is to empower us with special skills which are needed to administer as well as control the regular power supply and computer requirements. The top 10 smart metering use cases relevant for India were identified as11: Remote connect/disconnect. Consumption monitoring and reduction. Remote tamper identification. Load monitoring. Load curtailment.

Prepayment plans. Demand forecasting. Time-of-use metering and dynamic and real time pricing. Distributed generation. Outage management integration.

Illustration 4.6: Diagram of an Advanced Electric Meter [10]


According to a study around one million (10 lakhs) people will be required to implement the proposed expansion in the power sector during the 11th Plan period (2007-2012) in all modes of power generation, transmission and distribution excluding nuclear power [11]. In addition the India-US civil nuclear deal coming through will be the creation another 100,000 new jobs for the 30-odd reactors that India hopes to set up to meet its nuclear power deadline of 20,000 MW by 2020. The Indian power sector is likely to grapple with maximum attrition rate in the coming years which could hover around 35% since Indias energy sector would witness major expansion activities and call for fresh requirements.

Major recruiters for IT in Power Sector will be [12]: Alstom India. Tata Power Limited. Essar Power Limited. Era Infra Engineering Ltd. Gujarat Paghuthan Limited. Jindal Power Ltd. Reliance Power Limited. National Thermal Power Corporation Limited. Nuclear power Corporation of India Limited. Hydro Elewctric Power Corporation Limited. GMR Infrastructure Limited. Lanco Infratech Limited. Larson and Tubro Limited. Punj Lloyd Limited. Wipro. Infosys. HCL Technologies. Sterlite Power Ltd. GE India. Siemens Ltd. France's Areva. Toshiba of Japan's Westinghouse Electric. General Electric.

Power Consultants in India [13]:

TCE Consulting Engineers Limited (TCE). FICHTNER Consulting Engineers (India) Private Ltd. L&T-Sargent & Lundy Limited. Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. DESEIN Private Limited. Engineers India Limited. National thermal power corporation Limited. M.N.Datur and Company.

Selection Criteria at the time of campus interviews [14]: MBA in Power Management. Throughout 60% in 10th, 10+2, and Engineering. Summer Internship preferably done in the related area. Minimum 3.0 CGPA in the last MBA exam results. Generally prefer students with Electrical or IT background. Work experience in the Power Sector is preferred.


I took interviews of people who are expert in their respective of Power Sector and I was able to conclude few more results for myself. On the basis of these interviews I found out that:-



Financial closure of the projects was very important for Power companies.

2. It is important to undergo the Summer Internship Program in the IT field so that I can get PPOs and if not then I have better chances of getting a job in the IT field, 3. If initial pay packages are not high then it is not a matter of big concern as according to my performance the pay package can increase periodically(for Private Sector). 4. Power Sector is going to develop exponentially in the coming years unless there are any financial crises. 5. Government is taking huge initiatives for the Development of Power Sector, especially the IT field. 6. I can opt for many IT companies that have recently entered the power sector. 7. My IT experience in networking might not be considered.



When I started writing this report I had a very vague aim of entering the IT field of the Indian Power Sector. I had no idea what I was going to do or what plan I had to follow to achieve this goal and most importantly Is this aim really feasible and achievable for me? But after finishing this report I now have a perfect idea about my career and its growth pattern in the coming years. I came to know that since the government is going to install round about 100,000 MW in the coming 5 year plan hence there will be huge opportunities opened up for MBAs in Power Management. The R-APDRP Program started by the Government of India has been opened up specifically for the introduction of IT Applications in the Power Sector. This is the area where I have to target to get a job in an IT company. Future Course of action According to the eligible criteria I will have to maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.0. To do this I will have to study regularly and revise all the subjects before the examination to ensure that. Also I will have to make sure that I get SIP in a company which is currently working in a R-APDRP project so that it will give a boost to my opportunities at the time of final placements and will also give me a prior work experience in the IT field. I will have to keep in touch with my seniors to further help me whenever required and also keep a close eye on the happenings in the Indian Power Sector as it will create a lot of difference at the time of interviews. The most important aspect that I need to cover is to start thinking as in a different way and be critical and reasonable in my views and thinking. For this I will have to undertake some good projects in the coming semesters so that I can develop such skills. Since being a manager I might have to meet a lot of people I will have to take the personality development program very seriously. Also I will try to give as many presentations in the class as possible so as to sharpen my confidence and presentation skills. After preparing this report I am definitely sure that if I take the above concluded steps then I will definitely able to turn my dream into reality.


Interview with:Dharmendra Gupta Senior Executive, A2Z Power Company, Gurgaon 1) How would you forecast the future of Indian Power Sector in the coming years?

The Indian Power Sector is going to see a huge growth in the coming future as government of India has allowed private participation in this field. A huge investment has already been done in this field and with the estimated capacity addition of 100,000MW in the 12th Five Year Plan only more is going to come. This will be a very lucrative field for Engineers and entrepreneurs in the coming future.

2) What are the career opportunities in IT Application of power sector after MBA in power management? Undoubtedly there are a lot of opportunities present in this field as need of softwares like SCADA and installing of Smart Grid has become the need of the hour and government of india is also taking a lot of steps to introduce these technologies. These projects need a good understanding of computers and will be a good option for you. 3) What steps has Government of India undertaken in the IT field of Power Sector? The GoI has already invested 50,000 crores in the IT Application field under the R-APDRP program and is again going to invest 100,000 crore in the next 5 year plan. So it is going to open many job opportunities in this sector. 4) What companies should I target for pursuing my career in IT Applications? All the major companies like Accenture, HCL, Infosys, Emerson etc. have already entered the Power Sector and hence you can target all these IT companies for your placements provided that these companies come for your campus placement. 5) In which sector private or public do you feel has a better career growth along with better job satisfaction?

See it totally depends upon you. In private sector you will get good pay packages and will have to work very hard for that, the public sector has relatively lesser work pressure but there is a very slow growth of career and promotions are hard to come your way. It depends which type of environment do you like to work in. 6) As a management trainee what kind of qualities do you expect that I should have? i) Good knowledge of Accounts and Economics. ii) Good knowledge of current scenarios in India Power sector. iii) Innovative thinking. iv) Most important is you should be able to work in pressure conditions. 7) According to you what are the possible disadvantages of joining the IT Application field? For every project the main area of concern is money. Delays in the approval of the project are a big hurdle for the private companies. But if I talk specifically about you then your computer science background might narrow your opportunities in campus placement but that is not a huge matter of concern. 8) If I work for 5 years in a consultancy firm in an above average performance what do you think would be my pay package? Do not worry about the pay package. If you perform according to the industrial requirements of the job then you will definitely beat a very good position as the Sector is currently booming and will keep the same pace for next 12-14 years. If money is concerned it depends upon how good you work but just to mention I can say that you can get an average package of 10-12 lakhs. 9) I have experience in networking field of IT as I have worked with HCL technologies for 8 months. Do you think it will be considered at the time of my placements?


Having experience in IT sector is good but is required more is your in depth knowledge of power sector. It also depends on the company if they consider it or not as different companies have different selection criteria. But according to me your experience will definitely have a positive impact on your resume. 10) Do u think with MBA in Power Management I should go far any specific course for better future prospects in the IT field of power sector? No, I dont think any separate course is required for you. An MBA in Power Sector is good enough. But it will be better for you if you keep yourself updated on the power sector. Get a subscription of Economic times and a good Power Sector magazine.


ANNEXTURE 2 Interview with:Shashank Singh, Senior Executive, National Energy Trading ans Services Ltd. (Lanco Power Trading), New Delhi 1) How would you forecast the future of Indian Power Sector in the coming years? As this is an established fact that Indias GDP is growing at a rate of 7- 8 % and to maintain this pace the power sector has to grow at around 8-9%. This has provided huge opportunities in the Power sector. Already foundation for increase in generation has been laid down by the Indian Government by introducing The Electricity Act 2003. Majority of private players have invested in UMPP & Mega Power Projects. Not only generation, the govt. has taken steps to improve the condition of transmission sector by allowing certain level of private participation in this sector. The power ministry has a Vision of POWER FOR ALL by 2012 and by introducing the new act in 2003 has increased the competition vastly in this field. It is going to be one of the fastest developing areas of the Indian Infrastructure. 2) What are the carrier opportunities in IT Application of power sector after MBA in power management?

There are a lot of opportunities present in this field because the Government of India and the private players have already invested a huge chunk of amount in the generation sector and are now hell bent in increasing the efficiency of this sector. As India has the largest Transmission & Distribution losses in the world, the sector is in a dire need of efficiency and IT Application plays a pivotal role in it.

3) What steps has Government of India undertaken in the IT field of Power Sector?

The Indian government has taken drastic steps in this field as they are currently working on the R-APDRP program which they introduced majorly for IT purpose. They allocated a budged of 50,000 crores in the 11th Five Year Plan and are now considering an investment of 100,000 crore in the

12th Five Year Plan. This is a good opportunity for you considering the fact that you want to work in this area. 4) What companies should I target for pursuing my career in IT Applications? Currently a lot of IT companies have entered the Power Sector as there are a lot of projects coming up under the R-APDRP program. You can target companies like PWC, Accenture, Wipro, HCL, Infosys etc. from where you can start your career. 5) In which sector private or public do you feel has a better career growth along with better job satisfaction? As far as job satisfaction is concerned it is has no relation with private or public sectors, it is totally depended on whether you had chosen the right job which suits you & your capabilities. 6) As a management trainee what kind of qualities do you expect that I should have? i) Innovative ii) Hard Worker iii) Multi dimensional approach iv) Fun Loving 7) Since you are expert in your particular field how would you describe it and future developments in your field? As far as power trading is concerned, CERC had to take bold steps because since most of the utilities are already in bankrupt condition so there is always delay in payment from Buyer state & being a trader we had to make continuous payments to sellers and in lieu of that our margin is fixed to 7 paisa only whereas the risk involved is very huge. If you want then you can take this field as an alternative option. 8) According to you what are the possible disadvantages of joining the IT Application field?


The major disadvantage of the IT field is the Financial closure of the project as the funding is the most important part of it. The government sometimes takes a long time in approving the projects and this delays the project and further escalates the cost. The recession period is also a bad hit on the projects. 9) If I work for 5 years in a consultancy firm in an above average performance what do you think would be my pay package? Above average performance is neither possible nor satisfactory in any sector if you want to grow in it. IT field specifically demands meeting of deadlines. I cannot tell specifically about the pay package but still 5 years down the line you will be at a position where you can always lead or demand for a certain pay package. 10) I have experience in Networking field of IT as I have worked with HCL technologies for 8 months. Do you think it will be considered at the time of my placements? Experience in any field is always valued but being an MBA graduate your depth of knowledge of the field and the way you think (innovatively) will matter the most. But if you consider the monetary aspects then I dont think an experience of less than a year will have any effects on your package. 11) Do u think with MBA in power management I should go far any specific course for better future prospects in the IT field of power sector? No, any specific course is not required and MBA in Power is enough but it will definitely be an advantage for you if you could go for a basic course in SCADA software.


REFERENCES www.prosperingindianpowersector.blogspot.com www.prosperingindianpowersector.blogspot.com www.prosperingindianpowersector.blogspot.com www.prosperingindianpowersector.blogspot.com www.prosperingindianpowersector.blogspot.com

www.powermin.gov.in http://www.apdrp.gov.in/ http://www.apdrp.gov.in/Eligible_Town_Utility/SCADA_Towns.aspx www.google.com www.google.com http://www.indiainfraguru.com/power/jobs.html http://www.indiainfraguru.com/power/consultants.html http://www.indiainfraguru.com/power/consultants.html Seniors of MBA(Power Management) 2010 Batch.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


1. 2.

Ministry of power. Kerala State Electricity Board (www.kseboa.org)

3. Central Electricity Regulatory Committee.


Central Electric Authority.


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