Persian Ky - 14

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Kevin Yu APWH 7 11/9/11

PERSIAN Chart AP World History

POLITICAL y Leaders, Elites

~Mongols are last real nomad threat ~ End up controlling most of Asia, large part of Europe ~ Govt of nomads is tribal, clan based, can group together for war ~ Temujin earns respect at early age, beings to gather the nomads up into a single fighting force ~ Breaks clan ties to get more efficient fighters, makes Tumens ~ Ruthless fighting force conquers huge tracts of land, using cavalry mounted archers and psychological warfare, tributes ~Brought down the Tanguts in Northwest China ~Continued to the Qin empire ~ Mongols capture artisians and commanders to use for their own purpose, gain and adapt new technology to fight the Chinese ~ Head west, capture the Turkic ruler of Khwarazm ~Turn back east, attack the Xi-Xia, then the Qin ~Capitol Karakorum ~ Legal code enforced by special police that aiwas aimed at ending division, clan ties, feuds, quarrles, etc, penalties for stealing livestock and lands allotted to different tribes ~ Though capture was brutal, following peace under the Mongols ~ Splits into 4 kingdoms after the death of Chinggis Khan ~ Assault on Russia is successful, as Russia is in a period of fragmentation with civilization based on the trading cities princes refure to cooperate with the Mongols, and Chinggis Khans grandoson leads 120000 cavalry to wipe out the Russians, Ryazan, Moscow, Vladimir destroyed, large cities spared due to spring thaws, Kiev is razed, all lead to 250 years of Russian suboordinance to Mongols ~ Peasants in Russia Serfs ~ Russian fight off the Mongools in around 1380 ~ Russian desire to centralize and reduce limitation on power by nobility, clergy, merchants ~ Russia is isolated from Chrisaian lands, but is protected from attack by the Polish, Lithuanians, or Hungarians ~ Europe looks to Mongols to invade the Islamic lands, as they think the Mongols are preferential to Christians, are proved badly wrong in Russia and stop trying to get help from the Mongols ~ Mongols do expand west into Islamic lands, into rich lands like north Africa and Mesopotamia ~ Hulegu assaults the Muslim heartland, destroys Baghdad and kills 800,000 ~ Mongols beat the Seljuk turks 1243, opened up the path for Ottomans ~Spread west until defeat by Egyptian Mamluks ~ Mongol revive interest in China, Ogedei slowly forces the Song empire south into south China, 1235-1279 ~ Kubilai Khan takes title of great khan, makes the Yuan Dynasty in 1271 ~ Under Kubilai, distinction between Mongols and Chinese is very important ~Mongol expansion induces trade, bettering of routes ~ Conquered cities in Russia (Moscow, etc) benefit from being centers of tribute collection under the Mongols, grow exponentially, and some cities grow due to proximity to trade routes East and West along the old Silk Road (restored by the nomads) ~ famine in late Yuan causes uprisings ~ Russian peasants turn into serfs in the face of heavy tributes to Mongols ~ Peasants in China supported taxes decreased, less dependence on the elite ~ Animistic religion of nomads ~ However, very tolerant of other religions under their rule ~Except in China under Kubilai Khan undermine Chinese rule by discriminating against Confucian ideals ~ Otherwise, all religions are fine for the Mongols ~ Orthodox Christianity in Russia is fostered by the isolation brought on by the Mongols ~

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State Structure War Diplomacy, Treaties Courts, Laws


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Type of System Technology, Industry Trade, Commerce Capital/Money Types of Businesses


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Holy Books Beliefs, Teaching Conversion Sin/Salvation Deities

Kevin Yu APWH 7 11/9/11


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Family Gender Relations Social Classes Inequalities Life Styles

~ Under Kubilai Khan in China, merchants and artisans rise in influence contrary to past forms of Chinese social structure ~ Mongol women have much influence much more than Chinese women ~ Mongol rule tolerant of most people and practices however, wished to keep Chinese identity separate from Mongol identity no sharing of language, no intermarriage, only nomadic women in royal harems, etc ~ Scholar gentry saw Mongols as barbarians, resisted them ~ Mongol favoritism for Mongol and foreign officials over the Chinese ~ city life and sedentary life develop well in China despite the nomadic nature of the Mongols ~ Popular Chinese entertainment flourishes under the Mongols as a way to preserve a Chinese identity (plays, theater) ~ Early on, Mongols tried to protect and support the peasants


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Writing, Literature Philosophy Math & Science Education

~ Though brutal fighter, Mongols were quite intelligent ~ Mongols borrowed Chinese and Perisna influence in government etc ~ Confucian scholars, muslim engineers, other foreign advisors for the Mongols ~ New technology and techniques of battle spread westward as Mongols expand and conquer in Muslim territory ~ Many foreigners invited to help with advising the empire and innovation Marco Polo is among these people ~ Civil exams stopped under the Mongols undermines the scholar gentry ~ Ideas and technology move with the Mongols ~ Mongols may have spread the plague westward


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Physical Movement Human/Environment Region


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