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A Seriously Subversive Cell

REPORTS have been coming in of the activities of a new underground cell within the Stationers Company. It is known by the codename, Young & Stationery. The group is believed to be dedicated to the radical concept of having fun a serious form of sedition in some societies. Although the Stationers Company has long been known for its fine banquets and convivial gatherings, the new group is pushing the limits through such dangerously subversive practices as croquet, quizzes and ing the Stationers, he is said to be attempting to influence other Livery Companies, such as the Pewterers, under the guise of Inter-Livery cooperation. The Venerable David Meara, our Hon. Chaplain, and the Clerk, William Alden, have even been seen in his company. As a service to our readers, Stationers News has been gathering evidence of the so-called fun-loving activities of the Young & Stationery movement. Here is a selection. You have been warned.

fancy dress masquerades. The ringleader is reported to be a young Liveryman, Pdraig Belton, dubbed Master of the Revels by the popular press. Not content with infiltrat-

Jeeves & Wooster, What Ho!

THE Young Stationers reconvened the Drones Club in Stationers Hall on the 3rd November, hosting a Jeeves and Wooster charity drinks for the Lord Mayors Appeal with the Young Pewterers. Hall surged with constables, curates, mustard-check waistcoats, taxidermed mooses, and aunts bellowing to aunts like mastodons across a primeval swamp. Some 150 Drones made their way valiantly through seas of gin martinis and cakes. Festing them well on the eve were Brian Eastman, producer of the ITV Fry and Laurie series (who held his wedding reception in Hall), and Robert Daws, tellys Tuppy Glossop. Both hope to bimble along for some jolly what ho with the Drones soon.

Quizzical Victory

REPRESENTING the Stationers Company, the Young & Stationery team came first in the fourth annual QuizAid at St Brides Church, in support of ChristianAid. The team comprised Miss Madeleine Clements, Miss Suraya Jina, Miss Chantal Hadley, Oliver Linch, Graham Jones, Dr Alun Harris and Liveryman Pdraig Belton. The picture shows the Venerable David Meara, Rector of St Brides, presenting members of the team with a fine bottle of bubbly.

The evenings co-hosts, Miss Eleanor Mason Brown from the Young Pewterers and Liveryman Pdraig Belton from the Young Stationers, prepare to foist prize Bolly upon the victor in the Best Dressed Drone stakes. Judge Dr Eileen Walsh awarded the prize bottle to Dr Cressida Ryan, who ventured from Oxford dressed as Honoria Glossop.

Runner up Best Dressed Drone, Liveryman Robert Sanger, adjusts his monocle. Receiving the prize, he confessed he had not known the evening was fancy dress.

Wooden Spoon Trophy

THE Young & Stationery team stormed to a magnifent third place in the InterLivery Croquet Competition in Surbiton in June, bringing home a Wooden Spoon trophy, now on display in the MembersRoom.

Even More Quizzical

THE Company fielded two fearsome teams for the Society of Young Publishers Quiz Night in Camden in August: the Young & Stationery champions and the Stationers Quizards, which included the Clerk, William Alden, and Deborah Rea, Communications Manager. Neither team came last. The evening raised 1,000 for the Book Trade Charity.

Stationers News / Page Five

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