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All-Hill Film Festival

Please join the Naturopathic Medical Student Association (NMSA) and Student Alliance for Integrative Medicine (SAIM) for a showing of "King Corn." The film will be introduced by Courtney Jackson, ND, director of NCNM's Ending Childhood Obesity (ECO) Project.
Time: 5:30-7:30pm Date: Wednesday, February 29th Location: Media Room in Student Center FOOD: Provided!!

Questions? Contact Niki Rarig at

King Corn illuminates where our food comes from, how it is grow and exactly what we are eating by telling a story of two friends who move to the heartland to grow Americas favorite crop; corn. Using gentically modifed seeds and herbicides they are able to grow the most producitve crop of corn on one acre of land. But troubling question arise when their new corn goes public.

Brought to you by: AMSA , NMSA, SAIM, Global Health Center, CDI, FMIG, MSFC, IMIG, GIG, HPIG, ASU, GHIG, Student Center, SOM, All-Hill Student Council

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