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Recipe for Carbonara sauce 200 grams chicken, cut into thin strips 250 grams pasta (about

half a packet) boil according to instruction on packet 2 tablespoons butter half a bulb of garlic 200 ml cream (and some UHT milk) cheese optional but I just use the cheddar slices, 2 slices ______________________ Boil pasta according to instruction, strain and pour some olive oil to keep them from sticking together. Leave aside Heat butter and fry butter and bacon till fragrant. Add the cream (you can see photo of cream from my Best Recipe blog) Add cheese. If the sauce is too dry add more milk till you get a nice gravy. Season with a bit of pepper. Normally the bacon is salty enough so I dont use salt. In my opinion, preparing cream sauce pasta such as the above is the simplest. Yet, many restaurants screwed up their dishes. It is simply because they do not use real cream and instead pack the dish with lots of flour in roux. Sometimes, I wonder what they added in there that gives the dish such horrible taste. Therefore, I prefer to prepare spaghetti carbonara or any type of pasta in cream sauce at home. If I add some white wine or brandy and blue cheese, I get some really great taste pasta in cream sauce. Spaghetti Aglio Olio Kiriman: Haida Sumber: Hubby Hits: 252 Rating: 0.00 Review: 0 Bahan-Bahan: 200 gm spaghetti yg telah dicelur 2 sudu besar minyak zaitun 2-3 ulas bawang putih 3-4 ekor udang sederhana besar 3-4 ekor isi kepah (Mussle) Button mushroom (ikut suka) 1 sudu teh pati ayam 2-3 potong capsicum hijau (potong dadu atau memanjang) 1 sudu teh oregano flakes daun parsley (dicincang) cili padi (jika mahu pedas) garam secukup rasa Cara: Panaskan minyak zaitun dan tumis bawang putih yg telah dicincang. Hingga hampir kuning, terus masuk udang,mussle & pati ayam. Setelah udang kemerahan, masukkan pula capsicum dan button mushroom. Dan akhir sekali masukkan spaghetti dan kacau. Garam secukup rasa, cili padi, oregano dan daun parsley. Cadangan Hidangan: Sekiranya spaghetti nampak kering, boleh ditambah minyak zaitun. Tidak perlu risau jika hidangan nampak berminyak kerana minyak zaitun tiada kolesterol. Tambahan: Boleh ditambah isi ayam, sotong atau apa2 seafood atau peeled tomato mengikut selera. Selamat mencuba...

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