Ard Fheis Clar 2012

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73ú ARD-FHEIS 2nd-3rd MARCH 2012

HALL 1: Main Hall
HALL 2: Shelbourne Hall
HALL 3: Serpentine Hall
HALL 4: Industries Hall
HALL 5: Dodder Suites
HALL 6: Clyde Room
HALL 7: Concert Hall

The closest DART (local Dublin Rail) station (ap-

prox. 5 minute walk) to the RDS is Sandymount.

From the Sandymount Dart Station:

Follow the Exit signs and turn right onto Sandy-
mount Avenue. Continue until you reach the traf-
fic lights (Bewley’s Hotel and the Four Seasons
Hotel will be directly in front of you). For the RDS
Main Complex (Hall 1 – 7) then turn right onto
Merrion Road and the Main Complex is situated
on the left hand side (Merrion Road). For the
Simmonscourt Complex (Hall 8) continue straight
ahead from the traffic lights at the crossroads,
passing Bewley’s on your left: the Simmonscourt
Complex is on the left hand side.
Contents Schedule ....................................................................... 2 Resolutions ................................................................... 70

Leader’s Message ......................................................... 6 Organisation ........................................................... 72
General Secretary’s Welcome ....................................... 8 Agriculture, Food, Marine & Fisheries .................... 78
Córú Fhianna Fáil ......................................................... 11 Education & Skills ................................................... 80
Foreign Affairs & Trade ........................................... 83
Obituaries .................................................................... 12
Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht ...................................... 84
Ógra Fianna Fáil ........................................................... 14
Enterprise, Jobs & Innovation ................................. 85
Forbairt na Gaelige ...................................................... 15
Finance ................................................................... 87
Media Balance & New Media ...................................... 16
Social Protection ..................................................... 89
Dining at the Ard Fheis ................................................ 20
Health ..................................................................... 91
Your Team in Leinster House ....................................... 24 Environment, Community, & Local Government ..... 93
Fianna Fáil in Europe ................................................... 30 Justice, Equality & Defence ..................................... 96
Cumann Registration Figures ...................................... 33 Public Expenditure & Public Sector Reform ............ 98
Honorary Secretaries’ Report ....................................... 34 Transport, Tourism & Sport ..................................... 99
Honorary Treasurers’ Report ....................................... 40 Children .................................................................. 102
Ard-Fheis Elections ..................................................... 46 Communications, Energy & Natural Resources ....... 103
Soldiers of the Legion of the Rearguard ......................... 108
Delegate & Observer Safety ............................... Back Cover
RDS Map ............................................................ Front Cover 3
Friday 2nd March 18:45: Official Opening by Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil Micheál Martin TD in the Shelbourne Hall

19:00: ‘Fianna Fáil and Republicanism in Irish Society’ in the Shelbourne Hall
This seminar will examine what now is the role for Fianna Fáil; what does it stand for and what is our future? In addition we will discuss the role of
republicanism in modern Ireland and within Fianna Fáil. The panel will include some prominent national commentators in what promises to be a
lively and stimulating opening to our Ard Fheis.

21:00: ‘Rebuilding Fianna Fáil - Lessons From Abroad’ in the Shelbourne Hall
Party Leader Micheál Martin has instigated a programme of rebuilding and renewal for Fianna Fáil. This seminar will draw on experiences from be-
yond our shores, from those parties that have undergone a successful period of rebuilding. The panellists will offer their thoughts on what went right
and what went wrong, and offer advice on our own renewal.

20:30: ‘Organisation Reform Proposals Q&A Session’ in the Minerva Suite

Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil Micheál Martin TD will propose organisation reforms this weekend. This session will facilitate questions and answers for
those Ard Fheis attendees who seek clarity. You are invited to field your concerns and queries at this special information session.

21:00: ‘Treasurers’ Report - Financing Our Party’ in the Minerva Suite

Fianna Fáil’s fundraising model has changed significantly. This session will see Fianna Fáil Honorary Treasurers’ Niall Collins TD and Hugh Dolan,
present their Treasurers’ Report to the Ard Fheis.

21:30: ‘Ógra Fianna Fáil National Council Meeting’ in the Minerva Suite

Social Event in the Ballsbridge Hotel (formerly the D4 & Jurys), Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, to follow at 21:00.
Admission €10, to include Buffet.
Saturday 3rd March 09:00: ‘Sustaining Rural Communities’ in the Shelbourne Hall

Ard-Fheis Schedule
Rural communities are under major pressure in these difficult economic circumstances. This roundtable discussion will centre on the major issues
affecting communities throughout the country, such as rural economies, housing, and maintaining a vibrant agricultural sector. We hope to discuss
the key points in these areas and put forward new ideas for strengthening communities struggling with emigration and reduced services. The panel
will comprise our front bench spokespeople along with external commentators. Delegate contributions will be welcome throughout.

10:00: Ard Chomhairle Reform - Discussion hosted by Cuisle Magazine in the Minerva Suite
The Ard Chomhairle is one of the central hubs of Fianna Fáil. Between Ard Fheiseanna it is the central decision making body of the Party. As part
of the Renewal process, the Ard Chomhairle is currently being reviewed. With that process underway, Cuisle invites all attendees to this special
discussion on the future of the Ard Chomhairle.

10:30: Discussion & Voting on Motions in Hall 4

Motions on Social Protection; Environment, Community & Local Government; Justice, Equality & Defence; Transport, Tourism & Sport; Children;
and Communications, Energy & Natural Resources. These motions, submitted by Cumainn right around the country and contained in the latter half
of this Clár, will be debated and voted on in this special motions session. Delegates are invited to speak and vote on motions across a broad range
of issues and departments. Front bench spokespeople will attend.

10:45: ‘The Economic Challenge’ in the Shelbourne Hall

The ongoing euro crisis, efforts to revitalise the domestic economy and create a fit for purpose banking system are the major themes of Irish
politics today. This roundtable discussion will focus on what steps the EU must take to resolve the Euro crisis, place the banking sector on a sound
sustainable footing, and most importantly stimulate growth and ultimately create and maintain jobs. The panel will comprise our front bench
spokespeople along with external commentators. Delegate contributions will be welcome throughout.
Saturday 3rd March 12:15: ‘Putting Education First’ in the Shelbourne Hall

cont. This discussion will address key issues in education including greater support for pre-school education, protecting supports for disadvantaged schools
under the DEIS programme, maintaining supports for special needs education, ensuring the protection of small rural schools, encouraging greater
engagement with Irish & Maths at 2nd level, providing opportunities for newly qualified teachers, and the provision of funding at 3rd Level. The
panel will comprise our front bench spokespeople along with external commentators. Delegate contributions will be welcome throughout.

13:30: Discussion & Voting on Motions in the Shelbourne Hall

Motions on Agriculture, Food, Marine & Fisheries; Finance; Public Expenditure & Public Sector Reform; and Education. These motions, submitted by
Cumainn right around the country and contained in the latter half of this Clár, will be debated and voted on in this special motions session. Delegates
are invited to speak and vote on motions across a broad range of issues and departments. Front bench spokespeople will attend.

12:30: ‘Participation of Women in Politics’ in Hall 4

As part of the general renewal process undertaken by the Party, a taskforce was established to make recommendations on how to get women more
actively involved in Fianna Fáil. As a party, Fianna Fáil had the lowest percentage of female candidates in last year’s General Election. This interactive
workshop will allow all members, both male and female, to air their views and suggest ideas on how we can best address this issue.

13:30: ‘Rebuilding in Dublin’ in Hall 4

This seminar will focus on Dublin, and will afford delegates an opportunity to discuss issues of importance to the capital, including how the Party can
enhance and increase its presence therein.

13:30: ‘Protecting the Most Vulnerable’ in the Minerva Suite

It is a consistent concern that every community in Ireland is traumatised and scarred by the results of the alienation of individuals from society. This
seemingly insoluble problem grew through the boom and is accentuated today. Through delegate interaction with mental health experts, this session
6 will focus on community action to promote individual resilience and social inclusion for the creation of healthier communities.
15:00: Organisational Reform Proposals - Discussion and Voting [Delegate Only] in Hall 4

Ard-Fheis Schedule
The discussion on organisational reform has been a major component of our Party’s Renewal programme. Following extensive consultation and input from members,
resulting in the Organisational Reform Proposals which were distributed in February, it is now time for delegates to cast their vote on these historic and empowering motions.

17:00: Discussion & Voting on Honorary Secretaries’ Report & Outstanding Motions in Hall 4
The motions on Organisation, submitted by Cumainn right around the country and contained in the latter half of this Clár, will be debated and
Exhibitor Area voted on in this special motions session. Delegates are invited to speak and vote on motions across a broad range of issues and departments. In
Workshops addition, motions for Foreign Affairs & Trade; and Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht, will be discussed and voted on in this session.
in the Main Hall
17:00: ‘The Future of Healthcare’ in the Shelbourne Hall
11:00: ‘Utilising
The provision of a well resourced public health service has never been more essential to the people of Ireland. With thousands unable to retain
Social Media’
their private health insurance due to soaring costs, and a public system that is already struggling to cope with demand, it is vital that a new way
12:00: ‘Active forward for health care be found. This seminar will discuss the options for improving the health care services in Ireland. The panel will comprise
our front bench spokespeople along with external commentators. Delegate contributions will be welcome throughout. Motions on Health will be
debated and voted on at the end of this session.
13:00: ‘Canvassing’
18:15: ‘Job Creation & Small Business’ in the Shelbourne Hall
14:00: ‘Utilising
With almost 450,000 people now on the Live Register, job creation must be at the heart of any strategy to take Ireland out of the current economic
Social Media’
crisis. In addition to working on attracting foreign direct investment, this session will focus on the role of job creators and what supports are neces-
15:00: ‘Active sary to protect and sustain SMEs. The panel will comprise our front bench spokespeople along with external commentators. Delegate contributions
will be welcome throughout. Motions on Enterprise, Jobs & Innovation will be debated and voted on at the end of this session.
19:45: Members’ Awards in the Shelbourne Hall

20:30: Leader’s Speech - Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil Micheál Martin TD in the Shelbourne Hall 7
Message from
Fáilte go dtí an 73ú Ard Fheis Fhianna Fáil. Is é seo mo chéad Ard Fheis mar Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil agus tá súil agam go
Micheál Martin TD, mbualfaidh mé libh i rith na deireadh seachtaine agus sinn ag plé na dúshláin tábhachta atá os comhair ár dtír agus ár
Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil
On behalf of all of us I want to sincerely thank Brian Cowen for all of his efforts during his leadership of Fianna Fáil and
as Taoiseach. He dealt with Ireland’s enormous economic challenges with courage and honesty, and he always put the
country first.
Since our last Ard Fheis, the country has gone through seismic changes because of the global and European economic
crisis. Ireland needed the assistance of our EU partners and the IMF in November 2010 because of the high yields
in Irish bonds that led to our inability to borrow. The EU/IMF deal was necessary so that we could have a properly
functioning banking system and also to fund our public services.
Economic activity would not be possible without a banking system and without public services the effects would be
dramatic, particularly on the more vulnerable in our society. We were prevented from “burning bondholders” despite
our numerous requests to the ECB. Fine Gael and Labour in opposition spoke daily about “burning bondholders” despite
knowing it would not be possible.
Since the election, we have seen, how cynical and opportunistic their promises were. It is ironic that the Government is
accepting praise from our EU partners for implementing decisions they vehemently voted against when in opposition.
All our efforts, in stabilising the public finances and in reducing costs, were driven by getting sustainable growth back
into the economy and creating jobs.
Fianna Fáil in government had to make extremely difficult decisions and even though they were necessary, they have hit
people very hard. The General Election results in February 2011 showed how angry the public were with Fianna Fáil. We
were held politically accountable.

Leader’s Welcome
We have to learn from the mistakes of our past and always remember our strengths. Fianna Fáil was always the party that stood up for
ordinary people and took care of the most vulnerable in our communities. That is the party I joined, and Fianna Fáil will be that party
Since becoming Leader, I have visited constituencies around the country. I am truly heartened by the enthusiasm and the determination
that I have seen from our thousands of members. If we are to get our party back on track we need to listen to our members and rebuild
trust particularly in the communities we live in.
This Ard Fheis is going to refocus on the members of the party and that is why we will have a debate on the “One Member One Vote” on
Saturday. I am looking forward to good debate and to hearing your views.
Ireland has a bright future and our people have shown courage over past generations and will continue to do so.The Fianna Fáil policy
when in government was to have an export-led recovery and this has held true to this day. Ireland’s exports are continuing to grow and
will grow further when the European financial crisis is resolved.
DeValera and Lemass saw Fianna Fáil as a republican organisation, a unifying force in Irish life and a vehicle for progressive politics. This
message should not be lost on us as we seek to revitalise our party and bring new energy and ideas to it. At this Ard Fheis, we have an
opportunity to recommit ourselves, in this time of renewal, to that vision and purpose.
Le gach dea Ghui

Micheál Martin TD
Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil
General Secretary’s Welcome back to the RDS for Fianna Fáil’s 73rd Ard Fheis.
Welcome It has been over three years since we last met. In that time, a great deal has changed. The political landscape, both
nationally, and for our organisation, has shifted significantly. Last year’s General Election shook our organisation to
its foundations. Despite the best efforts, and extreme commitment, of our members, for which I am hugely grateful,
Seán Dorgan we find ourselves, for the first time in a long time, on the opposition benches, and with a significantly depleted
parliamentary party.
There is much work to be done. Never has there been an opportunity like this to renew and reform ourselves into a
modern, dynamic political organisation with an active presence in every community across the country. As I met with
members over the past year, I have been struck by their commitment and dedication to stay with this journey to rebuild
and renew Fianna Fáil and to make it a strong organisation once again.
As we approach the end of the first year on this road to renewal, Fianna Fáil must get back to basics. Accordingly, this
weekend will see decisions taken which would greatly enhance the structure and effectiveness of our organisation,
commencing a process where each member is truly valued and placed at the core of our organisation. Members have
said that they want to be heard and listened to, that they want to shape policy and want to be involved in the key
decisions which the party takes.
The format for this Ard Fheis is significantly changed from previous Ard Fheiseanna. Please study this Clár and
familiarise yourself with the proceedings planned for the weekend. We have designed a programme that is stimulating
and relevant and which facilitates delegates being able to get involved and participate in the debates. In addition, there
are also many motions before this Ard Fheis. These will now be debated in a special motions workshop, scheduled for
Saturday afternoon.
Despite the difficulties of 2011, there have also been some grounds for optimism. The result of the Dublin West bye-
election, where Councillor David McGuinness defied all the critics, coming in at an impressive 21.7%, was a tremendous
boost to the party in Dublin, and indeed nationally. David showed what is possible. Similarly strong candidates will

General Secretary’s Welcome

be needed as we approach the local elections in 2014. As the first national test since last February’s General Election,
these local elections will be critically important. It is important that we be well prepared. Through our candidates,
our policies, and our campaigns, we must communicate that we are serious about representing our communities. To
do this, we will need a new wave of impassioned and talented candidates to compliment our current experienced
councillors. I encourage you to play your part in this process, encouraging new members to join our Party and
identifying and supporting prospective new candidates.
As we gather this weekend, it would be remiss of me to not to pay tribute to our former Taoiseach and Party Leader
Brian Cowen who stepped down in January of last year. As Taoiseach, Brian had a tremendously difficult job in
tremendously difficult circumstances, and I know that we all wish him every success in his future endeavours. As leader,
Brian had a great love of this party.
I wish to acknowledge the role of the Ard Chomhairle Ard Fheis Committee, chaired by Rory Scanlon, and thank them
for their endeavours in the planning of this Ard Fheis.
At Ard Fheiseanna, we remember those many fine Fianna Fáil members who have died since we last met. We
acknowledge their commitment and contribution to our organisation. This weekend, we remember in a special way,
our former Deputy Leader, Brian Lenihan TD. Brian was an inspiration to all of us. His love of Fianna Fáil was infectious,
as was his commitment to its renewal. May he, and all of our former members, rest in peace and may their memory
inspire us all to work for the benefit of Fianna Fáil.
As always, I’d welcome any thoughts or suggestions that you may have on any aspect of this Ard Fheis or wider
organisation. Please feel free to write to me at Fianna Fáil HQ or email me at
Enjoy the Ard Fheis!



Córú Fhianna Fáil Fianna Fáil is a National Movement. Its aims are:

Córú Fhianna Fáil

(i) To secure in peace and agreement the unity of Ireland and its people.

(ii) To develop a distinctive national life in accordance with the diverse traditions and ideals of the Irish
people as part of a broader European culture, and to restore and promote the Irish language as a
living language of the people.

(iii) To guarantee religious and civil liberty, and equal rights, equal treatment and equal opportunities for
all the people of Ireland.

(iv) To develop the resources and wealth of Ireland to their full potential, while making them subservient
to the needs and welfare of all the people of Ireland, so as to provide the maximum sustainable
employment, based on fostering a spirit of enterprise and self-reliance and on social partnership.

(v) To protect the natural environment and heritage of Ireland and to ensure a balance between town and
country and between the regions, and to maintain as many families as practicable on the land.

(vi) To promote the family, and a wider sense of social responsibility, and to uphold the rule of law in the
interest of the welfare and safety of the public.

(vii) To maintain the status of Ireland as a sovereign State, as a full member of the European Union and
the United Nations, contributing to peace, disarmament and development on the basis of Ireland’s
independent foreign policy tradition.

(viii) To reform the laws and institutions of State, to make them efficient, humane, caring and responsive to
the needs of the citizen.
Brian Lenihan The untimely death of Brian Lenihan represented the loss of a brilliant politician, a proud Irishman and, to so many of us, a

1959 - 2011 great friend.

As a young man, Brian Lenihan studied law in Trinity College, Dublin, and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, graduating from
both institutions with first-class honours. He subsequently worked as a barrister and as a lecturer before devoting himself to
politics where he was undoubtedly an outstanding public representative of this generation.
Serving first as Minister of State for Children, Brian Lenihan was appointed Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform in
June 2007, where he was a reforming and innovative minister with political and legal mastery of his portfolio. Brian’s time in
Justice was relatively short and, in May 2008, he was appointed Minister for Finance.
It was in this key economic portfolio where Brian faced events at a scale and pace of magnitude that no other Irish Minister
has ever previously had to contend.
He rose to this unprecedented challenge and he never complained. Day-in, day-out, he continued to step up to the plate
and he never shirked his responsibilities. For the final eighteen months of his life, Brian fought a brave and courageous
battle with a serious illness. Yet in all that time, Brian never once flinched from his public duties, and continued to show an
unceasing and untiring commitment to tackling the economic crisis facing this country.
Brian’s commitment in doing his utmost for the Irish people defines modern patriotism and all that is laudable in our politics.
He had an unrivalled combination of skills and an unstinting work ethic which he generously put at the full disposal of the
Irish people. He had a formidable intellect and was a gifted communicator. He was witty, he had charisma and was full of fun.
He was full to the brim of ideas and he had a great grasp of policy.
He spent all of his time in politics in vigorous pursuit of the public interest and packed so much into too short a life.
And he did it all with great humanity, with wisdom and always with a smile upon his face.
14 May he Rest in Peace.
Michael Fitzpatrick’s life was defined through his unwavering commitment to his community. Michael
represented and advocated for the people of Kildare North throughout his entire life.

A native of Cootehill, Co Cavan, Michael dedicated his life to public service. He joined An Garda Síochána in 1961
and was stationed in Robertstown, Co. Kildare; Tullow, Co. Carlow; and Athy. It was as a Garda that Michael first
came to Kildare to live and set out on a journey which was to make him one of that county’s favourite adopted
He was truly honoured to be elected to Dáil Éireann in 2007, having served on Kildare County Council from 1999
and as Mayor of Kildare in 2003/2004.

Michael Fitzpatrick He was an extremely effective local politician with a great grasp of detail and a capacity to get the needs of his
1942 - 2011 local community on the agenda. He took a real pleasure – a pleasure that never left him over the years – in being
able to work to enhance the local facilities and services which people depended on for their quality of life.
He was devoid of ego; he was unassuming and modest. He served the people everyday, in a working life that was
defined by and never deviated from the noble values of community, commitment, and courage.
Party rivalries held no interest for Michael; he was in politics to serve the community, first and last. The pleasure
for him was in helping people and achieving things for his locality.
Despite his terminal diagnosis, in 2010, with motor neurone disease, Michael’s sense of duty and his great
commitment to his constituents meant he continued on with his work as assiduously as ever. He never faltered or
complained and was his usual courteous and effective self.
Well done Michael, your work is done. But your inspiring legacy of community, commitment, and courage will live
May he Rest in Peace. 15
Ógra This past year has marked an incredible year in Fianna Fáíl history and is one which has seen the position of our Party change drastically. Accordingly,
Ógra is looking to face this change head on and is planning a number of initiatives aimed at setting Fianna Fáíl back on the right track, and at seeing
Fianna Fail and hearing younger voices getting involved in the policy and values discussion.

Eamon Quinlan Since our last Ard-Fheis in 2009, Ógra has held two National Youth Conferences; one in Bundoran, on the 13th-15th November 2009, and most
recently in Cork on the 4th-6th November 2011. Both were highly successful events, with impressive debate and turnout providing for two hugely
Uachtarán Ógra stimulating weekends.
Fianna Fáil
Cork also served as the location for some massively significant organisational changes within Ógra. Following a decision made at November’s Youth
Conference, Ógra will be operating in a much more independent capacity than before, with an elected officer board consisting wholly of Ógra
As part of this change, I was honoured to be elected as the first ever Uachtarán Ógra Fhianna Fáíl and am confident and excited at what Ógra will be
able to achieve this year with our expanding grassroots and enthusiastic new Youth Committee.
Alongside our internal reforms, Ógra has been busy driving the national discussion through a broad range of campaigns and workshops. Third level
recruitment levels have remained strong, while Ógra’s Central Officer Board is working hard establishing cumainn throughout the country. Perhaps
more so than any other area of Fianna Fáíl, we are bringing forth programmes to promote and encourage participation from the grassroots up.
Ógra is home to a great wealth and depth of talent, with a broad range of educated, experienced, and enthusiastic members anxious to have a say
in rebuilding our policy platforms. In view of this, we will soon be launching a policy support system to help support our elected representatives. We
will also be launching a tutoring service, offering assistance and support to younger members who may be approaching exams.
The time and effort used in organising Ógra’s activities and in achieving our internal reforms is vast, and for this and much more, Ógra owes a huge
debt of thanks to Brian Doyle, whose relentless energy as Youth Officer has driven Ógra for a number of years, and who will be impossible to replace.
We wish him luck in his new endeavours.
Similarly the outgoing and, following our reform process, last ever Cathaoirleach of Ógra, Senator Thomas Byrne, is owed a huge debt of thanks for
his incredible work over the last number of years.
16 Have a great Ard Fheis.
Forbairt na Gaelige - Michéal Kitt TD - Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Gaeltacht Affairs

Forbairt na Gaelige
Is cuid lárnach do pholasaith Fhianna Fáil é úsáid agus cur chun cinn na Gaeilge. I Rialtas, thug Fianna Fáil tacaíocht don Ghaeilge mar theanga laethúil
an phobail. Le blianta beaga anuas is féidir linn a rá go raibh ról lárnach againn i mborradh na teanga – go háirithe i dtaobh fhás ghluaiseacht na
Táimid bródúil as an méid atá déanta againn ar son na Gaeltachta agus ar son mhuintir na Gaeltachta chomh maith. Tá infreastruchtúr na nGaeltachtaí agus
na nOileán feabhsaithe go mór. Sna blianta amach romhainn tá Fianna Fáil ar son cúram fiontraíochta Údarás a choinneáil. Tá sé seo in aitheantas don ghá
atá ann fostaíocht a chaomhnú agus a chruthú sna ceantair Ghaeltachta chun an teanga a choinneáil beo agus beoga.
Mar pháirtí pholaitiúil, táimid bródúil as an méid atá bainte amach ar son na teanga agus ar son daoine atá ag iarraidh feidhmiú gach lá trí mheán na
Gaeilge. Chuireamar Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla in áit. Bhunaíomar Oifig an Choimisinéara Teanga. Bhunaiomar Foras na Gaeilge agus leathnaigh muid
soláthar oideachais trí mheán na Gaeilge – go háirithe sna Gaelscoileanna agus ag an tríú leibhéal. Ar an stáitse idirnáisiúnta, bhaineamar amach ardú
stádais don Ghaeilge san Aontas Eorpach. Ní aontaímid le cinneadh an Rialtais deireadh a chur le neamhspleáchas Oifig an Choimisinéara Teanga agus
táimid ag iarraidh an chinneadh seo a athrú.
D’fhoilsíomar treoirphlean don Ghaeilge - Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge. Is Straitéis í seo a thugann treoirphlean maidir le caomhnú agus athbheochan na
Gaeilge thar tréimhse 20 bliain. Leagann an Straitéis amach gníomhanna i 9 réimse difriúl chun cuspóir líon na ndaoine a labhraíonn an teanga go laethúil a
mhéadú ó 83,000 go 250,000.
Tuigimid níos mó ná aon rud eile go gcaithfimid tús áite a thabhairt don Ghaeilge sa chórás oideachais. Tá Fine Gael ag iarraidh deireadh a chur leis an
nGaeilge mar ábhar éigeantach don Ardteist. Ní aontaímid leis seo ar chor ar bith.
Táimid go láidir den tuairim go bhfuil gá níos mó béime a leagan ar an teanga labhartha sa seomra ranga chun teanga beo a chinntiú. Táimid tiomanta chun
an Gaeilge a choinneál mar chroí-ábhar don Ardteist, chun tacaíochta a thabhairt don churaclaim athchóirithe Gaeilge don Ardteist agus chun leanúint
lenár dtacaíocht do na Gaelscoileanna agus do na Scoileanna Gaeltachta teagasc trí mheán na Gaeilge.
Is féidir a rá go bhfuil easpa tiomantais ag an Rialtas i leith na Gaeilge. Táimidne i bhFianna Fáil bródúil as an méid atá bainte amach againn i Rialtas
agus tugaimid gealltanas don phobal nach nglacfaimid le haon athraithe a thógfaidh ón dul chun chinn atá deánta. Is seoid naisiúnta í an Ghaeilge, agus
caithfimid, mar Phairtí pholaitiúil agus mar thír, gach iarracht a dhéanamh an Ghaeilge a choinneáil beo agus beoga.
Media Balance A Level Playing Field

What can you do? One issue that continues to come up in all discussions about the renewal of the Party is what many members feel is an unfair
portrayal of the Party by some elements in the media and the lack of a level playing field. The time has come for every member
to play their part in redressing this imbalance by taking action.

Write a Letter
While social media is a growing area and one we’re working hard to become more Irish Times
active in, it isn’t for everyone and there are still many more people buying and
reading local and national newspapers than using Facebook or Twitter. A well Irish Independent
written, well argued letter to the editor is still a very important tool in addressing
Sunday Independent
unfair commentary. See inset box for national paper contact details.
Make a Complaint Sunday Business Post
Each of the broadcasters have an obligation to treat issues fairly and not to let a
presenter’s personal opinion colour their treatment of a subject. If you feel they Evening Herald
don’t live up to this obligation, you should make a formal complaint.
Irish Examiner
We have compiled details for the complaints department of each broadcaster for
your convenience and they can be checked at Irish Daily Star
Text & Phone National & Local Media
Irish Mail on Sunday
One way of helping create a level playing field is for you to have your own say. If you
are listening to a debate on local or national radio or television, and have a view to Sunday Times
express, you should phone or text. Contact details for most local media and radio
stations are available online at For convenience, the Sunday World
details of some national outlets are printed overleaf.
We all have a Voice. It’s time to use it!

Media Balance
RTÉ Liveline with Joe Duffy (Radio 1) TV3 The Right Hook - with George Hook
Raidió Telifís Éireann 1850 715 815 Ireland AM 1890 453 106
Main Switch: 01 2083111 Email: Email: Email:
Tweet: @RTERADIO1 Text: 51551 Text: AM followed by your Text: 53106
Tweet: @talktojoe1850 comments to 53131
Morning Ireland Moncrieff
Email: Drivetime (Radio 1) Tonight with Vincent Browne Email:
Tweet: @morning_ireland 1850 715 105 Tweet: Use hashtag #vinb Text: 53106
Ryan Tubridy (2FM) Newstalk Coleman at Large
Text: 51551
1850 715 105 The Breakfast Show with Ivan Email:
Tweet: @drivetimerte
Email: & Chris Text: 53106
Text: 51551 The Marian Finucane Show (Radio 1) Email:
1850 715 150 Today FM
Today with Pat Kenny (Radio 1) Text: 53106 The Last Word
Email: Tweet: @breakfastnt
1850 715 900 Text: 51551 Email:
Email: Lunchtime with Damien Kiberd & Text: 53102
Text: TODAY followed by your The Frontline (RTÉ 1) Jonathan Healy Tweet: @lstwrd or @cooper_m
comments to 51551 01 208 2941 Email: Facebook:
Tweet: @todaypkrte For audience tickets email: Text: 53106 thelastwordwithmattcooper
Tweet: @rtefrontline

Understanding What is Social Media?

New Media Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are increasingly important forums for public discourse on all
issues, from the very local and personal to the larger social and political matters. Engaging online, while not an
option for everyone, can be an instant way of having your voice heard on issues you feel strongly about, and a
To follow or contribute to
powerful tool for each and every member to play their part to address the anti-Fianna Fáil imbalance that we
Twitter discussion about our
regularly see and hear.
Ard Fheis, use the hashtag
#AF12 or #FFRenewal To learn more about Facebook and Twitter and how it can help you be a more active Fianna Fáil member, visit our
social media stand in the Ard Fheis Exhibition area. Our social media experts can help you sign up for your own
Facebook or Twitter account and give you hints and tips on how to use them.

What is Twitter?
Twitter is an online social networking website that enables users to send and read short messages. Users can
log on and follow other users to see what they are up to or how they feel about a particular issue. Your posts, or
‘tweets’, are visible to all those who you accept as your followers. TV and radio programmes increasingly monitor
and read out what is being said about the programme on Twitter. This facilitates a two way discussion which now
happens online simultaneously alongside broadcast, rather than afterwards in the pages of a newspaper.
Members should register on and follow the Party (search for @fiannafailparty). Doing this allows you
to get news and views from the party as soon as any statements are released and to contribute to the debate. If
we had just a fraction of our members engaging daily on Twitter and promoting the party’s agenda it would make
a difference.
Fianna Fáil on has over 7,000 followers (@fiannafailparty). Can you help bring it up to 10,000?
What is Facebook?

Understanding New Media

Facebook is an online social networking website that enables users to connect with friends and organisations. It
is the 2nd biggest website in the world with 640 million visitors every day. Connecting with Fianna Fáil’s facebook
profile, at, is a great way to keep up to date with the Party and to engage in the
We are currently building the Party’s presence on Facebook and we are working to improve numbers. Again, if
just a fraction of our members interacted with our site, it would make a huge difference.

Ard-Fheis Food
Espresso €1.80 Yogurt €1.00 Soup of the Day €4.80
Served with freshly baked bread
Outlets and Prices Tea €1.90 Fresh Fruit €1.00
Selection of Sandwiches €5.00
Filter Coffee €2.10 Chocolate Bars €1.00 BLT, Lemon Roast Chicken &
At Inspire Café Herb Stuffing, Tuna & Sweetcorn,
Herbal Tea €2.10 Crisps €1.50 Honey Baked Ham, Cheese &
Bar & Restaurant Garden Salad, Free Range Egg
Double Espresso €2.40 Scones €2.50 & Scallion

Americano €2.40 Selection of Pastries €2.70 Salad To Go €4.95

Butter Croissant, Maple & Pecan
Cappuccino / Latte €2.75 Plait, Apple & Custard Trellis
Café Mocha €3.05 Muffins €2.70
Double Chocolate, Toffee & Berry

Fruit Shoots €2.00 Selection of Cookies €2.70

Rainbow, Chocolate Chip &
Mineral Water €2.00 Gluten Free Macaroon

Soft Drink Selection €2.50 Selection of Squares €2.70

Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, 7up, Diet 7up, Rocky Road, Brownies, Oxford
Club Orange, Club Lemon Lunch Square

Selection of Bottled Beers €5.50
Fruit Salad €4.95
Red & White Wine €6.00

Inspire Restaurant Full Irish Breakfast €9.50

Dining at the Ard-Fheis

Menu Soup of the Day - Served with a Selection of Gourmet Breads €4.80
Chefs Daily Special - Changes Daily. Please Ask €9.90
Vegetarian Dish of the Day - Changes Daily. Please Ask €10.90
Chargrilled Breast of Chicken - Wild Mushroom & Smoked Bacon Cream €11.90
Braised Beef Bourguigonne - Buttom Mushrooms, Glazed Onions, €12.90
Pancetta & Red Wine Jus

Kilmore Quay Seafood - Symphony of Monkfish, Salmon & Prawn, Cream €12.90
Leek Veloute, Cheese Herb Crust

Selection of Salads (per portion) Small €3.00

Large €8.00

Selection of Desserts €4.50

Call 01 4373 444
Entertainment at the Ard-Fheis

for further
information or visit
Visit the newly refurbished Ballsbridge Hotel (formerly Jurys & the D4)
over the Ard Fheis weekend and enjoy live music and tasty food on
both Friday and Saturday night in the main ballroom.
During the day, The Dubliner Pub serves a carvery lunch from 12-
3pm (€10 a main dish) and a ‘Nite Bite’ menu is served from 5-10pm.
Speciality tea and coffees are also served in the hotel lobby daily until
The Ballsbridge Hotel is on Pembroke Road, just a few minutes walk
from the RDS, and has 392 spacious guest rooms. The hotel features
a new conference centre with 13 state-of-the-art meeting rooms and
a magnificent ballroom which can accomodate up to 1,200 delegates.
There is ample on-site parking and WiFi access making this a popular
venue for events and conferences in Dublin city.

Entertainment Nightly.
Fri: Buffet & Dancing, till late. Admission €10
Sat: Music & Dancing. Admission Free with your Ard Fheis pass
Uachtarán Kate Feeney Michael Kelly John O’Dwyer Cllr. Kenneth O’Flynn
Micheál Martin TD Stephanie Fitzpatrick Chris Wall Dan O’Connell Cllr. Niamh Smyth

Current Ard Chomhairle

Cllr. Mary Hoade Jim Daly Michael Thompson
Vice Presidents Mark Hughes Duane Browne Packie McAdam Ógra Representatives
Mary Hanafin John Kirwan Rory Scanlan Cllr. Michael Loughnane Brendan Finucane
Sadie Jordan Gearoid Lohan Geraldine Wall Mary Devine O’Callaghan Ciaran Fitzgerald
Pat O’Meara Paul O’Brennan Ted Conlon Kathleen Diamond Gerard Fogarty
Michael O’Brien Tony Kelly Cllr. Mattie Ryan Eamon Quinlan
Honorary Secretaries David O’Connor Michael Mullooly Frank Begley Eoin Scully
Dara Calleary TD Cllr. Shane P. O’Reilly Ciaran O’Loughlin Lorraine Clifford
Gerard Collins Cllr. Michael Smyth Paddy Somers Jim Bourke Co-Options
Anne Strapp Damien Callaghan Geraldine Cole Kathryn Byrne
Honorary Treasurers Michael Anthony Cotter Michael Freeman
Niall Collins TD Constituency Delegates Frank Corcoran Front Bench Representative Andy O’Rorke
Hugh Dolan Henry Arrowsmith Paudie Fuller Eamon Ó Cuív TD
Lorraine Hynes John Joe O’Brien Honorary Co-Option
Committee of 20 Clifford Kelly Andy Flaherty Parliamentary Party David Andrews
Jerry Beades Robert Frost Gerry Bridgett Representative
Noelle Blaney Cllr. Frank O’Flynn Tom Holden Senator Mary White
Marie Brady Kevin Fitzgerald Eamon Rafter
Emer Brennan Derry O’Connell Cllr. Sinead Guckian Councillors Forum
Jessica Brennan Dermot Walsh William Foley Representatives
Henry Cleary, Jnr Domhnall Mehigan John O’Connor Cllr. Shane Cassells
Mary Corbett Terry McEniff Cllr. Michael Connellan, Jnr Cllr. Gerry Horkan
73ú Ard-Fheis

Your Team in Leinster House

John Browne TD Spokesperson on Marine & Fisheries Niall Collins TD Spokesperson on Environment, Community
Constituency - Wexford & Local Government
Constituency - Limerick
• Tel: 053 923 5046
• Email: • Tel: 061 300 149 / 01 618 4277
• Office: Lower Church Street, Enniscorthy, • Email:
Co. Wexford • Office: Red House Hill, Patrickswell,
Co. Limerick

Dara Calleary TD Spokesperson on Justice, Equality & Defence Barry Cowen TD Spokesperson on Social Protection
Constituency - Mayo Constituency - Laois / Offaly
• Tel: 096 77613 • Tel: 057 932 1976
• Email: • Email:
• Office: 19 Pearse Road, Ballina, • Office: Grand Canal House, William St,
Co. Mayo Tullamore, Co. Offaly
Éamon Ó Cuív TD Deputy Leader & Spokesperson on Billy Kelleher TD Spokesperson on Health

Your Team in Leinster House

Communications, Energy & Natural Resources Constituency - Cork North Central
Constituency - Galway West
• Tel: 021 450 2289
• Tel: 091 562 846 • Email:
• Email: • Office: 28a Ballyhooley Road, Dillon’s Cross,
• Office: Kirwan House, Flood Street, Galway, Co. Cork
Co. Galway

Timmy Dooley TD Spokesperson on Transport, Tourism & Sport Seamus Kirk TD Spokesperson on Horticulture & Rural Affairs
Constituency - Clare Constituency - Louth
• Tel: 065 689 1115 / 01 618 3514 • Tel: 042 933 1032 / 01 618 3468
• Email: • Email:
• Office: 8 Mill Road, Ennis, • Office: Rathiddy, Knockbridge, Dundalk,
Co. Clare Co. Louth

Seán Fleming TD Spokesperson on Public Expenditure & Michael P. Kitt TD Spokesperson on Housing, Planning &
Reform Gaeltacht Affairs
Constituency - Laois / Offaly Constituency - Galway East
• Tel: 057 873 2692 • Tel: 090 967 8147
• Email: • Email:
• Office: Silveracre, Castletown, Portlaoise, • Office: Castleblakeney, Ballinasloe,
Co. Laois Co. Galway
Micheál Martin TD Leader & Spokesperson on Northern Ireland John McGuinness TD Spokesperson on Small Business Regulatory
Constituency - Cork South Central Framework & Chairman, Public Accounts
Committee. Constituency - Carlow / Kilkenny
• Tel: 021 432 0088
• Email: • Tel: 056 777 0672
• Office: 137 Evergreen Road, Turner’s Cross, • Email:
Co. Cork • Office: O’Loughlin Road, Kilkenny,
Co. Kilkenny

Charlie McConalogue TD Spokesperson on Children Michael Moynihan TD Spokesperson on Agriculture & Food
Constituency - Donegal North East Constituency - Cork North West
• Tel: 074 937 3131 • Tel: 029 51299 / 01 618 3595
• Email: • Email:
• Office: Chapel Street, Carndonagh, • Office: Percival Street, Kanturk Co. Cork /
Co. Donegal Lower Main Street, Charleville, Co Cork

Michael McGrath TD Spokesperson on Finance Seán Ó Fearghaíl TD Fianna Fáil Whip & Spokesperson on
Constituency - Cork South Central Foreign Affairs & Trade
Constituency - Kildare South
• Tel: 021 437 6699
• Email: • Tel: 059 863 4805 / 01 618 3948
• Office: Kilmoney Road, Carrigaline, • Email:
Co. Cork • Office: 4 Offaly Street, Athy,
Co. Kildare
Willie O’Dea TD Spokesperson on Jobs, Enterprise Senator Thomas Byrne Meath East - Cultural & Educational Panel

Your Team in Leinster House

& Innovation Spokesperson on Public Expenditure & Reform
Constituency - Limerick City
• Tel: 01 618 3310
• Tel: 061 454 488 / 061 454 522 • Email:
• Email: • Office: Seanad Éireann, Leinster House,
• Office: 2 Glenview Gardens, Farrenshone, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Limerick, Co. Limerick

Brendan Smith TD Spokesperson on Education & Skills Senator Mark Daly Kerry South - Administrative Panel
Constituency - Cavan / Monaghan Spokesperson on Communications, Energy
& Natural Resources
• Tel: 049 436 2366
• Email: • Email:
• Office: 3 Carrickfern, Cavan, • Office: Seanad Éireann, Leinster House,
Co. Cavan Kildare Street, Dublin 2

Robert Troy TD Spokesperson on Arts & Heritage Senator Terry Leyden Roscommon / South Leitrim - Labour Panel
Constituency - Longford / Westmeath Spokesperson on Children & European Affairs
• Tel: 0044 933 0769 • Tel: 01 618 3853 / 01 618 4424
• Email: • Email:
• Office: Oliver Plunkett Street, Mullingar, • Office: Seanad Éireann, Leinster House,
Co. Westmeath Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Senator Marc Mac Sharry Sligo / North Leitrim - Industrial & Senator Labhrás Ó Murchú Tipperary South - Cultural & Educational Panel
Commercial Panel Spokesperson on Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht
Spokesperson on Health Affairs
• Tel: 086 267 4764 • Tel: 062 61122 / 01 618 4018
• Email: • Email:
• Office: Seanad Éireann, Leinster House, • Office: Seanad Éireann, Leinster House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Kildare Street, Dublin 2

Senator Paschal Mooney Sligo / North Leitrim - Agricultural Panel Senator Darragh O’Brien Dublin North - Labour Panel
Spokesperson on Social Protection Seanad Leader & Spokesperson on Finance
• Tel: 01 618 3310 • Tel: 01 845 7741
• Email: • Email:
• Office: Carrick Road, Drumshambo, • Office: Suite 7, Manor House, Church Road,
Co. Leitrim Malahide, Co. Dublin

Senator Brian Ó Domhnaill Donegal South West - Agricultural Panel Senator Denis O’Donovan Cork South West - Agricultural Panel
Spokesperson on Agriculture, Marine & Food Leas Chathoirleach & Spokesperson on
Justice, Equality & Defence
• Tel: 074 916 5466
• Email: • Tel: 027 53840 / 01 618 3079
• Office: Main Street, Gortahork, • Email:
Co Donegal • Office: Wolfe Tone Square, Bantry,
Co. Cork
Senator Ned O’Sullivan Kerry North / West Limerick - Labour Panel Senator Mary White Dublin South East - Industrial & Commercial
Spokesperson on Transport, Tourism & Sport

Your Team in Leinster House

• Tel: 068 21831 Spokesperson on Enterprise, Jobs & Innovation
• Email: • Tel: 01 618 3820
• Office: Cahirdown, Listowel, • Email:
Co. Kerry • Office: 6 Wyckham Park Road, Dundrum,
Dublin 16

Senator Averil Power Dublin North East - Industrial & Commercial Senator Diarmuid Wilson Cavan / Monaghan - Administrative Panel
Panel Group Whip & Spokesperson on Environment,
Spokesperson on Education & Skills Community & Local Government
• Tel: 01 618 3156 • Tel: 01 618 3561
• Email: • Email:
• Office: Seanad Éireann, Leinster House, • Office: 46 Carrickfern, Cavan,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Co. Cavan

Senator Jim Walsh Wexford - Agricultural Panel

Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs & Trade
• Tel: 01 618 3763 / 051 421 771
• Email:
• Office: Mountgarrett Castle, New Ross,
Co. Wexford

Fianna Fáil - 40 years in Europe - Liam Aylward MEP, Brian Crowley MEP & Pat the Cope Gallagher MEP
In 1972, Fianna Fáil finalised negotiations on Irish membership of the European Economic Community. Building on the work of Sean Lemass, Jack Lynch
and the first Fianna Fáil European Commissioner, Dr. Patrick Hillery, Fianna Fáil MEPs have continued the strong Fianna Fáil tradition of positive and
effective engagement with Europe over the past 40 years.
The economic crisis has shown just how intertwined the economies of Europe are and also demonstrates how we must work together across the EU 27
Member States to tackle the crisis, create jobs and improve living standards. The European Parliament stands at the heart of these efforts and the Fianna
Fáil MEP team is deeply engaged in this work.
The European Parliament is the only directly elected body amongst the EU institutions, currently with 754 MEPs from across the continent. Fianna Fáil is
part of the ALDE political group, the third largest political grouping in the Parliament, holding the balance of power between left and right.
The current Fianna Fáil MEPs, Liam Aylward MEP, Brian Crowley MEP and Pat the Cope Gallagher MEP work effectively with their colleagues from across
the European Union to prioritise issues of concern for Ireland and Irish citizens.
Some key policies which the Fianna Fáil MEP team are working on in the European Parliament at present include:
Common Agricultural Policy – MEPs will play a deciding role on the future of the CAP. We have been fighting for a CAP that will ensure a fair return
to active farmers; will incorporate the sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices in Ireland and will deliver good quality produce at
affordable prices for consumers.
Commons Fisheries Policy – Reforming the Common Fisheries policy must reflect the needs of Irish fisheries such as effective regionalisation, dealing
realistically with discards and an adequate regime for small scale, coastal and island fisheries.
Horizon 2020 / Innovation Union - Horizon 2020 is aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness. Running from 2014 to 2020, with an €80 billion
budget, the EU’s new programme for research and innovation is part of the drive to create new growth and jobs in Europe. We are working to ensure that
32 Ireland maximises the benefit from this project and it plays a central role in driving on job creation.
Liam Aylward MEP Constituency - Ireland East

Fianna Fáil in Europe

Responsibilities - Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development; Member of the Delegation with relations with
Mercosur; Member of the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly; Substitute Member of the Committee on Culture,
Education and Sport; Substitute Member of the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

Tel: (0032) 228 45782 • Email: • Office: European Parliament, ASP 10G309, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047, Brussels.

Brian Crowley MEP Constituency - Ireland South.

Responsibilities - Member of the Committee for Industry, Research and Energy; Member of the Delegation for relations with the United
States; Substitute Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs.

Tel: (021) 4896433 • Email: • Constituency Office: Maryborough Lodge, Maryborough Hill, Douglas,
Co. Cork

Pat the Cope Constituency - Ireland North West.

Gallagher MEP
Responsibilities - Member of the Fisheries Committee; Chairman of the Delegation for relations with Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and to
the EEA; Substitute Member of the Committee on Regional Development.

Tel: (074) 9521276 • Email: • Constituency Office: Main Street, Dungloe, Co. Donegal

73ú Ard-Fheis

Cumann Registration
Cumann Registration by CDC, 2009-2011 - Number of Cumainn registered, by year

Cumann Registration
CDC Name Total 2009 2010 2011 CDC Name Total 2009 2010 2011 CDC Name Total 2009 2010 2011
inc. unregistered inc. unregistered inc. unregistered
Cavan 65 41 40 23 Dublin South West 16 11 12 10 Cork North West 80 54 56 34
Donegal North East 77 64 38 6 Dublin West 17 14 15 15 Cork South Central 33 24 24 22
Donegal South West 106 103 96 20 Dun Laoghaire 14 11 12 6 Cork South West 66 45 44 31
Galway East 161 68 98 62 Carlow 31 13 20 4 Kerry N/W Limerick 77 56 73 28
Galway West 77 61 71 39 Kildare North 28 16 23 9 Kerry South 103 65 78 37
Leitrim 43 27 20 17 Kildare South 27 12 20 3 Limerick 84 61 54 11
Mayo 195 118 110 48 Kilkenny 56 44 45 20 Limerick City 26 16 14 15
Monaghan 43 29 27 15 Laois 52 35 36 29 Tipperary North 73 36 69 20
Roscommon 113 74 102 19 Longford 36 30 31 12 Tipperary South 70 60 62 43
Sligo 72 41 43 19 Louth 46 40 43 14 Waterford 64 32 35 26
Dublin Central 26 26 24 21 Meath East 52 22 28 42
Dublin Mid West 14 6 9 2 Meath West 56 39 40 19 Total 2,748 1,864 2,032 1,010
Dublin North 15 14 11 2 Offaly 59 49 49 43
Dublin North Central 25 23 22 16 Westmeath 50 32 45 13
Dublin North East 18 16 14 4 Wexford 101 76 82 33
Dublin North West 21 12 19 15 Wicklow 55 37 37 18
Dublin South 33 27 28 9 Clare 142 104 121 70
Dublin South Central N/A N/A N/A N/A Cork East 61 33 38 14
Dublin South East 28 20 21 18 Cork North Central 41 27 33 14

73ú Ard-Fheis

Honorary Secretaries’ Report

Dara Calleary TD We return to the RDS for our 73ú Ard Fheis at a time of unprecedented challenge for our country and its citizens. These
Joint Honorary Secretary challenges will be the focus of much of this Ard Fheis and will be dealt with in detail this weekend. Consequently this is a time
of unprecedented challenge for our party. Perhaps the greatest we have faced since our foundation over 85 years ago.

General Election 2011

The General Election in 2011 was fought against the backdrop of the severest economic recession in this country since the
foundation of the state. We had to face the consequences of government decisions and we returned to the 31st Dáil with 20
seats, the lowest in our history. This campaign was extremely difficult and we thank all of the 75 candidates who courageously
Gerard Collins contested the Dáil elections in such circumstances. Thanks to our members and supporters across the island who worked
Joint Honorary Secretary incredibly hard in spite of the political and weather challenges.
The subsequent Seanad Elections saw the election of 14 senators to the new Seanad. This exceeded all expectations and we
thank all candidates who contested the campaign and our councillors for their efforts during that campaign.
We also pay tribute to those outgoing members of the Parliamentary Party who either lost their seats or did not contest the
election, and thank them for their service to both Party and country.
8ú Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil

Honorary Secretaries’ Report

Brian Cowen resigned as Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil on January 26th 2011. On your behalf, we thank Brian, his wife Mary and their family for
their sterling commitment and contribution to our party over many years.
Micheál Martin TD was elected as the 8ú Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil. Our new Uachtarán has shown outstanding commitment to our
party over many years but especially at this time of great challenge. With all of our support, there is no doubt that Micheál will lead a
sustainable renewal of our party, based on a republican policy ethos and a member-focused organisation.

Local Elections 2009

The Local and European Elections in 2009 saw us win 218 County and City Council seats, a net loss of 86 seats. We secured 184 Town or
Borough Council Seats, a net loss of 56 seats. We now have three MEPS, losing a European Parliament seat in Dublin. Congratulations
to the 355 councillors who were elected in spite of the extreme conditions. Their success is testament to their personal standing in their
communities. Many fine local representatives and candidates were the victims of a poor overall party performance. We thank them for
their commitment to their communities and to our party. The work on the 2014 local elections is underway in earnest and will accelerate
during 2012. We are determined to reverse the losses of 2009 and 2004.

Lisbon Referendum 2009

Fianna Fáil led a vigorous, active and ultimately successful YES campaign in October 2009. We fought a thorough campaign focusing on
the facts of the treaty, in which our units nationwide played a key role.

Fianna Fáil Administration

Since our last Ard Fheis, there have been many changes at Fianna Fáil HQ and at Leinster House. A significant number of staff members
have left over that time, many having given long years of service to the party. Thanks to them for their service and

commitment and we wish them many years of health and happiness in their new roles.
The remaining staff at Fianna Fáil HQ and in Leinster House continue to provide an excellent service with significantly
reduced resources but with a greater demand. We thank all of them for their commitment to the party in the past three
years but especially over the past twelve months.

Party Renewal
Micheál Martin has made the renewal of the party his number one priority. To that effect a number of significant initiatives
are underway. This is only a small sample of them.
• Leader’s Tour
Micheál has completed a national tour of each of the 48 CDCs. During the course of these visits, he met over 10,000 party
members and supporters across the island and has listened to your concerns, frustrations and worries about both country
and Party. The next phase of these constituency tours will get underway following the Ard Fheis.
• Renewal of Membership, Organisational Structures and Policy Committees
Over 1,500 party members have contributed to the renewal process by submitting ideas to or by
writing directly to the Party. These ideas have covered every aspect of the party organisation and many of them are being
implemented as we speak. We encourage you to continue to submit your suggestions - the renewal effort doesn’t finish with
this Ard Fheis, but rather it should be revitalised.
One of the key messages from the initial renewal consultation was a proposal to look at reform of voting structures at
selection conventions. These reforms will be discussed in detail at this Ard Fheis.
38 Each CDC has appointed a renewal committee in order to ensure that the renewal process has a significant local input.
Thanks to all of these committees for their work to date.

Honorary Secretaries’ Report

Considerable work is currently underway at designing structures that will encourage a new kind of membership; one not necessarily
based on the traditional geographical method but based on common policy interests and on other areas of shared interest. The use of
social media platforms will be essential to the success of these new structures. Work is also underway at identifying effective structures
for cities and large urban areas where community identity may not be as strong as it once was.
The new Fianna Fáil front bench was appointed in May 2011. Each front bench member has since appointed a policy committee to help
devise new policy. Everyone is welcome to contribute to that process and can do so by contacting or any member
of the Parliamentary Party. The education sub-committee hosted a very successful policy conference in Birr in June and further such
conferences will be held during 2012. Public meetings on issues such as CAP Reform, the new Septic Tank Legislation and Health issues
have been held around the country and have been addressed by front bench members. Units are encouraged to hold public meetings on
issues relevant to their own areas during 2012.
• Organisation Committee
The Ard Chomhairle’s Organisation Committee, under the stewardship of Gerard Collins, undertook a thorough review of the organisation
in the cities of Cork, Galway, Limerick, and Waterford. Former Minister of State Chris Flood headed up a taskforce focused on the
organisation in Dublin. These committees thoroughly analysed each constituency and met with all members on a number of occasions, as
well as consulting Officers and Public Representatives. The committee members are commended for their efforts to review, reform and
revitalise the organisation in those urban areas.
• Dublin West Bye-Election
The Dublin West Bye-Election held on October 27th was an early indication of some electoral recovery. Cllr. David McGuinness deserves
enormous credit for the huge campaign he put in along with the organisation in Dublin West and the many hundreds of party members
from all over the island who joined the effort.
• The Gender Challenge

The 2011 election has left the party without a female TD and with just two female senators, Senator Averil Power and
Senator Mary White. We have a strong track record in the area of equality but we must do more to involve women in our
party and to ensure that more women are selected as candidates in 2014 and at the next General Election. Considerable
work is underway at the moment in this regard.
• Renewal of Party Finances
The report of the honorary treasurers is published elsewhere in this Clár
• Cuisle Magazine
Cusile is a magazine written by members, designed by members and distributed to members. As a forum for vigorous debate
about the party, its policies and its structures, it will only be successful if you contribute to it. Many thanks to its founding
editor Jimmy Healy and all its contributors. The first copy was published in December & a second edition is available at this
Ard Fheis.
Ógra Fianna Fáil
Ógra Fianna Fáil have led the way in renewing our party. The 2011 National Youth Conference held in Cork was the most
successful in recent times, and also the most historic. A full report of Ógra activities is published elsewhere in this Clár. We
wish newly elected Uachtarán Ógra Fianna Fáil Eamon Quinlan and his team every success for their term of office.

Fianna Fáil in Europe

Our MEPS, Liam Aylward, Pat the Cope Gallagher and Brian Crowley continue to represent Ireland effectively and
ambitiously in Brussels and Strasbourg. With our ALDE colleagues, they are providing a very effective voice at European
40 Parliament level. We look forward to welcoming the ELDR Congress to Dublin later in 2012.
Local Authority Members

Honorary Secretaries’ Report

The National Councillors’ Forum has been very active, particularly since the general election. The forum has held two meetings with the
Parliamentary Party in order to ensure the strongest possible links between the elected units of the party.
The forum hosted a very successful National Councillors Conference in Mullingar on November 19th which was addressed by Micheál
Martin TD.

Since we last gathered we have lost many valued friends, colleagues and members in Fianna Fáil. We extend our deepest sympathies to all
of their families and friends. We owe it to them and to all those former members of the party who have passed on, to renew the party in
the spirit in which they served it.
Whilst many cumainn have lost members, we remember in particular our former Deputy Leader, Minister and Leas Uachtarán Brian
Lenihan TD, as well as former TD and Ard Chomhairle member Michael Fitzpatrick, who both showed stunning bravery and courage in
tackling their illnesses, whilst maintaining their commitment to their country and their party.
We remember also Senators Tony Kett, Peter Callanan and Kieran Phelan who passed away during the last Seanad term. Furthermore
since the Ard Fheis last gathered, Ard Chomhairle members Patsy Geraghty, Frank Barrett and John Murphy have also gone to their eternal
reward. We remember these and all who have served the party faithfully over the years. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-amanacha dílis.

This is a time of significant challenge for our party yet it is also one of great opportunity. In the past 12 month, our members across the
island have stepped up to the plate and taken on the challenge of renewal. We offer our sincere thanks to each and every one of you for
that effort. Lets recommit ourselves to this effort for the next 12 months.
Beir bua agus beannacht. Ar Aghaidh le Fianna Fáil. 41
73ú Ard-Fheis

Honorary Treasurers’ Report

Niall Collins TD We are pleased to present our Honorary Treasurers’ Report to delegates at this Ard Fheis.
Joint Honorary Treasurer
As delegates will know, Fianna Fáil is funded through two sources: state funding and fundraising activities. On the state funding
account, we have recorded surpluses for the past number of years. However, as a direct consequence of our election result, our
funding dropped significantly in 2011. This fall in income necessitated the development and implementation of a significant cost
cutting programme within the Party.
We set out below our exchequer funding income and expenditure account for 2011. We also attach a breakdown of the total
fundraising income for 2011. Delegates are asked to note that both of these statements are subject to audit but we believe they
represent the most up to date figures on the Party’s finances.
Hugh Dolan
Joint Honorary Treasurer Cost Savings Subsequent to February 2011
Subsequent to the 2011 General Election, our state funding dropped from just over €5 million per annum to approximately
€2.8 million. We immediately moved to reduce any deficit that would have been incurred as a result. Due to prudent and tight
management of the Party’s finances in recent years, we achieved significant surpluses. Accordingly, the reduction in state funding
did not, in real terms, require an immediate cut in spending last year of in excess of €2 million.
A comprehensive overview of all spending was undertaken and savings were achieved across all spends. This regrettably

Honorary Treasurers’ Report

resulted in a significant reduction in staff in Headquarters and within our Press and Research Office. In total, 17 staff left us.
Many of those members of staff who left had given long and dedicated service to Fianna Fáil. We know that delegates will join
with us in expressing our sincere gratitude to all those staff who left our Headquarters and Leinster House operations over the
past year. We are deeply appreciative of their outstanding contribution to the Party.
We continue to strive to make further savings. We are very focussed in ensuring that we utilise our resources efficiently to invest
in building and developing our infrastructure so as to ensure that the Party has the necessary support at every level to grow.

Fundraising Activities
On our fundraising account, we are currently €1.7 million in debt. Delegates should note that Fianna Fáil has been consistently
in debt on this account since the early 1980’s, i.e. for nearly thirty years. After the General Election, we had a debt of €2.3
million. That was the lowest debt we had immediately post a General Election for more than 25 years. We significantly reduced
our debt late last year.
It is our intention to clear the Party debt over the course of 2012 and 2013 and then to begin to build a campaign war chest for
the 2014 Local and European Elections. We can only achieve this with your help.
The Party’s main fundraising activities are the National Collection and the National Super Draw. We set out the returns, by
constituency, for both the National Super Draw and the National Collection in the pages that follow. The Party raised more
than €530,000 in 2011 through the National Super Draw. This was an increase from €467,000 in 2010, i.e. an increase of
13.8%. The top performing CDC was Roscommon, returning more than €30,000 and increasing their return by €10,000 on their
2010 performance. Roscommon is a great example of what can be achieved through the Draw. If every CDC achieved what
Roscommon did, the Party would raise €1.5 million from the Super Draw. We would like to especially recognise Councillor

Martin Connaughton (Athleague, Co. Roscommon) who was the top ticket seller in the country. Martin personally sold more
than €15,000 worth of tickets.
These are particularly difficult times. Everyone who bought and sold draw tickets deserves great credit and we wish to
record our thanks and gratitude to them. The Super Draw is an extremely important initiative for our Party and we are
already focussed on building on its success for this year’s Draw. We are appealing to members to please support the Super
Draw and make it an even bigger success in 2012.
The National Collection in 2009 and 2010 held steady at approximately €320,000. Regrettably, the collection dropped in
2011 to €185,000. Again, returns by CDC are presented below. We are calling on all members to make a special effort to
ensure that the national collection is taken up at every church gate in every CDC. The national collection is not only an
important fundraiser for Fianna Fáil; it’s also an opportunity for Fianna Fáil to be active in the community.
The Party’s fundraising model has changed significantly in recent years. In 2010 and 2011, over 90% of all contributions
came from donors who gave us €100 or less (increasing to over 93% last year). As a Party, our focus on fundraising
has moved away from corporate donations and we are committed to raising the necessary resources through smaller
contributions from members and supporters. In 2011, Fianna Fáil introduced two bills in the Oireachtas to ban corporate
donations entirely. On both occasions, Fine Gael and Labour voted these bills down.
We are firmly committed to continuing to build on the successes of recent years in fundraising. The National Collection and
National Super Draw are vitally important to achieving this. We ask you to do what you can to help us increase the returns
for both the National Collection and National Draw in 2012.

Conclusion Exchequer Funding Account 2011

Honorary Treasurers’ Report

Fundraising is never an easy activity and this is particularly so in € €
these challenging times. We want to extend our sincere thanks to Exchequer Funding Carried Forward to 2011 1,064,426
every member and supporter who give their time and money to raise Income
funds for Fianna Fáil. If you are in a position to organise or host a State Funding 1,345,317
fundraising event in your area, please make contact with ourselves Total Income 1,345,317
or Darragh McShea in Fianna Fáil Headquarters. We appeal to you
to continue to make an effort to ensure that Fianna Fáil has the Expenditure
resources and capacity to mount campaigns and fight elections over Personnel Costs 937,335
the coming years. We can only do this with your help. Party Organisation & Constituency Offices 583,596
Party & Office Expenditure 168,344
Thank you for everything you continue to do for Fianna Fáil.
Rent, Rates & Insurance 145,417
Legal, & Other Professional Fees 37,675
Election & Fundraising Income 2011 Telephone & Postage 37,032
Ógra 35,359

Depreciation 28,542
National Superdraw 531,750
Auditors’ Remuneration 20,204
National Collection 189,198
Repairs & Equipment 17,314
Election Draw 176,850
Light & Heat 5,679
Direct Contributions & Fundraising Events 66,621
Total Expenditure 2,016,515
Registration Fees 57,972
Excess of Expenditure over Income in 2011 (671,198)
Total 1,022,391 Exchequer Funding Carried Forward to 2012 393,228
Super Draw Constituency Totals 2010 - 2011

CDC Name 2010 2011 CDC Name 2010 2011 CDC Name 2010 2011

Roscommon 21,550 31,750 Cork East 10,350 9,900 Dublin West 7,350 5,800
Clare 22,350 27,150 Kilkenny 10,850 9,650 Longford 5,950 5,550
Cork South Central 5,400 24,150 Meath West 13,750 9,200 Waterford 7,200 4,550
Wexford 17,150 23,450 Dublin South 8,650 9,100 Dublin North East 3,750 4,300
Louth 17,650 21,550 Wicklow 6,350 8,750 Dublin Central 5,850 4,200
Limerick County 9,400 20,150 Cork North Central 2,100 8,600 Dublin North Central 4,200 3,900
Cavan 26,550 19,050 Donegal South West 8,350 8,450 Limerick City 3,700 3,650
Galway East 12,800 18,100 Tipperary South 6,250 8,350 Dublin North West 7,150 2,750
Cork North West 7,600 17,350 Dublin North 11,450 7,900 Dublin South West 11,650 2,000
Galway West 20,150 16,100 Leitrim 3,650 7,800 Carlow 1,550 1,250
Mayo 14,050 15,750 Kildare South 6,700 7,100
Donegal North East 11,750 15,350 Dun Laoghaire 9,800 6,850 Total 467,800 518,950
Offaly 23,250 13,650 Kerry South 6,150 6,800
Meath East 12,450 12,450 Tipperary North 6,950 6,650 additional

Westmeath 7,650 12,300 Dublin South Central 2,150 6,550 Overall Totals 467,800 531,750
Kerry North 6,800 12,250 Monaghan 13,750 6,400
Cork South West 4,900 12,200 Laois 8,250 6,150
Dublin South East 13,500 11,250 Kildare North 6,400 6,150
Sligo 9,450 10,600 Dublin Midwest 3,150 6,050
National Collection Constituency Totals 2009 - 2011

Honorary Treasurers’ Report

CDC Name 2009 2010 2011 CDC Name 2009 2010 2011 CDC Name 2009 2010 2011

Mayo 19,028.83 16,400.02 2,785.26 Dublin South 370.00 295.00 110.00 Cork North West 13,301.60 13,046.34 8,750.18
Donegal North East 7,224.92 6,213.95 1,378.05 Dublin West 60.00 50.00 0.00 Kerry N/W Limerick 17,789.31 17,603.77 9,415.55
Donegal South West 8,776.31 9,309.34 3,631.99 Dun Laoghaire 300.00 300.00 0.00 Kerry South 14,306.34 12,728.18 9,155.11
Galway East 9,013.97 7,995.58 5,037.43 Kilkenny 9,615.08 9,644.07 6,415.84 Limerick 20,286.56 19,600.84 8,506.75
Galway West 5,908.46 8,174.49 3,304.66 Kildare South 1,307.79 1,003.30 694.44 Tipperary North 8,491.33 9,035.61 4,701.96
Cavan 16,829.96 13,839.55 11,033.22 Carlow 1,018.50 1,352.00 0.00 Tipperary South 17,193.52 16,684.56 11,554.52
Leitrim 7,001.41 7,180.19 4,123.61 Laois 10,493.17 8,977.42 6,209.98 Limerick City 3,661.83 3,075.42 2,685.77
Roscommon 6,371.89 9,201.84 3,136.81 Louth 5,586.53 6,715.37 3,689.22 Clare 23,594.26 21,727.35 16,536.02
Sligo 656.65 2,883.6 222.00 Offaly 18,028.66 17,112.14 11,128.30 Waterford 4,571.52 3,713.59 2,166.48
Monaghan 6,984.15 6,904.39 3,426.93 Wexford 9,728.47 10,724.22 6,378.84 Cork South West 5,234.55 5,478.25 4,602.59
Dublin North East 671.88 130.00 100.00 Wicklow 1,013.00 1,962.50 270.00
Dublin North Central 220.00 150.00 210.00 Meath West 7,780.66 9,291.42 4,757.80 Total 321,129.47 318,171.94 181,415.20
Dublin North West 0.00 0.00 100.00 Westmeath 5702.61 6,989.46 5,135.24
Dublin Central 500.00 0.00 40.00 Longford 9068.25 7,948.05 4,181.20
Dublin Mid West 0.00 0.00 0.00 Kildare North 2,806.00 3,577.31 822.70
Dublin South East 352.00 350.00 230.00 Meath East 6933.95 5,737.61 4,757.56
Dublin South West 40.00 0.00 40.00 Cork North Central 3282.10 4,035.89 1,873.05
Dublin South Central 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cork South Central 1,448.21 1,582.57 1,570.60
Dublin North 50.00 0.00 0.00 Cork East 8,525.24 9,446.75 6,545.54
73ú Ard-Fheis

Ard-Fheis Elections
Voting Arrangements Time for Voting:
For the Attention of Polling will commence at 10:00am and will close at 2:30pm on Saturday 3rd March 2012. Please note delegates wishing to vote
Voting Delegates will have to be within the voting registration area not later than 2:00pm.
and Candidates.
Voting by PR:
Voting delegates shall vote in order of their preference in accordance with the rules of the PR single transferable vote system
(Electoral Act 1992).
Delegates may vote for any number of candidates by placing their preference vote 1,2,3,4 etc in the boxes provided opposite the
names of the candidates who are listed in alphabetical order. A ballot paper is valid as long as a first preference is recorded.
To enter the voting registration area all voting delegates must produce a form of identity which includes a photograph (ie driver’s
licence, passport, Garda ID), and their delegate pass. Members are also encouraged to bring their Fianna Fáil membership card
where possible.
Voting Security:
No other ID will be acceptable for entry into the voting area.
A ballot paper will only be issued to a delegate in possession of a delegate pass and valid photo ID.

Voting Arrangements
Each delegate ticket will be specific to a particular cumann and only members of that cumann will be allowed to use this ticket. Each cumann is
entitled to three voting delegates at the Ard-Fheis, at least one of whom must be female and at least one of whom must be male.
Only current members of the Party listed on the Fianna Fáil Headquarters’ database will be eligible to vote.
Delegates may not re-enter the registration area or voting area under any circumstances.
Change of Voting Delegate:
In the event of one of the registered delegates being unable to attend the Ard-Fheis a different member of the same cumann is entitled to vote in their
place, provided that the cumann still has at least one female delegate and one male delegate. It will not be possible for any cumann to have three
delegates of the same gender.
If a cumann is changing one of their delegates the substitute must be registered as a member of the same cumann on the Fianna Fáil Headquarters
database and must provide valid photo ID. Members are also encouraged to bring their Fianna Fáil membership card where possible.
It is the duty of the cumann secretary to get the delegate pass from their cumann member who is unable to attend and provide it to the substitute
delegate. Fianna Fáil will not be issuing replacement delegate passes at the Ard-Fheis.
Ballot Papers:
Each voting delegate shall be given three (3) ballot papers. One shall be for the ’Vice President’ positions; one shall be for the ‘Joint Honorary
Secretary’ positions; and one shall be for the ‘Committee of Twenty’ positions.
Please note that a member of the parliamentary party and a non-member of the parliamentary party shall be elected as Joint Honorary Secretary and,
similarly, as Joint Honorary Treasurer.
In the election of the Committee of Twenty, ten positions shall be filled by women and ten positions shall be filled by men. Voting delegates are
encouraged to vote for all candidates, in order of their choice. 49
73ú Ard-Fheis

Leas Uachtaráin Candidates

For a full set of candidate profiles, please visit
Aine Brady I have been an active member of Fianna Fáil for many years holding various positions within the party. I was the party’s first Ogra representative
on the National Executive, an active member of the Committee of Fifteen and represented Fianna Fáil at many cross border conferences.
Kildare North

Leas Uachtaráin Candidates

Throughout my time on the National Executive, I worked with every unit of the organisation and ensured that their views were reflected at
national level.
I was elected to the Dáil for the fist time in 2007 and served as a Junior Minister with responsibility for Older People from 2009. During my short
period in the Dáil, I worked hard on behalf of my constituents and our party. Working with our local party organisation and community and
business groups, we achieved many significant goals - better education facilities, improved public transport and enhanced community facilities.
As Minister for Older People, we worked hard to protect the services and entitlements for older people - all achieved against a background of
significant financial challenges for our country.
When I lost my seat in 2011, I gave a commitment to my local organisation that I would put all my efforts into renewing our party. I seek your
support for the position of Vice President of Fianna Fail to enable me to work with you to rebuild our organisation, to enhance the party
members’ role in policy formation. I am committed to supporting our existing members and attracting new members. I believe that I will prove
worthy of your support if I am elected as one of your Vice Presidents and I look forward to meeting you at the Ard Fheis.

Kathryn Byrne Kathryn Byrne, an outgoing member of the Ard Chomhairle, is seeking your Number 1 vote for the position of Vice President of Fianna Fáil. She
is a dedicated grass-roots member of the party who has never held, nor seeks to hold public office. She believes in honesty, transparency and
Dublin South East holding true to our party values. Her commitment is to Fianna Fáil and to you, the members, to work at rebuilding this great party of ours.
Kathryn has given considerable time and energy to the work of the Ard Chomhairle. She was initially elected as an Ógra representative, and
served as National Vice Chair when Micheál Martin was Ógra’s National Chairman. She was subsequently elected a member of the Committee of
15 and later the Committee of 20.
After the last Ard Fheis, Kathryn was co-opted back onto the Ard Chomhairle by its members. She has served on various committees including
the Finance Committee and the Organisation Committee. At all times she has been vocal in representing your concerns and will continue to do
so. She pledges to serve wherever appointed, as she has in the past, with full attendance.
Kathryn is from a strong Fianna Fáil background. Her maternal grandparents were strong activists in the Balla Cumann, Mayo and her grand
uncle, the late Matt O’Reilly, represented Meath in Dáil Éireann for many years. Kathryn is making a valuable contribution to the business of the
Ard Chomhairle. She would greatly appreciate your Number One vote or highest possible preference, so that she may continue to ensure the
grass-roots members are well represented at senior party level. 51
Lisa Chambers I am a young Barrister from Mayo and a proud, active member of Fianna Fáil since my college days. Last February, I ran as a candidate in the
General Election in what many considered to be one of the toughest constituencies; Mayo, home of the now Taoiseach. With a three week
Mayo campaign in Enda’s back garden, I polled an amazing 3,343 1st preference votes in very tough times.
Since then I have continued the momentum and worked hard to help renew and rebuild the Party. Following the election, Micháel Martin
appointed me as Local Area Representative in Mayo as part of a new programme launched by the party. I helped to establish the Mayo Fianna
Fáil renewal committee and we are working to effect change and rebuild the party locally.
I am putting my name forward for a Vice President position in the belief that I can bring something valuable to the table. There are five positions
and I want to see all members represented. The combination of experience mixed with youth would be invaluable to the Party. Since the election
there has been much talk of getting more young people involved and this is one of the reasons I am contesting this position. I want to encourage
more young members to contest party elections and to encourage a more even representation of the party at national level. I hope to give
positive and constructive input at national level and to be an ambassador and spokesperson for the Party. With so few elected representatives I
believe that every position within the party is a resource that should be used to its full potential. The position of Vice President should not be a
token position, instead it should be used to enhance and promote the party.

Éamon Ó Cuív TD At present Deputy Leader of Fianna Fáil and member of the Ard Chomhairle. Member of Corr na Móna Cumann since the 1970’s. Have served
at all levels of party including as Chairman of my local Cumann in the early eighties, Comhairle Ceantair Secretary also in the eighties. Elected to
Galway West Seanad Éireann in 1989 and Dáil Éireann in 1992. Served in a variety of Ministries in various Departments.
I am standing for election as a Vice-President of Fianna Fáil because I believe that I can bring to this position the vision, energy, experience and
commitment necessary to ensure the re-growth of our party so that it can continue to serve the nation.
I láthair na huaire tá mé mar Leas-cheannaire ar Fhianna Fail agus mar bhall den Ardchomhairle. Tá me mar bhall de Chumann Chorr na Móna ó
na seachtóidí I leith. Bhí me gníomhach ar gach leibhéal den eagraíocht agus bhí mé mar chathaoirleach ar Chumann Chorr na Móna go luath sna
hochtóidí agus mar Rúnaí Chomhairle Ceantair freisin sna hochtóidí. Toghadh don Seanad mé I 1989 agus go Dáil Éireann i 1992. Bhí mé mar Aire
Rialtais i Ranna éagsúla Rialtais.
Tá mé ag seasamh do Leas-Uachtaránacht Fhianna Fail mar go gcreidim gur féidir liom an fuinneamh, fís, taithí agus díograis atá riachtanach le
cinntiú go dtiocfaidh athfhás ar ár bpáirtí le go leanfaidh an páirtí ag tabhairt seirbhís don náisiún.
Timmy Dooley TD Timmy Dooley TD is Fianna Fáil’s Frontbench Spokesperson on Transport, Tourism and Sport. Timmy is a TD for Clare, having been re-elected
to the Dáil in February 2011. He serves as a member of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Transport, Culture and the Gaeltacht;

Leas Uachtaráin Candidates

the Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform; and the Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs. First elected
to Dáil Éireann in 2007, Timmy previously served in Seanad Éireann from 2002-2007. He has been an active member of Fianna Fáil since 1987,
served as Chairman of the Kevin Barry Cumann, UCD in 1989 and was a founder member of the National Youth Committee from 1990-1993.
Timmy was also elected to the Committee of 15 and served on the National Executive until his election to Seanad Éireann.
Timmy believes that Fianna Fáil’s strength is and always has been its members. He believes that there is a huge need within the party to widen
the membership base across every constituency while ensuring that members have a strong voice that is heard at all levels of the organisation.
Timmy played an active role in Ógra and he is conscious of the need to attract young people to the party to work side-by-side with its
experienced members and supporters. If elected Vice President of the Party he will work to ensure this is a key priority.
Having served the party at every level within the constituency before being elected to the Dáil, Timmy knows the value of a strong and active
Fianna Fáil membership. He is committed to working with all members to ensure the party reconnects with communities, reaffirms its core
principles of equality and solidarity, and grows in strength and number in the years ahead.

Cllr. Shane P. O’Reilly Since a very young age I have been involved with Fianna Fáil from the grass roots to Ard Chomhairle. Not only as a member of the party and the
AC, but as a poll topping candidate in the County Council elections, I have seen the transformative power of politics and I can see the difference
Cavan that Fianna Fail can make in people’s lives. As vice president, I will play a leading role in restoring Fianna Fail as a movement for change, progress
and prosperity in our Nation.
My confidence in Fianna Fail is based on our shared values, shared vision and shared future. While our future is bright our challenges are
brighter; we have to return the party back to the grass roots, give power back to the people. We must listen to one another and reboot the
relationship with our people. As the party of the people, we have the ability to reincarnate and reinvent ourselves. To earn the respect and trust
of the people, we must once again become the party of the crossroads not at the crossroads. The road ahead is lonely but our cause is true: we
have unfinished business in relation to the north, in relation to reflecting Irish Society and to fully restore peoples faith in Fianna Fail.
As a father of 4 and aged 30 years old, I fully understand the pressures facing the party and the people. It all begins with the simple belief, that
together we can once again become a leader not a follower, a cause not a concept and a party that is worth fighting for and with rather than
conceding our future to our past. If you belive in me, as I do in our party, then I ask you to lend me your vote and let us begin the path anew,
with the people and not the powerful at the helm. Vote Shane P for VP Number 1.
Senator Mary White Senator Mary White was first elected to Seanad Éireann in 2002 and re-elected in 2007 and 2011. As a Senator she has advocated new
approaches to childcare provision, discrimination against our ageing fellow citizens and suicide prevention. She will present, for consideration at
Dublin South East the Ard Fheis, a comprehensive Fianna Fáil policy paper on developing an Age Friendly society in Ireland.
In her ten years as a Senator, Mary has been a tireless campaigner for human rights and justice, for example, on behalf of the thalidomide
survivors and for the numerous personal cases which distressed citizens bring to her. She is the Party’s spokesperson in the Seanad on jobs,
innovation and enterprise and speaks with conviction on this topic having co-founded Lir Chocolates to create jobs in the last recession during
the 1980s. The company employs some 220 people in Navan, Co Meath and has sales of over €20m, mostly to export markets. In recognition of
this contribution, she has been nominated since 2002 by the Irish Exporters Association as their Seanad candidate.
Mary was first elected to the FF National Executive in 1983 and currently represents the Parliamentary Party on it. She is married to Padraic
White, former Managing Director of IDA-Ireland. She profoundly believes in the future of the Fianna Fáil Party and of the goodwill of current
and former members. If elected Vice President of the Party, she will enthusiastically help in connecting with and encouraging Party members
throughout Ireland in the interests of a vibrant and confident Fianna Fáil Party. She is ready to assist Fianna Fáil candidates for the local elections
in 2014 anywhere in Ireland in the interests of making big gains for the Party in those elections.
73ú Ard-Fheis

Honorary Secretary Candidates

For a full set of candidate profiles, please visit
Gerry Bridgett Gerry Bridgett from Athy, Co. Kildare has served the Fianna Fáil Party at various levels. He is a former Secretary of the Kevin Barry Cumann, UCD
and was also an active member of Ógra. He has served as Cumann Secretary, Comhairle Ceantair Secretary, Comhairle Dáilcheantair Chairman,
Kildare South former member of the Committee of 15 and was a member of the National Youth Committee from 2000 to 2006. Gerry’s areas of interest and
expertise include Taxation, Finance, International Commerce and Corporate Governance. He believes in Ireland playing a central role in the
evolution and development of the European Union while always proudly asserting its own cultural and political identity.
This Ard Fheis is a milestone on the way to the renewal of Fianna Fáil and I believe that I can play a significant role in rebuilding the Party and
also represent the views of the Party members from all over the country on the Officer Board. We must communicate effectively using a variety
of media, rebuild trust with the public, be relevant to the needs of the country, develop evidence based policy that can meet the challenges of a
changing world and only serve causes in order to serve the people. Our focus must be on preparing for the local elections, recruiting members and
assisting Councillors and candidates in their efforts to win support for Fianna Fáil and increase our share of the vote in each local electoral area.
I am committed to the 1798 republican values of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in Society and also Ethics and Integrity, including the modern
concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in business, and will apply my business skills to the renewal of Fianna Fáil. Is Gaeilgeóir líofa é. Beidh
Gerry Bridgett fíorbhuíoch as do thacaíocht don Rúnaí Oinigh ag an Ard Fheis.

Dara Calleary TD
Dara Calleary TD, as the only member of the Parliamentary Party seeking election, is deemed elected.
The remaining candidates will contest for the one remaining position.
Gerard Collins Over the years I have served my community and country at local, national and international levels. I am proud of this record but my core political
goal now is to work with members to ensure that we rebuild Fianna Fáil.

Honorary Secretary Candidates

Limerick County
At the last Ard Fheis, I was honoured to be elected by the members to serve as Honorary Secretary. Since then, the party leader asked me to take
a leading role in the push to renew our party.
The reform proposals which are to be voted on at the Ard Fheis directly reflect the views of members and came out of the first real consultation in
our party’s history. These proposals can only work if the party’s national structures become more responsive to the local organisation – and this is
something which the Honorary Secretaries must take a leading role in.
If elected to serve you, I will dedicate myself to making sure that we fully implement the commitments made to members about greater
consultation and a new level of support for constituencies.
Our party has a proud tradition which still has a major role to play in Irish public life. We are facing a very tough challenge but I know it is one we
can meet and overcome.

Margaret Conlon Married to Seamus, I have 3 children, Shane, Ciaran and Eimear. I am Deputy Principal in St Louis Secondary School Monaghan. I am honoured and
delighted to be nominated by units across the country to contest the election for the position of Honorary Secretary at the forthcoming Ard Fheis.
Monaghan I have been an active member of the Fianna Fáil party since my teenage years when I was elected as Cumann Secretary in my local Cumann of
Lough Egish, a position I held until my election to the Dail in 2007. I was very involved in Ogra and I served on the National Youth Committee and
the Ard Chomhairle for a two year period in the late 80’s. My interest in Fianna Fáil deepened during my college years and I was instrumental in
reviving the College Cumann in NUI Maynooth where I served as Chairperson.
Following my graduation I returned to live and work in Monaghan and became very active in my local constituency. I held the positions of Cumann
Secretary, Secretary of South Monaghan CC and Chairperson of Monaghan CDC. It is my deep roots in our great organisation and my interest
in the renewal of our party that is driving me to seek election for this position. I believe I have a contribution to make and I want to put my
organisational and management skills, combined with my experience as a TD for Cavan/ Monaghan from 2007-2011, to good use. I held a number
of committee positions during my Dail term and I was one of the Parliamentary Party representatives to the Ard Chomhairle.
I have a genuine sense and understanding of the challenges facing our party. I want to play my part and it would be an honour for me to represent
you, the members. I am not one for making lofty promises but I do pledge to work hard on your behalf and I will be happy to be your voice if
elected as I believe it is very necessary to establish a reconnection between the Ard Comhairle and the members. 57
73ú Ard-Fheis

Committee of 20 Candidates
The Candidate Profiles hereafter are abridged versions.
For full profiles, please visit
Fianna Fáil and the country are going through very turbulent times. Like many organisations including my own business Fianna Fáil
needs to keep its head above water to survive until we manage to re-organise and re-energise ourselves for the next election. These
are very challenging times. Fortunately we have a solid membership comprising of dedicated, educated and loyal party followers

Committee of 20 Candidates
including myself who can contribute to Fianna Fáil to gain ground in the coming years.
I am a 29 year old solicitor living and working in Dublin. I set up in private practice last year in an effort to stave off the need
to emigrate. I look forward to playing my part in the renewal of the party and I believe I can best play my part as an elected
representative on the Committee of Twenty. I urge you to support me. Is mise le meas, Catherine Ardagh, Secretary of Dublin South
Catherine Ardagh West Inner City LEA, Dublin South Central.
Dublin South Central
My name is Jessica Brennan. I am 25 and have been a member of Fianna Fáil for 8 years. I lived and worked in Dublin for 4 years where
I was an active member of Dublin Central, holding the position of youth officer on their CDC. I have recently moved back to my home
town of Galway and am getting involved in the Fianna Fáil organisation in Galway West.
It was a great honour to be elected at the last Ard Fheis and I have enjoyed my time on the Ard Chomlaire, I pride myself on bringing
to the Ard Chomlaire exactly what the grassroots are thinking and saying. I am not afraid to speak up on an issue if I believe on it. I
am an activist; I love canvassing, campaigns and a good debate. I ask you to consider giving me a vote; whatever the preference, for
the committee of 20 . It is my wish to continue contributing to the party that I love and to be involved in its renewal so that we as an
Jessica Brennan organisation are better equipped to attract new members, win elections and represent the people of Ireland again!
Galway West

Henry is a recent member of the Committee of 20 having been elected at the last Ard Fheis. A graduate of Dublin City University,
Henry is a Chartered Accountant by profession. He comes from a strong FF background and his cousin was the late Michael O’ Cleirigh,
a TD in Mayo. Alongside politics, Henry has a strong interest in gaelic games. His uncle Ned Cleary and cousins John Cleary and Niall
Cahalane are synonymous with Castlehaven and Cork football. Henry’s Goals are to:
Bring “Fianna Fáil’s best on board” – create an open “Think tank” where new members and supporters can join the party and help take
fresh ideas and plans for the Fianna Fáil organisation right to the top. • Grow our party’s membership by promoting policies and
core values that make us more attractive, dynamic and visionary in an ever changing society • Help develop a professional and
Henry Cleary modern fund raising strategy that allows Fianna Fáil to invest in its future and re build our party.
Mayo 59
Tony Clyne is married to Valerie and lives in Courtown Harbour, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Tony has been an active member of the Fianna
Fáil Organisation since the age of 16 following in his family tradition. Tony is a native of Dalkey in Co. Dublin where he started out in the
party working his way up through the ranks to serve as Cumann Chairman and Honorary Treasurer of Dun Laoghaire CDC. Tony has also
served as Director of Elections for Gorey in both local and National elections.
Tony has been living in County Wexford for over 30 years and is Manager of the Courtown Amusement Centre in Courtown. With his
qualifications in Business development Tony has helped to create employment in the local area over this period of time. Politically he
has been an active member of the Sean Etchingham Cumann in Courtown Harbour and has served at all levels of the Organisation in
Tony Clyne North Wexford holding positions like Secretary of Gorey Comhairle Ceanntair for 18 years, youth Officer of Wexford CDC and mentor to
Wexford many Ogra teams for debating competitions.

Ivan, from Athleague Co. Roscommon, was a candidate in the last General Election for the Roscommon/South Leitrim constituency and
received 7,034 votes as a first time candidate. A son of well known Fianna Fáil fundraiser, Cllr. Martin Connaughton, Ivan assisted his
father in once again becoming the main ticket seller in the recent National Draw. Ivan is currently Secretary of Athleague Fianna Fáil
Cumann, Treasurer of Roscommon CC, and PRO of Roscommon CDC. He is a former Chairperson of Roscommon Ógra and has been a
party activist from an early age. Ivan worked diligently on the successful election campaigns of his father Martin, Senator Terry Leyden
and former Minister Michael Finneran.
Ireland has seen major changes over the past ten years, especially rural Ireland, where emigration is high and communities are badly
Ivan Connaghton affected as a consequence.Whilst understanding the needs of urban areas and towns, Ivan believes that rural Ireland is particularly
Roscommon vulnerable to further cuts by the present Administration and needs more activists like Éamon O’ Cuív to show strong opposition.

Mary Corbett is from Clifden, Co. Galway where she runs the Connemara Country Lodge Guesthouse. She is a member of Fianna Fáil
since 1977.
Mary has been secretary of the Clifden Cumann, secretary of the West Connemara Chomhairle Ceantar and treasurer of the West
Galway CDC. She has been very involved in fundraising for Fianna Fáil over the years at all levels. She presents the weekly tourism
programme on Connemara Community Radio, is a former member of the Clifden Chamber of Commerce, is a member of Connemara
Tourism and is very active in her local community.
Mary was elected to the National Executive at the last Ard Fheis. Mary comes from the grassroots of the Party and, if re-elected, will
Mary Corbett
be their voice at national level.
Galway West
‘Let’s get cracking!’ This was the call to action from former Taoiseach and Uachtarán Fhianna Fáil, Seán Lemass, to Fianna Fail members
as the country emerged from the bleak 1950’s. Energy, originality, patriotism and hard work helped to transform the country into a
modern, progressive Republic. These principles form the bedrock of our party, I believe, and upon them we must now rebuild.

Committee of 20 Candidates
I am currently Deputy Mayor of Bandon, Co. Cork. Elected as part of a four- strong Fianna Fáil team to Bandon Town Council in 2009,
I hold an honours degree in History and Political Science from Trinity College, Dublin and a Higher Diploma in Education from UCC.
I have had the honour of holding the office of Cathaoirleach of Sean Buckley Cumann , Bandon as well as Cathaoirleach of Bandon
Comhairle Cheantair. The members of Fianna Fail in Cork South West have been working hard over the past year, organising meetings
Cllr. Gillian Coughlan and social events in an effort to pool ideas and to revive the party. I wish to convey this energy to the National Executive. I would like
Cork South West to be able to direct Fianna Fail party policy to the benefit of the people of Cork South West and indeed all rural constituencies.

I have been involved in Fianna Fail at Cumann level (Killenagh) for a number of years and am currently PRO for Gorey Comhairle
Cheantair in Wexford. During these years I have canvassed for Fianna Fáil candidates for both local and general elections. I have
helped out with the national collection and with selling tickets for the national draw and local fund raising events. I have been actively
involved with my local community for many years – serving as an elected representative on various committees including the Board of
Management of the Local national school, the parents association and the committee of the local GAA club.
When elected, I would work to re-connect local communities to national level and ensure the lines of communication are kept open.
Politics should empower, enable and encourage local communities to have a voice and be heard. The local communities must become
Josephine Cousins again a source of ideas and policies that filter into national level discussions. To help achieve this it is necessary to have constructive
Wexford communication at local level in order to strengthen the structures on the ground and make solid the foundations on which to rebuild.

I am a 25 year old Business graduate of the University of Limerick. I have experience of serving on large committees such as the
University’s Governing Authority where I am now serving my third term. The Ard Chomhairle needs extensive reduction in numbers
and more transparency in its operations. If you look at the website of most organisations you will be able to find at least the names,
and in many cases, biographies, photos and contact details for its directors. We need to move in this direction with the Ard Chomhairle
so that members can easily access those who sit on it. If elected at this Ard-Fheis, my priorities will be: • Reduction in size of Ard
Chomhairle. • Creation of effective two-way communications between Ard Chomhairle and membership. • Standardisation of term-
limits. • Regular grassroots interaction.

Derek Daly I am energetic and enthusiastic about much of the procedural matters that need addressing. While there is certainly a place for those
Limerick City who wish to re-engage on the ground, there is also a place for those of us willing to spend the time on the paperwork and proposals. 61
37 year old Clareman, living in Ennis • Experience in Public Administration (‘95-’00), Private Management Consultancy (since 2000)
• Education: University of Limerick BA Public Administration, LLB (Hons) Laws • Active in Fianna Fáil since staffing Ennis Election HQ
1991, aged 15 • Founder UL Ógra Con Colbert Cumann 1993 • Currently Vice Chairman Clare CDC
At Party meetings nationwide, I am struck by the pain and hurt felt by grassroots members at how neighbours, friends and
communities have lost trust in Fianna Fáil. We must regain that trust by once-again becoming a Party of Values & Vision, underpinned
by sound and practical policy. If elected, I will: 1. Seek to commit Fianna Fáil to developing a credible, new suite of practical policies
by the end of 2012 - driven by fairness and balancing the interests of all society. 2. Always ensure that the values and concerns of
Garrett Greene grassroots inform our vision and policy – dialogue between Party leadership and grassroots must be ongoing.
My name is Tommy Hannon from Aughrim, Ballinasloe, Co Galway. I am married to Ann and we have two boys and one girl. We live on
a small farm here in the west of Ireland. I am employed by the HSE in the provision of Mental Health Services to the People of Galway
East. My hobbies are politics, golf, cycling, reading and swimming.
I come from a family steeped in the Fianna Fáil tradition since its very foundation. I have played an active role in the Fianna Fáil party
organisation in promoting our party and supporting its representatives at all levels and at every opportunity.
I currently serve as Chairperson of both my local Cumann and Chairperson of Ballinasloe Comhairle Ceantair. I believe I have a
Thomas Hannon contribution to make in reshaping and re-establishing this great Party of ours to a position in Irish politics, where it can once again
command the respect and support of the Irish People, to a level necessary to return it to government.
Galway East

Mary is from Headford, Co. Galway. She is married to William Scully and has one daughter, Rachel.
Mary is employed in an executive capacity with a property management company in Galway. She is committed to the principles of
Fianna Fáil and has served as National Vice Chairperson of Ógra Fianna Fáil.
“I promise if elected to continue to uphold and promote the aims of our party at local and national level. Your support for Committee
of Twenty would be greatly appreciated,” she said.

Cllr. Mary Hoade

Galway East
My name is Darren Hughes and I’m the PRO of Longford Ógra. I’m the youngest candidate for the Committee in Fianna Fáil’s history,
having turned 17 on the 1st of January this year. It’s obvious the party has suffered, particularly in the last 12 months. My belief is that
while we must respect the past and the work of past Fianna Fáil-ers, we must embrace the future and I firmly believe I am a big part of

Committee of 20 Candidates
that future. My policies are as follows:
• Education: as a secondary school student who will be going to college in 18 months, current cutting of grants by the government is
worrying. I will use my position to ensure that these cuts are addressed and everything that can be done to prevent them will be. I will
organise marches and protests against education cuts. • Embracing our Northern members: From chatting to FF members in the north
Darren Hughes of our country, they feel disillusioned and cut off from the party as a whole. • Finally, I want to bring younger members into our party.
Longford As I’ve said, we must respect the past, but it’s crucial we don’t worship it, as doing so could cut off the members who are our future.”

Stephanie Keating is a lecturer in Waterford Institute of Technology’s School of Business for the last 14 years. She is the founding
member of the WIT Fianna Fáil Cumann and holds the position of Honorary President. Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Business Studies
Degree specialising in Human Resource Management and a Masters of Business Studies in Change Management. She is also Secretary
of the South East Branch of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Stephanie is passionate about Fianna Fáil. She was proud to contest the local elections as a FF candidate on two occasions. A member
of FF since her late teens, Stephanie has served as an officer at all levels in the organisation. She believes that FF is at a crucial stage
at the moment. She has stated that in order to strengthen the party and move forward it is essential that the party undertakes a
Stephanie Keating comprehensive programme centred on her theme of Recruit, Rejuvenate and Reorganise.Stephanie believes that her experience, skills
Waterford and passion will ensure that she represents the voice of the grass roots of Fianna Fáil at National Executive.

Niall Kelleher (26) is the Managing Director of Intercall, an Outsource Call Centre employing over 120 staff based in Douglas, Cork City.
Niall is also a Commissioner for Oaths and a Peace Commissioner having been appointed to the latter role by the late Brian Lenihan TD.
The oldest of four children, Niall comes from a strong Fianna Fail background. He has been actively involved since the youthful age of
16, serving as an officer at all levels of Fianna Fáil. This is his first attempt to seek election to Committee of Twenty.
“Our great party has gone through the hardest year of its existence and now in order to rebuild, I believe the grassroots must have
a greater say in how our party is run and greater knowledge of what happens on the Ard Chomhairle. I am committed, if elected, to
publish a quarterly ezine to all the membership of Fianna Fáil detailing my work and the work of the Ard Chomhairle. I am asking you
Niall Kelleher
for your number one vote, or if committed, your next highest preference.”
Kerry South 63
My name is Claudia Kennedy and I am 29 years old, living in Ardfarna, Bundoran Co. Donegal. I am a full time second level teacher of
English, Religion and S.P.H.E in Finn Valley College, Stranorlar, Co. Donegal. I am heavily involved in community groups such as “Jig-
Saw” which promotes positive mental health and suicide prevention for teenagers. I was elected as Youth Officer of my local Cumann
Thomas Mac Shea. I am heavily involved with Ógra serving as PRO for Ógra DSW. Additionally, I am the Secretary for Ballintra CC and I
am a Treasurer of South West Donegal CDC.
As a representative on the committee of twenty I will be honest, speaking from experience and from the heart. I shall be vocal, co-
operative and dedicated. I will be attending all meetings and I will report back to the members after every meeting. I believe in change
Claudia Kennedy and reform from within the Ard Chomhairle including renewal on all levels. I have met many wonderful, inspirational and dedicated
Donegal South West people within FF. I believe in FF and the possibilities of the future.

John Kirwan is from Gorey, Co. Wexford and is seeking re-election to the National Executive. He has served in the Party’s organisation
both at cumann and at executive levels, culminating in his election to the Ard Chomhairle in 2001. For over thirty years he has
dedicated himself to the growth and development of the FF organisation.
John is a man of many interests outside politics. A successful businessman, he promotes sustainable employment and the continued
improvement of rural infrastructure. He and his family are steeped in the Wexford GAA tradition. John, through his company, has
sponsored the very successful Wexford Secondary Schools’ hurling tournament since 1992.

John Kirwan

James Lawless lives in Kildare North where is he is Chair of his home cumann (Sallins), Secretary of Naas Comhairle Ceantair and
organiser of the Naas Renewal Group. Originally from Wexford, James was first involved in Gorey Ógra and served as a Leinster rep.
on the National Youth Committee. James is married to Ailish, with two daughters Caoimhe and Niamh. He studied Mathematics and
Computing at Trinity and has almost a decade’s experience in the I.T. industry. He is now training as a Barrister and is currently Chair of
the re-established Cearbhall Ó’Dálaigh cumann at the Kings Inns.
James is a founder and editorial member of the Cuisle party magazine and believes communications are an essential first step in our
recovery. James advocates a conversation on core values to define and confirm what Fianna Fáil stands for in 2012 and towards 2016.
James Lawless James believes firmly in ‘One Member One Vote’ and wants to minimise limitations on party units. James believes the Ard Chomhairle
Kildare North must take the lead with practical, concrete steps including a targeted, timely electoral strategy for 2014.
A lifelong member of Fianna Fáil with strong family roots in the party Mary Lillis is contesting the election for the Committee of
Twenty. Mary is a journalist, wife and mother living in Co. Longford. She is involved in many organisations at local and national level.
Mary is Chairperson of the Drumlish Cumann of Fianna Fáil and is also Chairperson of the Drumlish Comhairle Ceantair. She was also

Committee of 20 Candidates
responsible for re-establishing Ogra in Longford last year.
If elected to the National Executive Mary will: • continue to be a voice for the grass roots of the Party. • Will campaign that the agreed
minutes of the Ard Comhairle meetings are circulated to every member. • Work with CDC’s and cumann go promote networking. •
Work with CDC’s to promote the social aspect of the Party. • Have a dedicated email address to ensure that she is accessible to every
Mary Lillis member of the Party. We, the grassroot members must take back ownership of our Party - Renew it - Rebuild it. We will then restore
Longford the trust of the Irish people.

I have always supported the Fianna Fáil party and have been actively involved at Cumann, Comhairle and Comhairle Dail Ceanntair
delegate level in Cork South Central and in Cork North West for over 10 years. Born in Cavan and now living in Cork, my family have
always supported the party with some holding officer positions at cumann level. I have held officer positions in the Cork North West
constituency at various levels including Hon. Secretary and PRO of Sean Crowley Cumann, Ballincollig and Hon. Secretary and PRO
of Sean McCarthy Comhairle Ceanntair , Ballincollig. I have over 30 years experience at senior management level in the health and
education sectors and am currently working in University College, Cork.
If elected I will commit to representing grassroots members ensuring that urban and rural Fianna Fáil members have a strong voice
Sheila Maguire at national level and that the party will have its rightful place in the hearts of the Irish people and at the centre of government by
Cork North West increasing its vote at the next election.

A native of Meath, Donnacha studied Physical Education in the University of Limerick and recently completed a MA Public Affairs and
Political Communications. He has been active in Fianna Fáil since 1998 and has served as Rúnaí of the North East Meath CC and North
Leinster Rep on the National Youth Committee.
Donnacha is committed to a radical reform of the Ard Chomhairle to ensure that it is effective and efficient. If elected, Donnacha will
1) advocate on behalf of party members to the party leadership 2) ensure that the skills and abilities of members are utilised properly
and 3) recommit the party to its Republican, Gaelic heritage.
The next 18 months are of critical importance to the future development of our party. Let Donnacha be your representative on the Ard
Donnacha Maguire
Chomhairle to ensure that when crucial decisions are being taken, the opinions of the grassroots members of Fianna Fáil are central to
Meath East the process. 65
I am a 28 year old primary school teacher, working in a DEIS funded school in Donegal. I have a strong Fianna Fáil background, and
have been closely involved in election campaigns for Dr. James McDaid, Pat ‘The Cope’ Gallagher, Senator Brian Ó Domhnaill, Mary
Coughlan, Dr. James McDaid, Niall Blaney and Charlie McConalogue TD. I am Secretary of Donegal SW CDC, Assistant Secretary and
Youth Officer of Ballybofey and Stranorlar CC and Treasurer of Donegal SW Ógra. Additionally, I assist in Senator Ó’Domhnaill’s clinics.
I will make it may business to campaign for party policy on primary, secondary, and third level education; on reform; and on regional
development. Fianna Fáil needs to implement policies that make the setting up of small businesses easier, encouraging shop-local
campaigns and Horizon 2020 funding to local researchers.
Aine McGinley
Fianna Fáil needs to regain the trust of the people of Ireland and move back towards an era where our party reflects the view of the
Donegal South West majority. If elected, I will ensure better communication with the grassroots of the party.

Final year medical student in Trinity College Dublin • Native of Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny and Chairman of local Cumann • Secretary of
Kilkenny Ógra • Vice-secretary of Kilkenny CDC • Member of party renewal sub-committee in Kilkenny.
I believe Fianna Fáil must: • Promote our native language, music, and sports on a 32 county basis. • Reform the Ard Chomhairle since
it is the medium through which grassroots members are heard. • Demonstrate integrity by being transparent and honest. This will
involve full, proper and automatic enforcement of the party’s internal rules and will also be fairer and clearer to members.
I believe that there is a population that Fianna Fáil represented historically and it is these people that we should once again endeavour
TJ McGrath Daly to represent in the future. If given the privilege of being elected, it is these traditional values of Fianna Fáil that I will espouse. We need
to return to the way the party was when founded. We need to return to being Fianna Fáil.

Stephanie Murphy-Penn (32) is married to Jason Penn and lives in Claregalway, Co. Galway, where she is a member of the local
Cumann. She is an officer of the Coolarne/Oranmore Comhairle Cheantair and the Galway West Comhairle Dáilcheantair, where she
is Hon. Secretary. She is also involved in a wide range of community groups including her local development association and the
Tidy Towns committee. Stephanie is a committed Fianna Fáil member and has worked and canvassed in the different elections. Since
becoming secretary of the Galway West CDC in late 2010, Stephanie has helped organise and co-ordinate many events.
‘If elected, one of my main priorities will be to aid and promote communication in all directions of the Fianna Fáil network, from
grassroots up and vice versa; and to communicate more openly with the grassroots. We need to regain their trust and prove that our
Stephanie Murphy Penn party has the solutions and ability to not just get Ireland back on track, but on a track that is inclusive, sustainable, progressive and
Galway West prosperous.’
I have been a member of Fianna Fáil since my School Days in Loretto. Since then I have been involved in the party at various levels, and
play a key role in Fianna Fáil in Meath and also in Dublin West, having spent many years canvassing in General Elections, Bye-Elections,
European and Local Elections. My family has deep roots in Fianna Fáil, as my late Grandfather RJ Murray was a founder member and

Committee of 20 Candidates
also a Meath County Councillor. I myself was also candidate in the local elections.
I believe that for Fianna Fáil to be successful in the future its members need to be active in the community. I am a poet at heart, a
member of the Meath and the Boyne writers circles, and have had a book of poetry published. I work as a Home Support worker on a
professional level, and I was formerly employed in St Joseph’s Hospital for the Intellectually Disabled in Clonsilla, Dublin.
Carmel Murray
If elected to the Committee of Twenty, I would ensure that Fianna Fáil focuses on encouraging their membership to be active in the
Meath East community for the benefit of the people and the Party.

I am a Barrister and farmer from Pallaskenry, County Limerick. I have been practicing as a barrister in Limerick, Clare and Kerry since
July 2004. I studied Law and German in UCC and graduated in 2002. During my time in UCC I was Chairman of the Donagh O’Malley
Fianna Fáil Cumann for one year. After college I studied at Kings Inns and was called to the Bar in July 2004. Since returning to Limerick
I got involved once again in local organisations.
If I am elected to the Committee of Twenty I will actively ensure Fianna Fáil rebuilds from the grassroots up so we will have a vibrant
structure in place for the local elections in 2014. I will also actively ensure that Fianna Fáil offers a coherent, credible and positive voice
to small and medium contractors, farmers and businesses who are being met with unnecessary daily burdens without any security by
Emmet O’Brien the government.
Limerick County

Michael O’Brien, from Moate, Co. Westmeath, is an outgoing member of the Committee of 20. He works as an Account Manager for
iRadio based in Athlone.
He is currently Chairman of Athlone Comhairle Ceantair and Secretary of Moate Cumann. He was the Director of Elections for the
Athlone area in the 2009 Local Elections. He is a former Chairman of Westmeath Ogra and has also served on the National Youth
Committee from 2001-2003.
He is committed to working on behalf of the Fianna Fáil grassroots and putting them to the forefront of our party. He wishes you all a
very enjoyable Ard Fheis and looks forward to meeting you.
Michael O’Brien
Westmeath 67
Leonie O’Connell (27) from Thurles, Co. Tipperary is currently living and working in Dublin. After studying Architecture abroad for few
years, Leonie returned to Ireland in 2009 and became heavily involved with Ógra Fianna Fáil in North Tipperary, and Fianna Fáil in
Dublin North East. She has been actively involved in national and local canvassing campaigns in both areas, and has regularly attended
Ógra events.
Leonie, as a young woman living in Ireland, is acutely aware not only of the challenges facing this generation, but of the challenges
facing the Fianna Fáil party. On both counts Leonie is committed to facing these challenges head-on and would relish the opportunity
to represent the Party on the National Executive. Leonie is a young, proactive and hardworking candidate. She is committed to the
Leonie O’Connell Fianna Fáil party and would greatly appreciate your support at the Ard Fheis.
Tipperary North
Gerry O’Connor was born in Sligo town and he has lived in Skreen County Sligo since 1982. He is the second youngest of six boys;
Donald (Sligo), Conor (Adelaide), Michael (Malahide), Geoffrey (Enfield) and Daithí (Galway).
In the last twelve years Gerry has filled many roles in the Fianna Fáil Party including that of Constituency Organiser a position he holds
today. He has visited every Constituency while assisting in the Senate elections of 2009 and 2011 and was part of the Fianna Fáil team
that assisted in the European contest in Ireland West. This experience has ensured that Gerry O’Connor has a wealth of contacts that
will be very useful as the Fianna Fáil Party improves its structures throughout the Country. His organisational and Public Relations
skills are also in demand in other bodies as he is currently PRO of Sligo County Board agus Cathaoirleach Coiste Iomána. His vision
Gerry O’Connor for the Committee of 20 is that it will implement changes in the way the Party operates so that the Communications, Financing and
Sligo Organisation of the Party are vastly improved.

David O’Connor of Derrynane Beg, Caherdaniel, Co.Kerry, has been actively involved in Fianna Fail all his life. Originally from Tarbert he
is from a farming background and still farming.
David is Secretary of his local Caherdaniel Cumann and longstanding Chairperson of Sneem Comhairle Ceannter David was elected
to the Committee of Twenty in 2009 and has been consistent in representing all views of members and has made many valuable
contributions on Agriculture ,Tourism ,Infrastructure and planning . David is passionate about rural development and infrastructure
and fairer planning rules. Hobbies include greyhound training and greyhound racing, horseracing, and G.A.A. David will do his utmost
to ensure that everyone’s needs and concerns are voiced.
David O’Connor
Kerry South
This is Henry’s first attempt at being elected to the Ard-Chomhairle. As Chairman of Dublin South East CDC, he believes the Ard-
Chomhairle should reflect the experiences and the difficulties of ordinary members and not be as out of touch as it has been in
the past. He believes the renewal of Fianna Fail will spring from cumainn-policy feeding upwards into the organisation, and not

Committee of 20 Candidates
downwards as has happened in the past. The Ard-Chomhairle should be more accountable to all members and act as a driving force in
the Party for positive change.
Born in Bunclody Wexford, of Ballyjamesduff parents, Henry is qualified as an accountant and as a taxation advisor. He is prominent
in his local community serving as a Director with both Ringsend Irishtown Community Centre Ltd, and Hospice Africa Ireland Ltd and
Henry O’Reilly strongly believes policy driven from grassroots in local communitieswill drive success on the national field.
Dublin South East
My name is Paul Power, I am married to Finola and we have four children. I am employed as a property manager and company director
with Active Facilities & Property Management. I was previously employed by Spain Courtney Doyle Building Surveyors where I worked
with the UN Relief and Works Agency in the Gaza field office for a year.
I pursued my academic studies in DIT, Bolton Street and I am a member of the IAVI and the Irish Property & Facilities Managers
I am a member of the board of management for Gaelscoil Éanna, Navan and currently serve as secretary to the Kentstown Cumann, a
Paul Power position previously occupied by my father, Matt Power.
Meath East

John Ramsey, 49, currently lives in Carnlough in the Glens of Antrim with his Wife Sharon, a native of the College Road area of Cork,
and their six children. He attended St MacNissis College and the University of Ulster and is currently a leading IT consultant with
specialisms in internet based technologies including mobile apps.
John has been actively involved in Fianna Fáil since 2006, having been deeply involved in the Northern forum, John is a founder
member of the Antrim Forum and is currently it’s Chairperson, working alongside a dedicated and hard working group stretching all
over the County. He strongly advocates the principles of Fianna Fáil in the community, and is a keen supporter of one-member one-
vote and intends to bring a range of reform proposals to the Ard Chomhairle if elected. John believes in strong national representation
John Ramsey via the Committee of Twenty, and has a vision for robust and honest renewal within the organisation with the cumann and the
Antrim member at its very heart. 69
Brig Ryan has been a member of Fianna Fáil since her early teens; her grandparents were founding members of Fianna Fáil in Cork.
She joined Sean French Cumann as soon as she was of age and since then she has served as Treasurer, Secretary and Chairperson
of Ogra, Cumann, Comhairle and was Treasurer of Comhairle Dáil Cheantair. She is currently serving as Secretary of the Comhairle
Dail Cheantair and was active in the general election of 2011 when Cork South Central returned two T.D.’s to Dail Éireann. She was
Secretary of the Party Renewal Forum Committee which took place in 2011.
As a committed member of Fianna Fáil she can be the voice of the grass roots to help our Party leadership rebuild. Your vote will
ensure that as a member of the Ard-Chomhairle your opinions will be heard.
Brig Ryan
Cork South Central
My name is Sarah Ryan, I am a 28 year old management consultant from Dublin South East, a former Fianna Fáil Dublin City Councillor
and rooted in the Fianna Fáil tradition. I am proud of our Party’s achievements, but focused on the opportunities created for members
through Party renewal.
The future I favour for Fianna Fáil and will strive to deliver if elected to the Committee of Twenty puts the party back at the centre of
Irish politics and members at the centre of the party and its affairs.
This party will return to being a Party in government, not because other parties messed-up, but because we have won back the trust
Sarah Ryan and confidence of the Irish people through hard and honest work, along with innovative and transformational thinking and policies.
Dublin South East

Marc Sheehan is a member of the Paud O’Donoghue Cumann, Coachford County Cork since 2003. Since then he has served as Director
of Elections for the 2009 Local Elections for the Macroom L.E.A. and as Constituency Director Of Elections for the 2011 General
Election in Cork North West. He currently holds the position of Rúnaí of Coachford Comhairle Ceanntair and also serves as Joint
Cisteoir of the Cork North West Comhairle Dáil Cheantair.
Marc is a 33 year old primary principal of a four teacher school located near Blarney County Cork. He also holds a B.C.L. (Law) Degree
from U.C.C and has recently completed a Degree of Masters in Education at U.C.C. He comes from a family immersed in community
affairs in Mid Cork and he is heavily involved in the G.A.A. serving currently at county senior level.
Marc Sheehan
“Our Party requires an injection of vigour and energy at all levels as we endeavour to rebuild our political base through meaningful
Cork North West engagement with the electorate of our country.”
Michael is a secondary teacher co-ordinating a School Completion Programme and hails from Ballybay in Co. Monaghan. Coming from
a family with strong roots in Fianna Fail, his uncle Dr. Rory O’Hanlon is a former T.D. Michael is an outgoing member of the Committee
of 20.Michael has been President of the Students’ Union at University College Cork, a member of the Governing Body there and a

Committee of 20 Candidates
Fianna Fail representative on the National Youth Council of Ireland. He is a member of the Governing Authority at NUI Maynooth.
Michael was elected a Councillor in Ballybay in 2009 and previously stood for Fianna Fail in the Mulhuddart electoral area of West
Dublin in the 2004 local elections. Michael has surveyed the membership of the party on a number of occasions and believes that the
views of the organisation must be strongly represented at this time.
Cllr. Michael Smyth
“Please cast your No. 1 or highest possible vote for me”

Please note that to facilitate attendance at the Plenary Sesisons, the counting of votes for all elections will
take place on Sunday 4th March in the Berkeley Court Hotel, starting at 9:30am.

All delegates are invited to observe the count.

73ú Ard-Fheis

Ard-Fheis Standing Procedure:
Orders and Governing The ruling of the Cathaoirleach or the presiding Leas-Cathaoirleach on all matters of procedure is final.
Resolutions submitted by units and listed on the Clár may be moved by a delegate from that unit. Priority shall be given to a
delegate from the unit and other delegates may be permitted to move or speak to a resolution.

Amendment to a Resolution:
An amendment may be moved only if notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing to the Cathaoirleach and it
has been accepted as relevant. An amendment proposing a direct negative to a resolution may not be moved.

Decisions on Resolutions:
Decisions will be made by a show of hands. In the event of the Cathaoirleach being unable to decide the outcome of any vote, a
count will be made by tellers. Only voting delegates are eligible to be counted showing their official delegate tickets to the tellers.
Voting Arrangements
Speakers on Resolutions:
The proposer to a resolution is allowed two minutes to speak. Speakers to a resolution are allowed two minutes to speak.

Registration at “Speakers’ Corner”:

A delegate registration desk will be available at all sessions to register speakers for resolutions. The Cathaoirleach will be given the full list of speakers
by the registration desk officials. Delegates intending to speak must register well in advance of the appropriate session. Delegates registered to speak
will be invited by the Cathaoirleach to come to the podium provided.

Suspension of Standing Orders:

A notice of motion for the suspension of standing orders for a specific purpose must be signed by representatives of 10% of registered cumainn before
the terms of the motion are submitted to the Cathaoirleach.
The signature and designation of each representative will appear on the notice of motion. The Cathaoirleach will then inform the Ard-Fheis that the
motion to suspend standing orders for the purpose mentioned will be put to the Ard-Fheis two hours later. The proposers should be present and ready
to identify themselves when the motion is put.

Please note that the Organisational Reform Proposals Discussion is restricted to delegates only.

Hon. Secretaries’
1) Go n-iarrann an Ard-Fheis seo go mba cheart coiste na gaeilge a bhunú ar bhonn náisiúnta chun úsáid na gaeilge a chur chun cinn i
ngach gné d’obair an Pháirtí. Bheadh aitheantas ag an gCoiste ón Ard-Chomhairle agus bheifí ag leanúint agus ag cur leis an dea-obair atá
Report & déanta ag Coiste na Gaeilge (Dún Laoghaire) le deich mbliana anuas.
Organisation Cábán tSile/An Baile Breac (Dún Laoghaire)

2) This Ard Fheis calls on the Parliamentary Party to hold the Government parties to account to the promises made to the People in the
Dara Calleary TD last general election.
TCD Wolfe Tone Cumann (Dublin South Central)

3) That this Ard Fheis draw up a roadmap for the Fianna Fáil Party going forward, and outline what we should stand for.
Seán Lemass Cumann (Clare), related motions from Clare Ógra CDC, Seán Lemass Cumann (Wicklow)

Gerard Collins
4) That this Ard Fheis urges the Parliamentary Party and the Press Office to be more robust in communication with the media.
Laytown-Bettystown Cumann (Louth/Meath East), related motion Cobh Cumann (Cork East)

5) That this Ard Fheis ensure that all local election candidates are selected by September 2013.
Sligo Ógra CDC, related motions from Seán McCarthy Comhairle Ceantair (Cork North West)
Seán Dorgan. Gen. Secretary
6) That this Ard Fheis calls for an additional National Draw in the summer with tickets priced at €20 or less with prizes designed around
the smaller contribution for tickets.
Cobh Cumann (Cork East), related motion Kerry North Ógra CDC
Hon. Secretaries’ 7) That this Ard Fheis recommends that a financial levy be placed upon all renumerated Public Elected Representatives with 50%
of this levy being contributed to Party HQ and 50% to the Constituency Dáil Ceantair of the contributing Public Representative.

Report & Michael Glynn Cumann (Galway West), related motions : Newport Ógra CC, Templemore Ógra CC , Nenagh Ógra CC (Tipperary
Organisation North), Tipperary North Ógra CDC and Ballymore Cumann (Galway East)

cont. 8) That this Ard Fheis in light of the current economic situation in the country consider reducing the price of Super Draw tickets
from €50/€25 x2 to a more suitable €10 per ticket.
Cahir Comhairle Ceantair (Tipperary South)

Organisational Reform 9) That this Ard Fheis calls on the senior Party to express clarity in relation to party organisation in Northern Ireland and to create
a policy committee to formulate official Fianna Fáil policy positions with regard to Northern Ireland Assembly affairs.
Proposals -
Dún Laoghaire Ógra CDC
Saturday 3rd March, 3pm
10) That this Ard Fheis calls on the Ard Chomhairle to allow ratified party members, subject to the appropriate selection process,
Resolutions arising from to seek publicly elected office within Northern Ireland.
the national consultation
Clare Ógra CDC, related motions: Foxrock Cumann (Dublin South), Dublin South CDC, Dublin North east CDC, Kilkenny Ógra
process and organisation CDC, Cumann Ráth Tó (Meath East): Con Colbert Cumann UL (Limerick City) and Thurles Ógra CC (Tipperary North)
renewal project have been
circulated to all members. 11) That this Ard Fheis calls for the party to provide an annual national inventory of property that Fianna Fáil owns or has an
17 motions are contained ownership interest in.
in a separate document and Casement Lemass Cumann (Dublin Central)
shall be discussed and
voted on at this workshop.
Hon. Secretaries’
12) That this Ard Fheis recommend that every unit of Fianna Fáil should endeavour to individually or collectively commemorate the 90th
anniversary of the Civil War.
Report & Foxrock Cumann (Dublin South)
cont. 13) That this Ard Fheis calls for Fianna Fáil as a matter of urgency to roll out both a top down and bottom up social media strategy with a
view to becoming the strongest Irish party in the social media space well ahead of the 2014 local elections.
Cobh Cumann (Cork East)

14) That this Ard Fheis would note and bring forward the party renewal forum report compiled by Cork South Central Comhairle Dáil
Fr. Augustine Cumann (Cork South Central), related motion from Seán French Cumann (Cork South Central)

15) That this Ard Fheis re-affirms the position of the Cumann as central with respect to the party structure.
Harry Colley Cumann (Dublin North East)

16) That this Ard Fheis propose that the holders of the position of secretary, chair person and treasurer at CC, CDC and Cumann must
vacate that position if they have held it for 3 years in a row and cannot hold that position again for at least 3 years. This is to only apply to
Cumainn with more than 15 members.
Cobh Cumann (Cork East)

17) That this Ard Fheis mandates the Ard-Chomhairle to ratify at least 30% of candidates nationally, to be of the age of 35 or lower for the
local elections in 2014.
Clare Ógra CDC, related motion from Kerry North Ógra CDC
Hon. Secretaries’ 18) That this Ard Fheis proposes a motion of confidence, and congratulates Micheál Martin for his national constituency tour and
regeneration of the Party.

Report & Dunboyne Cumann (Meath East)
cont. 19) That this Ard Fheis calls on elected Fianna Fáil members to mentor, guide and support new young members through an
organised programme and structure. Each Public Representative must be given a quota/number of members in which to guide.
Ballintra Comhairle Ceantair (Donegal South West), related motion from Donegal South West Ógra CDC

20) That this Ard Fheis pass a motion that lets the Ard Chomhairle nominate 2 of its members to represent the grassroots in any
matters relating to the ELDR Party.
Carnmore Cumann (Galway West)

21) That this Ard Fheis agrees that in future the Constituency Delegate to the Ard Chomhairle be chosen at the constituency
annual general meeting on a one member one vote basis.
Harry Colley Cumann (Dublin South West), related motion from Jim Hilliard/Kingswood Heights Cumann (Dublin South West)

22) That this Ard Fheis would require those seeking nomination from the Party to run in any election to sign a pledge that they
will not run for another party, or as an “independent” if not selected by the party. The party will prevent any candidate not
nominated by Fianna Fáil from using the Fianna Fáil name or logo.
Seán McCarthy Comhairle Ceantair (Cork North West), related motion: Cork North West CDC

Hon. Secretaries’
23) That this Ard Fheis urges an immediate nationwide recruitment campaign with special emphasis on young people, women and areas
with no Fianna Fáil public representatives. All promotional literature should outline the core values of the party and up to date details on
Report & the local organisation and its personal.

Organisation Cábán tSíle/An Baile Breac (Dún Laoghaire), related motions from Muine Bheag Cumann (Carlow), Cumann Ráth Tó (Meath East)

24) That this Ard Fheis believes that all Fianna Fáil elected representatives should be required to attend their local Cumann, CC and CDC
meetings throughout the year.
Ballintra Comhairle Ceantair (Donegal South West), related motions from Donegal South West Ógra CDC, Fr. Augistine Cumann (Cork
South Central) , Seán French Cumann ( Cork South Central)

25) That this Ard Fheis commits the party, starting this year, to voluntarily publish our end of year accounts publicly.
Clare Ógra CDC

26) That this Ard Fheis affirms there should be no toleration of low standards in public life or politics. If any member of the Fianna Fáil
party is found to have acted in a manner that is considered to be unethical or that brings our Party into disrepute, that person must be
expelled from the Party.
Bullaun Cumann (Galway East), related motions from Kerry North CDC, Wolfe Tone Cumann TCD (Dublin South East) Laytown-
Bettystown Cumann (Louth/Meath East)

27) That this Ard Fheis believes every member should be issued with a copy of the Corú thereby being familiar with the rules and
procedures of the Party.
Cumann Ráth Tó (Meath East)
Hon. Secretaries’ 28) That this Ard Fheis resolves that henceforth, Party Ard Fheiseanna must take place on an annual basis.

Report & Seán Lemass Deansgrange Cumann (Dún Laoghaire)

Organisation 29) That this Ard Fheis calls on the National Executive of the Party to lift the restriction that allows only one Comhairle Ceantair
cont. per LEA.
Claremorris (Mayo)

30) That this Ard Fheis believes that the decision to run or not to run an official Fianna Fáil candidate in any election must be
made by the members of the party at an Ard Fheis.
Meath North East Comhairle Ceantair

31) That this Ard Fheis asserts its primacy in terms or the Fianna Fáil Policy Platform and states that all decisions passed by the
Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis are automatically party policy and must be followed through on by our spokespeople/representatives in Dáil
Éireann, Seanad Éireann and the European Parliament.
Meath North East Comhairle Ceantair

32) That this Ard Fheis calls for every Cumann secretary to receive a full financial report on all national draws outlining the
number of tickets sold nationally. This report must confirm total profit made from the process. The top five constituency sales
must also be recorded.
Blackwater Cumann (Wexford)

33) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the leadership of Fianna Fáil upon the conclusion of any future Programmes for Government or
decision to enter into coalition to put this before the membership of the Party at an Ard Fheis for their approval.
Meath North East Comhairle Ceantair 79
Agriculture, Food,
1) That this Ard Fheis call on the government to vigorously fight for a CAP post 2013 that provides for a fair return to Irish farmers and
sustainable, high quality agricultural produce at an affordable price for consumers.
Marine & Fisheries
Stamullen Cumann (Meath East)

Michael Moynihan TD 2) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Department of Agriculture to ensure more prompt payments to participants in the Rural Environment
Options Scheme.
Loughrea Cumann (Galway East)

3) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Government to avoid the mandatory transferability of quotas of TFC’s which is proposed in the reform
of the Common Fisheries Policy for 2013.
John Browne TD Courtmacsherry Cumann (Cork South West)

4) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Department of Agriculture to ensure that farm income be the only qualification necessary for receipt of
third level student grants.
Craughwell Cumann (Galway East)

Seamus Kirk TD 5) That this Ard-Fheis call for an end to the ban on spreading slurry during the months of November and December as required by the
Department of Agriculture.
Killavil Peter McKeon Cumann (Sligo- North Leitrim)
Sen. Brian Ó Domhnaill

6) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the present Coalition to fully implement the food sector strategy “Food Harvest 2020”, developed by the
previous Fianna Fáil Minister, Brendan Smith.
Laytown-Bettystown Cumann (Louth/Meath East)
Agriculture, Food, 7) That this Ard Fheis calls on the government to reverse cuts to the Disadvantaged Areas scheme.

Bellewstown Cumann (Meath East)
Marine & Fisheries
cont. 8) That this Ard Fheis calls on the government to fully maintain funding for the Suckler Cow Welfare scheme.
Duleek Cumann (Meath East)


Education 1) That this Ard-Fheis reaffirms Fianna Fáil’s belief that all children should be entitled to equal opportunities in primary and post-
primary education regardless of their economic, ethnic, religious or social backgrounds and supports policies to eliminate inequality of
opportunity in our state funded education system.
Dublin South CDC, related motion from Claremorris Cumann and Cábán tSíle/An Baile Breac Cumann

2) That this Ard-Fheis believes that Gaeltacht schools, Gaelscoileanna and minority faith schools are being unfairly targeted as a result of
cuts to small schools and calls on the Minister to reverse the changes to small schools in budget 2012.
Achill Comhairle Ceantair (Mayo), related motions from Bangor Erris Comhairle Ceantair and Lismore Cumann

Brendan Smith TD 3) That this Ard-Fheis condemns the cut on guidance counsellors who are an invaluable resource in our secondary schools.
Brian Lenihan Snr. Cumann (Dublin West), related motion from Courtmacsherry Cumann

4) The Ard-Fheis calls for an evaluation of the Early Childhood Care and Education Programme (ECCE) and calls on the Government to
maintain funding to early education and childcare.
Dublin North West CDC

5) That this Ard-Fheis acknowledges the positive evaluation of the DEIS schools programme introduced by the previous government
Senator Averil Power and supports those involved in the delivery of education in disadvantaged schools to ensure long term investment and an increase in
education standards.
Thomas Maguire Cumann (Dublin North West), related motion from Erskine Childers Cumann (Dublin Central)

6) That this Ard-Fheis would reinstate the modern languages for primary schools initiative.
Cork North West Ógra CDC
Education 7) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Minister for Education and Skills to commence a policy of compulsory work-placement for all
third-level programmes in the areas of science and technology, business and law.

cont. Cork South West Ógra CDC

8) That this Ard-Fheis opposes the increase of €250 in the student contribution and looks for it to be reversed.
Cumann Caoimhín De Barra NUIG (Galway West)

9) That this Ard-Fheis opposes the reduced time allocation for children with special educational needs. Fianna Fáil has prided
itself on the provisions for children with special educational needs. We oppose the reduced time for extra support for these
children imposed by the current government.
Donegal South West Ógra CDC, related motion from Kevin Barry Cumann (Dublin North East)

10) That the national anthem be sung in all primary and secondary schools first thing on a Monday morning and last thing on a
Friday evening, that every student in the country be given a free copy of the Constitution as part of the CSPE program and that a
copy of the Proclamation be hung in every classroom in the State.
Kilkenny Ógra CDC

11) That this Ard-Fheis mandates the Party to seek a ban on retired teachers returning to work to act as substitute teachers when
there are many newly-qualified teachers who need the experience of their first job in order to start their career.
Wolfe Tone Cumann TCD (Dublin South East)

12) That Fianna Fáil takes a definitive position on the issue of third level fees, alternative to that of the Government, which
ensures that access to education should not be limited by financial means.
Wolfe Tone Cumann TCD (Dublin South East) related motion from Kerry North Ógra CDC
Education 13) That the Party campaign for increased awareness of suicide and mental health issues in the education system.

Wolfe Tone Cumann TCD (Dublin South East), related motion from Kerry North Ógra CDC
14) This Ard Fheis opposes the doubling of school transport charges in Budget 2012 particularly in light of the cuts to the staffing schedules
in small schools.
Tom McKeedy Cumann (Mayo)

15) This Ard Fheis calls on the Government to take greater measures to ensure increasing numbers of students study higher level leaving
certificate maths and science and that greater funding is allocated to the professional development of teachers in this regard.
Bellmullet Comhairle Ceantair (Mayo)

16) That this Ard Fheis calls on the Government to continue the successful policy of the Fianna Fáil Party in government in increasing very
considerably the level of participation in Further and Third Level Education.
Cavan Town Cumann (Cavan)
Foreign Affairs 1) Fianna Fáil restates its commitment to Ireland working in co-operation with our partners in the European Union in order to
achieve and assist financial stability; economic development and social progress but opposes and rejects the concept of a federal
& Trade United States of Europe.

Dublin South CDC, related motion from Kilkenny Ógra, Castlecomer Cumann and Dún Laoghaire Ógra CDC

2) That the Party supports the equal right of the Palestinian and Israeli peoples to self-determination.
Wolfe Tone Cumann TCD (Dublin South East), related motion from Dublin Central CDC

3) That this Ard-Fheis widens the debate on the Eurozone crisis to address our political position in the European Union.
Seán Ó Fearghail TD Loughrea Cumann (Galway East)

4) That this Ard-Fheis condemns the government’s decision to close Ireland’s embassy to the Holy See and calls on our party to
support the restoration of full diplomatic relations to the Holy See.
Craughwell Cumann (Galway East), related motions from Ada English Cumann, Brian Lenihan Snr. Cumann, Paddy Beegan

5) That this Ard-Fheis wishes all Scottish Nationalists best wishes in the lead up to the Scottish independence referendum & calls on
Fianna Fáil to build links with the Scottish National Party.
Senator Jim Walsh
Clonkeen Cumann (Dún Laoghaire)

6) This Ard-Fheis welcomes the positive effects of the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to the State as a step to improving relations
between our two states and steps made towards reconciliation on our island.
TCD Wolfe Tone Cumann (Dublin South East)


Arts, Heritage 1) That this Ard-Fheis affirms the commitment of Fianna Fáil to policy development in the area of Arts, Culture and Communications.
Dublin South CDC
& Gaeltacht
2) That this Ard Fheis commits to retaining Irish as a compulsory language for the Leaving Certificate.
Robert Troy TD
Kilkenny Ógra CDC

3) That this Ard-Fheis calls on our current and future parliamentarians to be seen to take a more pro-active approach to Irish in the
Oireachtas and in its development.
Cumann Caoimhín De Barra NUIG (Galway West)

Michael Kitt TD 4) That this Ard Fheis reaffirms Fianna Fáil’s commitment to make the Irish language a living language.
Donacarney/Mornington Cumann (Meath East)

5) That this Ard Fheis rejects any funding model which puts Irish language organisations in competition against one another which could
result in the destruction of the Irish language movement.
Bellewstown Cumann (Meath East)

Senator Labhrás Ó Murchú

6) That this Ard Fheis commits to making Ireland a hub of audiovisual and digital content development in Europe.
Kilkenny Ógra CDC
Enterprise, Jobs 1) That this Ard-Fheis condemns the constantly increasing cost of running businesses.

Brian Lenihan Snr. Cumann (Dublin West)
& Innovation
2) That this Ard-Fheis calls on this Fine Gael/Labour Government to live up to pre-election promises and open up job
Willie O’Dea TD opportunities they promised during the election.
Kevin Barry Cumann (Dublin North East)

3) That this Ard-Fheis calls for the protection, via legislation, of all professional titles in order to ensure the highest standards are
achieved in industry in Ireland.
Clare Ógra CDC
John McGuinness TD
4) That this Ard-Fheis calls for an immediate review of the mismanagement of the Jobs-Bridge program and all exchequer funding
spent to date on its implementation.
Clare Ógra CDC

5) That this Ard Fheis commits to job protection, job creation and will ensure all policies are “job proofed” to maximise
Senator Mary White
Dublin West CDC, related motion from Harry Colley Cumann (Dublin North East)

6) That this Ard Fheis opposes the 2% VAT increase given its negative effect on jobs
Seán T O Ceallaigh Cumann (Dublin North Central)


Enterprise, Jobs 7) That this Ard Fheis makes creating job opportunities for young people a key priority
Frank Aiken Clonsilla Cumann (Dublin West)
& Innovation
cont. 8) That this Ard Fheis recognises the role of entrepreneurs and job creators as crucial to bringing about economic recovery
Dublin South East CDC
Finance 1) That this Ard-Fheis commends the late Brian Lenihan Jnr. T.D. for his actions as Minister for Finance and his personal sacrifice
in the service of Fianna Fáil and Ireland.

Bracknagh Cumann (Offaly CDC)

2) The Ard Fheis commends the initiatives undertaken by the Party to protect the family home and urges the Government to
expedite its implementation of the recommendations of the Keane report on mortgage arrears.
Donacarney / Mornington Cumann (Meath East / Louth)

3) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the government to ensure that banks which have been bailed out by the people of Ireland
Michael McGrath TD make every effort, including taking equity, to avoid evicting families from their family homes because they are unable to make
mortgage payments.
Casement/Lemass Cumann (Dublin Central)

4) The Ard Fheis calls for an urgent review of pay of senior bank staff in the covered institutions as it is not acceptable that senior
executives in the guaranteed banks have not taken any pay cuts, with the exception of CEOs, since the crisis began.
UCD Kevin Barry Cumann (Dublin South)

Senator Darragh O’Brien 5) That this Ard-Fheis believes that the terms of the agreement with bondholders of banking debt should be renegotiated.
Brian Lenihan Snr. Cumann (Dublin West CDC)

6) That this Ard-Fheis affirms the right of the Irish Parliament to scrutinise the budget before any European representative.
Coolarne/Oranmore Comhairle Ceantair (Galway West)

Finance 7) That this Ard-Fheis calls on Fianna Fáil to continue to pursue the Government to introduce legislation to amend the provisions of the
Finance Act of 2011 in order to ensure that the pensions levy is absorbed by the insurance industry and thereby lessening the burden on
all pensioners who are already suffering the effects of this punitive and disproportionate legislation.
Stackallen Cumann (Meath East)

8) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the leadership to reconsider the current party policy on the Croke Park agreement.
Castleblayney Cumann (Monaghan CDC), related motion from Lismore Cumann (Waterford)

9) That this Ard-Fheis will hold the government to account to ensure that the National Economic Recovery Plan, as laid down by the
last Fianna Fáil government under Brian Cowen T.D. and Brian Lenihan T.D., will be followed so that our country will return to economic
stability within the set timeframe laid down in the plan.
Bracknagh Cumann (Offaly CDC), related motion from Cume Clancy Cumann

10) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Government and European Union to defend the Euro and the economic, political and social well being
of all the citizens of the EU and not to protect wealthy and speculative interests.
Tinahely Cumann (Wicklow), related motion from Castleblayney Cumann (Monaghan CDC)

11) The Ard Fheis urges the Government to address the weakness in domestic demand in particular to bring forward measures to
stimulate the repair, maintenance and improvement of residential housing.
Stamullen Cumann (Meath East)

12) The Ard Fheis re-iterates the Party’s recognition of the importance of the IFSC and urges the government to resist the imposition of a
Financial Transactions Tax.
Limerick City Comhairle Ceantair (Limerick City)
Social Protection 1) The Ard-Fheis, bearing in mind the commitments of Fianna Fáil in government, asks that Fianna Fáil defend services to older
persons and primary care in light of the current government’s apparent disregard for these services since taking office.

Cume Clancy Cumann (Dublin North West)

2) The Ard-Fheis believes that the reduction in the redundancy rebate adversely affects plans for job creation.
Dublin North West CDC

3) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Government to introduce a national social work system to facilitate information sharing among
social workers in areas around the country similar to the existing system operating in Dublin.
Barry Cowen TD South Kerry South Ógra

4) That this Ard-Fheis calls for a restoration of the unfair cuts in the contributory pension which will have a discriminatory effect.
Philip Daly Dundalk Cumann (Louth)

5) That this Ard Fheis calls on the government to commit to protecting those individuals reliant upon on Disability Allowance in
future budgets.
Stamullen Cumann (Meath East)
Senator Paschal Mooney
6) That this Ard Fheis acknowledges the crucial role that Community Employment Schemes play in providing local services,
training and upskilling and condemns short sighted government cutbacks to these vital projects.
Tipohine Cumann (Roscommon)


Social Protection 7) That this Ard Fheis advocates the need to develop a coherent fuel poverty strategy and condemns the government for its hypocrisy in
slashing the fuel allowance that thousands of elderly people are reliant upon.
cont. Ballygunner Cumann (Waterford)

8) That this Ard Fheis calls on the government to develop strong labour activation measures to tackle live register numbers and reduce
social welfare expenditure.
UCD Kevin Barry Cumann (Dublin South)

9) That this Ard Fheis calls on the government to reverse the anti-women cut-backs in the 2012 budget in such areas as child benefits, one
parent family cuts, rent allowance reductions and pension changes.
Ballyhea Cumann (Cork North West)

10) That this Ard Fheis recognises the crucial role that carers play in our society and urgently calls on the government to exclude Carers
Allowance from calculable income for the Family Income Supplement.
Bellewstown Cumann (Meath East)
Health 1) That this Ard-Fheis mandates the government to commit more funding for the mental health services of Ireland, in particular
suicide prevention services.

Donagh O’Malley Cumann UCC (Cork South Central), related motion from Seán Lemass Cumann (Dublin North West)

2) That this Ard-Fheis takes measures to protect the most vulnerable members of society, specifically in relation to those
attending nursing homes.
Harry Colley Cumann (Dublin North East)

3) That this Ard-Fheis believes people with medical cards don’t get enough optical and dental benefits.
Billy Kelleher TD
Cork South Central CDC

4) That this Ard-Fheis strongly condemns proposals from the Minister for Health Dr. James Reilly, to close community hospitals.
Cork North West CDC

5) That this Ard-Fheis would seek to run all emergency health care on this island on an integrated, cross-border footing.
Clare Ógra CDC
Senator Marc MacSharry
6) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Government to avoid further health cuts and to implement changes which will improve our
health system in general.
Claremorris (Mayo)


Health 7) That this Ard-Fheis believes every citizen has a right to public health services and no one should die due to a shortage of funding for
these medical services. This has always been Fianna Fáil policy and should be strongly reinforced here at this Ard-Fheis in view of the
cont. current situation and policy in the Department of Health.
Millstreet Comhairle Ceantair (Cork North West)

8) That this Ard Fheis condemns the closure of beds and operating theatres in acute hospitals.
Cume Clancy Cumann (Dublin North West)

9) That this Ard Fheis condemns the Government for increasing medical card waiting times in a cynical move to cut costs.
Glasnevin North Cumann (Dublin North West)

10) That this Ard Fheis calls for increased staff to maternity wards to deal with the retirement of midwife nurses following the end of the
early retirement scheme.
Thomas Davis Cumann (Dublin North Central)

11) That this Ard Fheis calls for the Government to be more transparent in its presentation of HSE data and rejects any attempt to spin
increasing waiting list figures.
Paddy Brennan Cumann (Galway West)
Environment, 1) The Ard-Fheis believes the household charge should be just and equitable with due regard to the value of the home and
income of the occupants.

Community & Dublin North West CDC, related motion from Tullamore Comhairle Ceantair (Offaly)

Local Government 2) That this Ard-Fheis calls for domestic water charges to be based on usage only and for each individual to be granted a free
personal individual allowance.
Casement/Lemass Cumann (Dublin Central)

3) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to ensure that planning
Niall Collins TD authorities professionally and promptly refund development levies where such levies have not been spent on appropriate
infrastructural works within the seven year period as provided for in planning provisions.
Boland/Mitchell Cumann (Dublin South East)

4) That this Ard-Fheis oppose the introduction of a septic tank charge.

Sligo Ógra CDC and Seán McCarthy Comhairle Ceantair (Cork North West), related motion from Skibbereen Cumann (Cork
South West)

Senator Diarmuid Wilson 5) That this Ard-Fheis calls for the Electoral Commission to publish any constituency boundary changes before their
implementation and that they be obliged to accept and consider submissions from all interested parties before implementing any
Paddy Beegan Cumann (Galway East)

Environment, 6) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Party to support the retention of all Town and County Councils.

Ballinasloe Cumann (Galway East), related motion from Esker Cumann (Galway East)
Community &
Local Government 7) That this Ard-Fheis proposes that City and County Councils should be held responsible for expenses incurred by motorists when pot-holes
are not filled or maintained, and it causes damage to their car.
cont. Coolarne/Oranmore Comhairle Ceantair (Galway West)

8) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Government to enact legislation banning all corporate donations to political parties.
Clare Ógra CDC

9) That this Ard-Fheis calls for a review of local authority rates and funding from the Department of the Environment so that the maximum
level of service to the community can be attained whilst protecting an encouraging employment in the retail sector.
Clare Ógra CDC

10) That this Ard-Fheis supports the rights and traditions for turf cutters to cut turf on their own land.
Clongorey Cumann (Kildare South), related motions from Ballycumber/Boher Cumann and Ballymore Cumann

11) That this party would reduce the voting age to 16.
Kilkenny Ógra CDC

12) That this Ard-Fheis oppose the 30% gender requirement for elections announced by the government.
Killavil Peter McKeon Cumann (Sligo- North Leitrim), related motions from Killanure Cumann (Laois) and Con Colbert Cumann UL (Limerick
Environment, 13) That this Ard-Fheis agrees that monies collected in each local authority area for Motor Taxation be retained by the local
authority for the purpose of maintaining county roads.

Community & Esker Cumann (Offaly CDC)

Local Government 14) That this Ard-Fheis call for the establishment of a full time independent electoral commission charged with the running of
cont. elections and boundaries.
Sligo Ógra CDC

15) That this Ard-Fheis ensures that specific cuts and EU compliance measures are rural proofed and implemented sensitive to
the lives of the Rural Community and their traditions.
Ballymore Cumann (Galway East)

16) That this Ard-Fheis calls for the installation of Carbon Monoxide alarms in all households.
Killavil Peter McKeon Cumann (Sligo- North Leitrim)


Justice, Equality 1) This motion calls for the three referenda proposed to be held in 2012 to be held on the same day and on a day when children are not in
school. The wording for the three referenda should also be clearly printed in large font on three different pieces of coloured paper.
& Defence Erskine Chiders Cumann (Dublin Central)

2) That this Ard-Fheis recognises the right of all people in the state to have full, equal marriage rights regardless of their race, religion,
gender or sexual orientation.
Clare Ógra CDC

3) That this Ard-Fheis calls for full adoption rights, enjoyed by heterosexual couples, to be extended to same-sex couples.
Dara Calleary TD Donagh O’Malley Cumann UCC, related motion from Clare Ógra CDC

4) That this Ard-Fheis urges the coalition parties to honour their commitment in the programme for government to introduce legislative
change with a view to rent reductions.
Cábán tSíle/An Baile Breac (Dún Laoghaire)

5) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the party to draw up new policies with regard to prison sentencing and prison accommodation.
Kilkenny Ógra CDC
Senator Denis O’Donovan
6) That this Ard-Fheis commends the members of the Reserve Defence Forces for dedicating themselves on a voluntary basis to the
service of the State. In doing so, calls on the government to lift the recruitment and promotion ban from the Reverse Defence Forces.
Bracknagh Cumann (Laois-Offaly)
Justice, Equality 7) That this Ard-Fheis supports our TDs in opposing the non-replacement of Garda cars. This causes great concern amongst rural

& Defence Lismore Cumann (Waterford)

cont. 8) That Fianna Fáil will use its best endeavours to ensure that the bankruptcy laws are amended to make them similar in their
main terms to the laws in the adjoining jurisdiction of England and Wales.
Glasnevin North Cumann (Dublin North West)

9) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Government to review the policies for the provision of Free Legal Aid.
Kilkenny Ógra CDC

1) That this Ard-Fheis mandates the Fianna Fáil party to oppose the abolition of the Seanad but proposes a meaningful reformed system with new
methods of election and systemic function.

Expenditure & Donagh O’Malley Cumann UCC (Cork South Central) related motion from Con Colbert Cumann UL, Craughwell Cumann, Coolarne/Oranmore
Comhairle Ceantair, Donegal North East Ógra CDC, Drumshanbo Cumann, Wexford CDC, Cobh Cumann
Public Sector
2) That this Ard-Fheis believes that TDs and Senators should not receive expenses as they already receive wages.
Reform Coolarne/Oranmore Comhairle Ceantair (Galway West)

3) This motion calls on the Government to make available sufficient capital funding for the creation of employment through the development of
the Grangegorman Campus for DIT and providing for the regeneration of the North West inner city of Dublin in time for the 100 year anniversary of
Seán Fleming TD 1916.
Erskine Childers Cumann (Dublin Central)

4) That this Ard-Fheis condemns the exorbitant payments and pensions and provisions received by former parliamentarians and that this Ard-Fheis
will ask for a portion to be rescinded and finally that this Ard-Fheis will put in place a policy to end this practice.
Clare Ógra CDC

5) That this Ard-Fheis condemns in the strongest possible terms the relentless attacks of the Fine Gael-Labour Coalition on communities in Ireland
through discriminatory cutbacks in funding for small schools, discriminatory increases in pupil teacher ratio, forced closure of long established
Senator Thomas Byrne community hospitals, closure of Garda Stations and non replacement of Garda cars essential for protection of the citizens of urban and rural
Macroom Comhairle Ceantair (Cork North West)

6) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Government to strictly adhere to the agreed salary caps for all public servants with no exceptions and existing
exceptions to be reversed.
Dún Laoghaire Ógra CDC
Transport, 1) That this Ard Fheis condemns the cancelling of the Dart Underground given its negative effect on jobs.

TCD Wolfe Tone Cumann (Dublin South East)
Tourism & Sport
2) That this Ard Fheis acknowledges the role of investment in our road infrastructure for helping bringing down fatalities levels on
our roads.
Ennistymon Cumann (Clare)

3) That this Ard-Fheis would register a priority for regional airports and re-name the Dublin Airport Authority, the Irish Airport
Authority or similar and would ask for the offices of that Authority to be de-centralised to the regional airports.
Timmy Dooley TD
Cumann Caoimhín De Barra (Galway West), related motion from Clare Ógra CDC

4) That this Ard-Fheis gives Shannon airport special attention in any new policy been drawn up for the Mid West Region.
Clare Ógra and Seán Lemass Cumann (Clare)

5) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Minister for Transport to return Shannon Airport to its full international status without delay.
Clare Ógra and Seán McEntee Cumann (Clare)
Senator Ned O’Sullivan
6) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Government to develop and promote Ireland as a first class destination for outdoor recreational
tourism such as walking, cycling, and heritage.
Tinahely Cumann (Wicklow)


Transport, 7) That this Ard Fheis makes tourism a key part of Fianna Fáil’s strategy for jobs and growth.
Ballaghaderreen Cumann (Roscommon)
Tourism & Sport
cont. 8) This Ard-Fheis believes that the government has failed to deliver for residents of North Dublin by reneging on plans for completing
Metro North and Ballymun Regeneration.
Sean Lemass Cumann (Dublin North West)

9) That this Ard Fheis commits to making Ireland the number 1 destination per capita in Europe for foreign travellers.
Keoth Cumann (Roscommon)

10) That this Ard Fheis acknowledges the crucial role of sport in supporting jobs, improving our quality of life, and sustaining healthy
young people.
Tipohine Cumann (Roscommon)
Children 1) That this Ard-Fheis condemns the government for breaking its promise to hold a referendum on the rights of the child during
2011 and calls on the Government to ensure that a standalone referendum is put to the people this year.

Culdaff Cumann (Donegal North East), related motion from Clare Ógra CDC

2) That this party supports the right of a child to know, where possible, its biological parents.
Kilkenny Ógra CDC

3) That this Ard Fheis calls for all promised supports for child protection, including social workers, to be provided as a matter of
Charlie McConalogue TD
Ennistymon Cumann (Clare)

4) That this Ard Fheis calls for a comprehensive strategy to tackle childhood obesity.
Galway City West Comhairle Ceantair (Galway West)

5) That this Ard Fheis makes tackling excessive youth alcohol consumption a priority.
Athleague Cumann (Roscommon)
Senator Terry Leyden
6) That this Ard Fheis calls for the construction of the National Children’s Hospital to be expedited.
Ned Daly Cumann (Dublin North Central)

Children 7) That this Ard-Fheis calls for the successful ECCE free pre-school year introduced by Fianna Fail to be extended to a two year programme

in order to continue to build educational services provided for children at a crucial time in their development.
cont. Carndonagh Cumann (Donegal North East)

8) That this Ard Fheis calls on the Government to proceed with the new National Children’s Detention Centre in Oberstown so as to
ensure an end to the practice of detaining juveniles at St. Patrick’s Institution.
Gleneely Cumann (Donegal North East)

9) That this Ard-Fheis calls on the Government to publish a plan to ensure that sufficient social work staff are in place to ensure that the
introduction of mandatory reporting leads to a robust and safe child protection service.
Culdaff Cumann (Donegal North East)
Communications, 1) That this Ard-Fheis demands that all media outlets are unbiased in their portrayal of all political parties.
Garlow Cross Cumann (Meath East)

Energy & Natural
Resources 2) That this Ard Fheis calls for stronger enforcement of BAI rules regarding balance and fairness in the broadcast media.
Tipperary Comhairle Ceantair (Tipperary North)

3) That this Ard Fheis calls for the TV licence regime to be reformed to allow local broadcasters access revenues from it.
Ballygunner Cumann (Waterford)

Éamon Ó Cuív TD
4) That this Ard Fheis calls for cuts to the salaries of top RTE presenters both in terms of fairness and as an act of solidarity during
the downturn.
Waterford City Comhairle Ceantair (Waterford)

5) That this Ard Fheis calls for more rigorous rules on broadcasters to prevent a repeat of the Fr. Kevin Reynolds libel case.
Tipperary Town Cumann (Tipperary North)

Senator Mark Daly 6) That this Ard Fheis condemns any attempt for a single media interest to dominate large sections of the Irish media.
Cork North West CDC

7) That this Ard Fheis recognises the role of local broadcasters in maintaining our cultural, sporting and local heritage.
Ballyhea Cumann (Cork North West)

Communications, 8) That this Ard Fheis calls for a rigorous study on the possible side-effects of fracking before any such onshore mining begins.

Carrick-on-Shannon Comhairle Ceantair (Leitrim)

Energy & Natural
Resources 9) That this Ard Fheis condemns the Government for unfair cuts to the Better Homes Energy Scheme.

cont. Limerick City CDC

10) That this Ard Fheis commits to using our abundant natural resources to increase our renewable energy output.
Kerry North West Limerick CDC
Ard Fheis Organising Committee
Rory Scanlan, Dublin North Central - Chair Kevin Fitzgerald, Cork North Central
Frank Begley, Tipperary South Michael Freeman, Dublin North West
Kathryn Byrne, Dublin South East Conor King, Dublin West




Up the Republic, they raise their battle cry
Soldiers of
Pearse and McDermott will pray for you on high
The Legion of Eager and ready, for love of you they die
The Rearguard Proud march the Soldiers of the Rearguard
Chorus: Legion of the rearguard, answering Ireland’s call
Hark, the march and tramp is heard from Cork to Donegal
Wolfe Tone and Emmett guide you, though your task be hard
De Valera leads you, Soldiers of the Legion of the Rearguard
Glorious the morning through flame and shot and shell
Now, rally Ireland, your sons who love you well
Pledged they’ll defend you, though death or prison cell
Wait for the Soldiers of the Rearguard
Crimson the roadside, the prison walls, the cave
Proof of their valour, go sleep in peace ye brave
Comrades tread lightly, you’re near a hero’s grave
Proud die the Soldiers of the Rearguard
Shell shattered fortress and shot scarred brigade
Trumpet the story of the glorious fight they made
Wearied, outnumbered, undaunted, unafraid
God bless the Soldiers of the Rearguard
Every year the Organising Committee liaises with the Gardaí over safety and security at the Ard-Fheis.
We want the security to be as unobtrusive as possible but we do have to ensure the safety of our members attending. Please co-operate with

Delegate & Observer Safety

any requests made to you by Gardaí and security staff during the day.
Security personnel have the right to refuse admission.
Your ticket must be visible at all times. This ticket is valid only if accompanied by valid photo ID, for example:

• Driver’s Licence
• Passport
• Department of Social and Family Affairs Client ID
• Garda Age Card

In addition, you should bring your Fianna Fáil membership card, where possible.
Your bar-coded ticket is traceable to the holder and his/her cumann.
Access to the auditorium will be on a first come - first served basis.
If you lose your ticket, report it immediately to the Enquiries/Ticket Collection Office who will advise you on obtaining a replacement.
Every member will be asked to show their ticket accompanied by their membership card at the entrance to the convention centre.
Large items of luggage and coats are not allowed in the conference venue. Please keep items to a minimum to speed up the admission process.
Regular ticket and bag checks can be irritating - none of us like to queue – but we are sure you understand why such security is necessary.
Fianna Fáil
65-66 Lower Mount Street
Dublin 2

Tel 01 676 1551


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