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have been the head of music and technical departments at 13thFLOOR Performing Arts ministry, but recently I employed

two young bright indiuviduals to take over my jobs respectively. This has given me more room to focus on our band The FLOOR. Besides doing eight worship events this February, we also started editting our album. I am happy to say that we will be launching our own CD within the next two months, if all goes well. We are featuring some friends and guest artists such as Bouwer Bo-

On 14 February, it was Valentines Day and also, MY BIRTHDAY. And for my 28th birthday present I decided to cut off 30cm of my hair and buy myself new glasses. A huge change...I KNOW. Its been over two years since I last had short hair. No-one recognized me. It was so funny. My radical descision to cut my locks did have some serious implications: All photographs used for TheFLOORs marketting packages have to be shot again. Finally, on a personal front, there has been a HUGE change in my life with regards to spirituality and my God. I am lately realizing that I need to change my cognitive perseptions about God, trying to figure out who He is and focus


o improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. Winston Churchill

sch, Retief Burger and Deon Meiring. We are also very excited about shooting a few music videos for this project. Praise to God for the resources and talents within the 13thFLOOR family. We are truely blessed. 13thFLOOR has also put me in a position to strategize on their marketting and public relations departments. This means that I get to do what I love, and that is to network and meet with people building stonger partnerships.

I am a firm believer that change is good. Or maybe I just get bored easily and feel the urge to change. The latter is probably more true, but either way, 2012 has brought about change in my life...a whole lot. For the past two years I

more on WHAT He is. My mind often just gets in the way of experiencing God. And secondly, striving to live a pure and holy life, beyond reproach. I must remember that He is God, not me. Once I have surrndered my paradigm there is room for miracles and the power of His Spirit. To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. Winston Churchill

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