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Operating System Lab

MS II Year IV Semester

List of Program
1. 2. 3. 4. Basic Unix and VI editor command Write a program using system function Write a program using fork system call. Write a program using fork system call such that parent should print even number (between 1-100) and child should print odd no. 5. Write a program using fork system call such that parent should print its own PID and its child PID. Child should print its own PID and its Parent PID. 6. Write a program using execlp function. 7. Create a child and use execlp function and execute the factorial program by child process. 8. Scheduling Algorithm a. FCFS b. SJF c. RR 9. Thread Programming 10. Classical synchronization a. Bounded Buffer Problem b. Readers-Writers Problem c. Dining Philosophers Problem 11. Bankers Algorithm 12. First Fit, Best Fit, Worst Fit 13. Page Replacement Algorithm a. FIFO b. LRU c. Optimal 14. IPC

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