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Lauren Burke Biology 212

Hydrostatic Skeleton: A hydrostatic skeleton is what many cold-blooded organisms and softbodied animals have. This skeleton consists of a fluid-filled cavity called a coelom. The coelom is then surrounded by muscle. Animals with hydrostatic skeletons have no solid bone structure, and thus no vertebral column-theyre called invertebrates. A jellyfish is a prime example of an animal with a hydrostatic skeleton. These skeletons are very flexible and allow invertebrates in the ocean to use water as a means of locomotion, and help invertebrates on land to burrow easily.

Endoskeleton: Endo means inside-so essentially any skeleton that is inside an animal, and is made of bone and/or cartilage is an endoskeleton. Animals with an endoskeleton are vertebrates-they have a notochord that forms in embryonic development. In many vertebrates this notochord develops into a vertebral column. In some animals an endoskeleton surves purely as a means of support (such as in a sponge). In other animals the endoskeleton is attached to muscles and helps in the animals movement (such as in humans). The endoskeleton also helps protect an animals body, and delicate organs inside of its body. True endoskeletons are formed during development from the mesoderm. An endoskeleton serves as the inner framework of an animal.

Exoskeleton: An exoskeleton is essentially the opposite of an endoskeleton. Exoskeletons are an external skeleton-they are on the outside of an animal. Exoskeletons are rigid and contain chitin-which is related to cellulose. Exoskeletons provide animals with support, and strong defense-the

exoskeleton is almost like an animals very own suit of armor to protect it. Exoskeletons give animals a rigid body that is hard to penetrate. An exoskeleton protects an animals muscles, soft tissues, and organs better than an endoskeleton. A disadvantage of an exoskeleton, however, is that sometimes animals outgrow their exoskeleton and have to molt their exoskeleton shell so a new, larger, exoskeleton can grow in its place. An exoskeleton serves as the outer framework of an animal.


What Is a Hydrostatic Skeleton? | about_5373958_hydrostatic-skeleton.html#ixzz1H75pX6kL Campbell & Reeces Biology, eighth edition.

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