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PASSIVE VOICE KALIMAT PASIF 1. De finition (Pe nge rtian) Kalimat Pasif yaitu kalimat yang subjek-nya dikenai pekerjaan. Kalimat ini biasanya kata kerjanya diartikan di atau ter. Contoh : Aktif : Ahmad cle ans the room everyday. (Ahmad me mbersihkan ruangan itu setiap hari) Pasif : The room is cle ane d by Ahmad everyday (Ruangan itu dibersihkan Ahmad setiap hari. 2. Basic patte rn (Pola dasar) Subj + to be + V3 Bentuk to be tergantung pada Te nse s dan Subje k. Bentuk to be: Present : is, am, are Past : was, were Cont. : being Perfect : been future/modal : be Contoh: Aktif (me/ber) 1. They cle an the room everyday 2. They cle ane d the room yesterday 3. They are cle aning the room now 4. They have cle ane d the room 5. They will cle an the room tomorrow 6. They must cle an the room Pasif (di/ter) 1. The 2. The 3. The 4. The 5. The 6. The room is cle ane d by them everyday room was cle ane d by them yesterday room is be ing cle ane d by them now room has be e n cle ane d by them room will be cle ane d by them tomorrow room must be cle ane d by them

Contoh soal : 1. New products in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a week ago. a. display c. was displaying e. have displayed b. displayed d. were displayed Jawab: d (were displayed) : dipamerk an 2. We cannot swim in the swimming pool now, because a. cleans c. is being cleaned e. has been cleaning b. is cleaning d. has cleaned Jawab: c (is being cleaned) : sedang dibersihk an 3. Geologists have explained the cause of earthquakes in terms of a plate tectonics. a. knows c. which knows e. that known b. knowing d. known Jawab: d (known) : diperpendek dari which is known=known : yang dik enal 4. A : What time will the delayed plane depart? B : They say that it..soon. a. will announce c. is to announced b. has announced d. will be announced Jawab: d (will be announced) : ak an diumumk an

e. announces

5. A : Id like to reserve a single room for next week, please. B : Im sorry, Sir. Our hotel until the end of this month. a. It is fully booked c. is fully booked e. will book b. We booked d. booking it fully Jawab: c (is fully booked) : dipesan (sudah penuh=fully). Kata fully (ket. Penegas pada kalimat pasif, diletakkan setelah to be sebelum Verb3)

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